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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dual-spec Coming and no changing advanced classes!


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No big deal. Switching advanced classes would actually keep me playing longer since I'd get to try more content (the other AC). I'm not going to reroll a character and suffer through the same story twice. Not going to happen. Guess BW doesn't need my money.


You are not missing out on content because you didn't pick " the other AC".

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Why not just add a class that can do everything? Like the WoW Paladin? Best tank, best dps, best healer. It's just not fair you have to play as a single class with a specific set of skills.


/sarcasm off.


Sorc anyone? They aren't great at tanking but can pretty much do anything else.

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If I have a bounty hunter, why must I LvL up a new bounty hunter if I want to tank with my main character?

To learn how to tank with your Bounty Hunter.

You have spent 40 levels learning how to be a RDPS and Healer. You haven't learnt how to be a tank.

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The dual or multi spec aren't going to be free. Just look at your Legacy *COMING SOON*. Field respeccing- and it's not going to be cheap. Just look how expensive the other perks are.


So sure there will be dual specs! Just not for everyone. Only to those that exploited billions of credits.

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No big deal. Switching advanced classes would actually keep me playing longer since I'd get to try more content (the other AC). I'm not going to reroll a character and suffer through the same story twice. Not going to happen. Guess BW doesn't need my money.


The other AC is not "more content". The content is the same, the only difference is how the two classes play.

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Let's copy WoW...but we'll be subtle...we'll introduce things that have proven to be popular over a long period of time to mask the fact that we are a blatant copy that has failed its task at copying.


Lol, wow is a total copy of older MMOs. In fact I don't think ANYTHING in WOW was invented by blizzard. All they did was take existing ideas and dumb them down.


You should NOT be able to switch advanced classes though. If you could it means 1 character can fill all 3 roles being certain classes, while others could only fill 2. It would be broken. Just because you pick your AC at level 10 does not make it something as simple as a skill tree.

Edited by NasherUK
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Show me an mmo that lets you change your class


SWG did it, in fact I switched about 11 classes over a period of mere months in the holo grind :p


And even though I wouldn't switch AC I really don't see any harm in it. I have a Jedi Shadow and I wouldn't mind playing a Sage but even if the quests gave actual US currency as rewards I wouldn't do them over again LOL

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I agree there is quite a big difference between the two advanced classes within each single class. However, I find it ridiculous that people honestly think it is right for people to have to play through a single class AGAIN just to get the other specialization. The problem with this...


1. Some people do have lives, and moreover JOBS. Meaning they may not have the time to play that same class over again, and if they're like me they would want to try out different classes all together. Then again, like me they would still want to be able to simply switch their AC when they wish. (although there MUST be a rather large fee of course)

2. Also you would need to play through the same story. With more thought, there is a way around this however: if your first class was with the republic, then simply make a character of the same class as Sith for a different story. At the same, most people have strong ties to one specific faction, and the strength is reinforced by their guild/friends ontop of it all.

3. One way or another their are ties between the individual specializations for the most part; however small they might be. These are ties none the less, and with the force wielders ever closer. Realistically, I simply cannot see how a Jedi Guardian couldn't become a Sentinel, nor how a Mercenary couldn't become a Powertech. They've got very close similarities, and with the others it isn't so hard to believe either.


Here is a third option that will be more accepted by even Anti Dual AC

Some people have the problem when they hit 50, or when they're about to hit 50 that they wanted to change their specialization because after constant leveling, they didn't like the one they picked way back when. If Bioware doesn't allow players to change their AC in the future to the other AC, why not allow a one time opportunity to switch your AC 1 more time permanently? At level 10 you didn't necessarily know whether or not you would like the specialization you picked or not in the long haul did you?


My final comment: I find little reason to be against the idea of dual AC, and it gives many players more options and less time going through the same time consuming quests that they had to go through on other classes already just to end up with a 2nd character which belonged to the exact same class as the 1st to begin with.



When you choose your AC, you are told several times that it is a PERMANENT decision. There is NO going back. It didn't say "You can change this at any time so you can always be the FOTM class" or "you can change this one time."


To those with lives and jobs, you leveled one toon to 50 while you had a life and a job. You can level another. It may not happen overnight, but you CAN get another toon to 50.


If it means playing through the same story again, or playing on the opposite faction with new people, then so be it. Playing through the same story a second time, you can play with your friends and maybe help them level an alt. If you choose to play on the opposite faction, maybe you can make some new friends.


Let me address the "let us make a one-time change to AC" argument. IMO, this is simply a way to level as the "easier" AC and then switch to the prefered AC for raiding, ie. level as a DPS sniper and switch to an OP healer for raiding. If you want that OP healer for raiding, level as an OP, you can level as DPS and respec to heals at 50. Your first respec is even free. Respeccing is NOT the same as, or even remotely similar to, changing AC's.


Even for those rare individuals who aren't trying to take easier path to 50 and then switch, but genuinely want to try the other AC, what happens when they find that they really prefer their original AC? Does BW allow a "one time" switch back? Where does it end?

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oh, that's right. it slipped my mind that anything an MMO does is "copying WoW", of which copied EverQuest.


breaking news: this act of borrowing isn't news.


And gosh darn it if Chevrolet would only stop using tires! That's so stolen from Ford!


Basing a new design on successful previous designs isn't theft. It's good planning. If you try to re-invent the wheel with every aspect of your product, you'll never complete it. The key is to ensure that your product has significant differences to separate it from the competition. In many industries, the significant difference is nothing more than a lower price.


SWTOR has significant differentiators - story that people (maybe not you) want to pay attention to, voice acting that for the most part stands heads above the "which developer has the coolest voice?" hiring practice of most game developers, and a complex setting based on 30+ years of contributions from Lucas Arts, Bioware, and others. It also has some small differences in mechanics from That-Other-Game. Think the bolstering system for 10-49 pvp and the mirrored classes.

