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If the legacy system wasn't put in at launch unfinished


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People will complain. No matter what.


Also, they didn't advertise it so much as say that they wanted to get it in for launch. And then later said that the name was all that they'd get in until later.

Edited by Inarai
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What I'm saying is people will complain either way so just play your alts and wait for it


Personally, I don't think that means they shouldn't, and I VERY much doubt you will convince them not to.

Edited by Cormey
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Agreed. At least they allow us to get xp for it now...


But I before I go attempting to level it up, I'd at least like to know generally what the rewards are (social abilities? NEW abilities? More stats? Races?)


In the future preview video it was confirmed that a Miraluka character was playing on Korriban, which would highly suggest that faction-exclusive races could be available to both sides via the legacy system.

Edited by xGBox
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Agreed. At least they allow us to get xp for it now...


But I before I go attempting to level it up, I'd at least like to know generally what the rewards are (social abilities? NEW abilities? More stats? Races?)


They've actually touched on this in a few interviews, for example you'll be able to play a Mirakula Juggernaut for instance.

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Everyone would complain when it was released saying that they've played tons of hours and no credit has gone towards it


Or they could have just put in a workable legacy system at the beginning. Imagine that!


I swear some of the legnths you people go to to defend this game is just absurd.


Botton line is they could have at least made this feature do something at release. Why add such a blatantly unfinished feature into a game upon release and then advertise the fact it does absolutely nothing? Doesn't make much sense to me.


Anyways...it's getting added next month so this isn't a huge issue for me. I just hope it actually does something cool - and gives me something to do endgame OTHER than grind tedious dailies and beg hopelessly in general chat on the fleet for a flashpoint. That crap is getting old quick.

Edited by JeremyDale
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They've actually touched on this in a few interviews, for example you'll be able to play a Mirakula Juggernaut for instance.


That's hardly something that will "blow us away". A wookie juggernaut.. well that's another matter. Make it happen.

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Its more the issue that it was advertised. not having it is ok, but when it was designed to help people create alts and most of the ppl who are either lvl 50 or just alt lovers already have mid lvl to high lvl alts. It kind of makes the system redundant.


What im saying is, buying a tooth brush for a man with no teeth is kinda pointless in the end.

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Or they could have just put in a workable legacy system at the beginning. Imagine that!


I swear some of the legnths you people go to to defend this game is just absurd.


Botton line is they could have at least made this feature do something at release. Why add such a blatantly unfinished feature into a game upon release and then advertise the fact it does absolutely nothing? Doesn't make much sense to me.


Anyways...it's getting added next month so this isn't a huge issue for me. I just hope it actually does something cool - and gives me something to do endgame OTHER than grind tedious dailies and beg hopelessly in general chat on the fleet for a flashpoint. That crap is getting old quick.


If they left what they currently have out of the release, what would they tell the people who might have 8 level 50s by the time legacy is ready or even 4. Sucks to be you. You've done all that work for no legacy xp. It was released so people could have a second name and earn legacy points. The rest wasn't release because it was ready. It's that simple.

Edited by JerokTalram
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If they added wookies, then my head might explode with joy.


Otherwise, it doesn't really matter.


I'm thinking Wookies would be part of an expansion. I believe already said that Wookies and Doshs would have to have their own unique story lines (at least at the beginning). Mostly because they can't speak basic and the VOs wouldn't work the same or something.

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Agreed. At least they allow us to get xp for it now...


But I before I go attempting to level it up, I'd at least like to know generally what the rewards are (social abilities? NEW abilities? More stats? Races?)


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it will be mostly socially and alignment oriented and will not give you I-WIN buttons or a variety of new combat abilities ripe for PvP exploitation. For the most part, I'm guessing it will be conveniences or boosts to your ability to win conversation choices, maybe some synergy between your charasters' crafting and gathering abilities, reductions in cooldowns to things like your fleet pass...things like that.


This will, of course, result in a brand new fun and fantastic forum meme, with people who expected a new abilities tree or had high hopes of being able to grind their Legacy level to gain some massive advantage...they'll be complaining that BW has yet again committed an atrocity and crime against humanity and this why the game will fail DOOOOOM!!!!! DOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!! DOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!

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If they left what they currently have out of the release, what would they tell the people who might have 8 level 50s by the time legacy is ready or even 4. Sucks to be you. You've done all that work for no legacy xp. It was released so people could have a second name and earn legacy points. The rest wasn't release because it was ready. It's that simple.


Ah if it's Jerok, ever the SWTOR defender :)


To be honest I think doing it that way would have been a plus, as it would give players like me more to do at the end of the game working on our legacies.


Probably my luck when they actually do release the legacy thing it'll already be capped out and I won't even be able to work on the new feature and will remain bored lol


Anyways, I'm not buying this excuse and believe they should have either made it do something when they put it in the game or leave it out entirely. But like I said earlier this isn't a big issue for me, as I can wait for March. But it does emphasize a disturbing trend in recent MMORPGs to release largely unfinished games, and that's becoming a problem.

Edited by JeremyDale
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Most people are only annoyed that unknown Character Creation options have not been revealed.


That any character creation option is tied to legacy boggles the mind, you shouldn't have to play through twice to get to create the character you want to. But as it stands Bioware refuse to tell anyone what these options are going to be. Sure they don't have to be in but to not even let people know what will be in makes no sense.


Or let people use them on pre-made characters created before Legacy goes live. A one time retroactive character creation. Nobody wants to get to 50 then have to do it all over again cause it is the only way to get access to these features.

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Most people are only annoyed that unknown Character Creation options have not been revealed.


That any character creation option is tied to legacy boggles the mind, you shouldn't have to play through twice to get to create the character you want to. But as it stands Bioware refuse to tell anyone what these options are going to be. Sure they don't have to be in but to not even let people know what will be in makes no sense.


Or let people use them on pre-made characters created before Legacy goes live. A one time retroactive character creation. Nobody wants to get to 50 then have to do it all over again cause it is the only way to get access to these features.




With the amount of end game this has.. I fear I will have one of every class 50 and fully geared before the legacy system comes out.

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