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Other players "helping" you ....


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I'll admit that this upsetting people never crossed my mind. I'll throw a buff on you if I see you around and toss a grenade into your mob on the way by as what I intend as a friendly gesture. :confused: I suppose I'll stop doing the latter. I'm still going to buff random strangers, though. It's fun.


Yea I have no problem with buffing others. I do it all the time, like some serial buffer.

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As a Guardian, I'll let someone fight the mob on their own until they are close to dying. Then I will taunt it off and help them kill it.


I don't mind the help if someone feels like lending a hand, but I generally have no problem killing an elite while alone.

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No you didn't - you just explained how you watch other people struggle in fights and die, then go in to finish off the mobs while they hope that you might res them - which you don't. That's not advice, it's arrogance and showboating.


The MMO gaming experience is what you make of it - spread a little love around and you might just find it returned. Karma.


Obviously you didn't read the post. Go back and read it in its entirety. From the beginning.

Edited by marshalleck
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Not really sure why anyone's worried about it, according to forum reports the servers are a barren wasteland so the chances of actually running into someone in mid combat are slim to none, right?



Yes but there is still a chance that you might run into someone. Worst case scenario the person you run into might even want to communicate, group or worst of all help you. :eek:Bioware has to take steps to prevent this type of thing from happening it is simply unacceptable in this type of game.:mad:

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If the mob is gray i will help them especially if its a Boss in a quest area. Most of the time people just want to kill it and get on with the quest so i help speed up the process. Ive never had anyone get mad everyone always thanks me for the help and i do the same for them when they help me out. Ive actually met quite a few friends in game helping out with stuff like that.


I think of it this way. I would rather have them help me when I don't need it than not help me when I do. So if someone helps me when I don't need it, I shrug it off. If we start pushing people away, they will stop helping even when you really need it.


Also it's not like there's not enough spawns in this game so kill stealing really doesn't hurt as much as it did in some games (still very annoying though). The exception being the some bosses who are unique and don't spawn quickly.

Edited by JerokTalram
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Whats worse, and Ive seen both situations.


Helping someone who is clearly going to die & getting credit for kills.


Or (and this made me laugh)


A group of 2 guys noticed that a guy nearby aggro'd 3 mobs at once and was clearly going to die.


They immediately rushed over to him.

They both clicked on the mobs and began cheering for the mobs.


It was hilarious to watch this guy getting murdered with two guys cheering on the mobs.



And yes, I just stood and watched. =]

Edited by DaxFlowLyfe
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hmmm I make a point of always helping people and must admit i never considered that anyone would object to this. If i see someone taking on a group and i am going in that direction i saw nothing wrong with jumping in and helping out then going on my way, or at the very least hitting them with a powerfull strike on my way past. Very very rarely do I even get a "ty" even when saving someones life and that is a little off-putting in a way, and often ill tell myself "stuff em, no help from now on" but i always end up doing it anway :)


If someone jumps in to help me I don't think OMG he stole my 50xp or whatever. I am just glad its one less annoying mob to fend off. :rolleyes:

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The only time I personally will attack another player's mobs is if it looks like they're about to die. It drives me nuts as well when someone runs up and kills the stuff I was working on. Often because, like you, I may be working with a new ability or a new rotation or whatever and it throws me off.







The majority of the time I just run by and throw them my buff

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Is it considered rude in the MMO community for someone to run up and "help" you by attacking the same group of mobs you are fighting? If they attack one of the mobs you have not hit yet, doesn't it turn red for them, and they get the credit?


I know there are times when I want to fight elites. Most of the time im not doing it for the loot, but for the practice of fighting a harder target. Then some yahoo runs up and starts helping me. It really gets on my nerves. I know they are just trying to help, or show how awesome they are, but I don't appreciate it.


Im not trying to be a jerk here or anything. I would just appreciate a little MMO etiquette.


I actually agree with you but I've also been yelled at for NOT helping when somebody was getting beat on. /sigh..........you can't win.

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If you are on the opposing faction I will either watch you die, or steal the kills if they are red. If your on my team, I'll buff you, help you in need, and throw a project at your grey enemy as I waltz by. If it helps you it kill something quicker and I have extra force I see no issue.
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I have apparently been black-listed by several people because I put the BH buff on them while they were standing in front of a flashpoint door.


I have also been "yelled" at for healing someone *after* their fight was over. I saw them fighting the mobs, they were at 50% health and the mob was almost dead. I did not do anything untill he killed the critter and looted it. Then I used a heal on him so he could get back to the action a little quicker... and for that I got an earful of "I don't want your help you %&^%&^ newb, if you want to be a %^&@%&^ carbear go play Barbie on-line"


I have also seen several people aggro a group of mobs and try to pull them onto me while I am fighting another group in the same area, and was then informed that "This is our area for now, we got here first, you should go back to Korriban and play with the slugs".. note that this was while doing the Daily missions on Belsavis.


I like to help people if they need it, I appreciate others helping me even if I don't need it, but the attitudes of many people in this game just boggles my mind.