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Let's copy WoW...but we'll be subtle...we'll introduce things that have proven to be popular over a long period of time to mask the fact that we are a blatant copy that has failed its task at copying.


well maybe wow was your first mmo, but it was not THE first mmo and they copied plenty from thier competition.

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SWG did it, in fact I switched about 11 classes over a period of mere months in the holo grind :p


And even though I wouldn't switch AC I really don't see any harm in it. I have a Jedi Shadow and I wouldn't mind playing a Sage but even if the quests gave actual US currency as rewards I wouldn't do them over again LOL


Yep one of the best parts about that game. You can go from melee to range to crafting in a week or so

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Dual spec isn't going to be here any time soon but it will find its way in eventually, the field respect in the legacy is not dual spec (or multi spec) it's another pointless legacy item.


I do not understand why people are against an ability to change AC, why does me changing from Gunslinger to Scoundrel make any negative difference to you? It really make no sense. The positives are it creates a great deal of potential flexibility in group make up with limited populations or just between friends who want to play together without having to try to pug a tank. Stop with the 'you should never be allowed to do this' and get over yourselves.


Many people chose their AC, back at level 10 or so, and quite a few played thru and would like to try the other or don't like the one they chose, why does it improve your game to punish them for getting it a bit wrong or wanting some flexibility?


Of course it will encourage some people to hop from one AC to another every other day, but who cares?


The cost to do this is already going to be something people need to soak up as their gear will at best be very bad when they swap and in some cases be unusable, meaning they will need to gear up over again (hint to BW: this means they WILL play more and pay more = money!)


The 'just say no to anything that may be fun crowd) should also appreciate that there are not enough slots per server to allow the whole range of classes and AC's, though adding more slots would be a good thing too.


Someone mentioned that SWG allowed complete class re-specification, many cried a river over that too, in fact it was probably one of the more popular features, though I would prefer it didn't make it into this game as I don't think its needed at all and it would mean that the 1..49 class levelling would be missed.

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The dual or multi spec aren't going to be free. Just look at your Legacy *COMING SOON*. Field respeccing- and it's not going to be cheap. Just look how expensive the other perks are.


So sure there will be dual specs! Just not for everyone. Only to those that exploited billions of credits.


Actualy that legacy "field respec" will be in 1.3 and is not the "daul spec" feature. i dont know how much "field respec" is , but yeah i guess they could make dual spec a legacy perk you have to buy and i wouldnt really be against that except the one thing this game does not need more of is money sinks.


Now if they are going to charge you to swap specs with dual specs, thats just stupid, i still dont see any justification to charge people to reset specs right now.

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  • 1 month later...
Let's copy WoW...but we'll be subtle...we'll introduce things that have proven to be popular over a long period of time to mask the fact that we are a blatant copy that has failed its task at copying.




The majority of what WoW did was copied from it's MMO predecessors EQ and Asheron's Call. Just beacuse you did not play an MMO before WoW, does not mean WoW invented the genre. All Blizzard did was take all the good parts of other MMOs, dumb them down to the lowest level and spit them out.


Blizzard innovated nothing, they just took the next logical step of what was already done.

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Yep. And Blizz even takes snippets from SWTOR. Area loot in MoP, anyone?


I, admittedly, although while completely understanding why people do not want to see advanced class swapping, would like it as an add on to dual spec; just because I don't get along with the ranged DPS side of Sorc and would love to try Assassin out. HOWEVER I'd like it to be ridiculously hard to obtain and needs a lot of work to get. Something like:


- need 1 of each AC at max level, either two of the same class (Sorcerer and Assassin) OR of the 'opposing same class' (Sorcerer, Shadow/ Sage, Assassin).

- need unknown quest chain like that for gaining the magenta crystal/orokeet/tauntaun minipets that players have to figure out

- requires expensive Legacy Character Perk unlock at the end of it all.


I'd approve it then.

Edited by Jazshen
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Every feature they said they would never add will be in eventually. They need to make money to keep us happy. changing advanced class wil be coming within 5 months. it's not game breaking to have such features. it truly makes you play more and grind more and sink more money it will be added.


If you are making a theme park MMO you better have what the big kids on the MMO block have. I'm not sure why many of you think it's game breaking to have features from Wow/EQ or whatever those games are still going and Wow is still the big dog.


If this were a sandbox I would be up in arms about LFG and all of that but it's not it's a themie and they need to draw people in or we get free to play fully just to cover cost and a pay to win item shop in 2013


But of course my opinion so pay no attention to me :rolleyes:

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The majority of what WoW did was copied from it's MMO predecessors EQ and Asheron's Call. Just beacuse you did not play an MMO before WoW, does not mean WoW invented the genre. All Blizzard did was take all the good parts of other MMOs, dumb them down to the lowest level and spit them out.


Blizzard innovated nothing, they just took the next logical step of what was already done.


Did you really need to necrobump a thread that's been dead for a month and a half?

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Daniel Erickson: We have no plans for switching advanced classes - which we see as fundamentally different class designs- but dual spec is in the works and coming soon.


From this thread:

http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-feb-10th-2012 <-- read it


Here is another post on it http://1stvideogame.com/?p=2504

Soon like in a year or two, regarding when it was said by Lord DE..


Yep. And Blizz even takes snippets from SWTOR. Area loot in MoP, anyone?

You mean from Rift who took it from Dungeon Siege. Perspective is the key ;)


BTW dungeon siege is even better than all we have in MMO because not only you can have a real mule following stuff and carrying your gear but there's a one button autoloot that does not you to even click on a corpse to loot.

Edited by Deewe
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