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Don't help, get away from me. Don't give me your buffs, your rezes or any other advice you think I need. If I had wanted any of that crap I would have asked you for it. Now, kindly bugger off and go annoy someone else.


Dont ask me for buffs or rezes ... If i wanted to do that I'd tell you :p

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IT is very situational - standing by and watching a guy get smeared against a wall is generally considered impolite, but wading in with an AoE nuke that wipes the group and possibly deprives him of progress on a quest update is also rude.


Asking him "Do you need help?" would, in theory, be the polite thing to do... but as there is no Pause button, if he is fighting for his life, is he really going to take the time to type a response?


As a healer, I have it easy. I can just dismiss my companion so he does not aggro, target the player in distress, and Force shield/heal him. Ironically, most of the time he then just loots the mobs and buggers off without saying a word... so much for me being polite :)

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I only help when I feel a player is really struggling, their health is quickly going down and it looks like there is no way they will come out of the situation alive.


Saying that, one time I was playing a game and saw a guy with very low health. I rushed into help and it turns out he was making a video and part of the "script" was for him to die. So he barked at me and I apologized for the misunderstanding. Five minutes later I see him doing the same thing and another player rushed into help lol. I think he got the hint then and moved on to an area where there were less people. So you never know!

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Obviously you didn't read the post. Go back and read it in its entirety. From the beginning.


Yeah i did, but if you really want a breakdown :


Instead of whining on the forum, why don't you tell the person in-game "hey, I'm guessing you're probably trying to help and I appreciate the thought but I am trying to get some practice taking on more difficult opponents."


You open with an insult, and then go on to offer advice that probably won't work -by the time you ask someone not to help, it's probably too late


"Or, just go to one of the many phased story areas and clear it enemies, then go outside, open your mission log, reset the mission, go back inside and clear it again."


That would get boring, fast.


But to be honest, it was your third sentence that i really picked up on :


"BTW I don't usually help anyone fight mobs. If they look like they are dying, I'll stand by and watch them die, then kill the pack after it resets. Preferably while the person is still laying there dead hoping for a rez. Then I leave. "


What part of that isn't selfish ? Seriously, you must have had some pretty awful MMO experiences to be like that.

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I don't mind so much when people "help" me once, but you have those kind of stalkers-online, that keep following you wherever you go and "help" you with every mob you attack. I've always wondered why people do that. I can't get really mad about it anyway.


I won't just help people without them asking, I will only buff them or send a heal if I see they are in real trouble.

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If I do decide to help someone, I will only do so on mobs that are already gray for me and if I think they can't survive the fight. I'll even rez your companion for you if it dies and buff you up :o


Yup, this. I'm on an RP server and its in my Toons character to help out.

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On the other hand, lots of people also use "I am helping" as an excuse to steal kills. In TOR this generally isn't an issue unless you're talking about one of those bonus bosses that take 10 minutes to respawn. Doesn't mean doing it on purpose isn't rude, though.


If I see other people that look like they're about to go for one of those bosses I usually group up with them. It makes it much easier plus it means you aren't rushing to get the first attack so you don't have to wait.

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If you are on the opposing faction I will either watch you die, or steal the kills if they are red. If your on my team, I'll buff you, help you in need, and throw a project at your grey enemy as I waltz by. If it helps you it kill something quicker and I have extra force I see no issue.


If they're on the opposite faction I'll usually wait for them to finish the fight. When they're at their most weakest and then jump in to kill them. I don't attack whilst their fighting though as that's actually stopping them doing the bonus or whatever as they wouldn't get the kills. I have had people complain in general about someone on the other faction jumping in when he was attacking a mob and went from the Mandalorian camp on Tattooine to the Czerka base just to pop out of stealth with a hidden strike and kill him. I probably kept doing that for about half an hour untill he got pissed off and left. That's karma though.

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I have apparently been black-listed by several people because I put the BH buff on them while they were standing in front of a flashpoint door.


I have also been "yelled" at for healing someone *after* their fight was over. I saw them fighting the mobs, they were at 50% health and the mob was almost dead. I did not do anything untill he killed the critter and looted it. Then I used a heal on him so he could get back to the action a little quicker... and for that I got an earful of "I don't want your help you %&^%&^ newb, if you want to be a %^&@%&^ carbear go play Barbie on-line"


I have also seen several people aggro a group of mobs and try to pull them onto me while I am fighting another group in the same area, and was then informed that "This is our area for now, we got here first, you should go back to Korriban and play with the slugs".. note that this was while doing the Daily missions on Belsavis.


I like to help people if they need it, I appreciate others helping me even if I don't need it, but the attitudes of many people in this game just boggles my mind.


THIS is why I mostly play Republic. ;)

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I have apparently been black-listed by several people because I put the BH buff on them while they were standing in front of a flashpoint door.


I have also been "yelled" at for healing someone *after* their fight was over. I saw them fighting the mobs, they were at 50% health and the mob was almost dead. I did not do anything untill he killed the critter and looted it. Then I used a heal on him so he could get back to the action a little quicker... and for that I got an earful of "I don't want your help you %&^%&^ newb, if you want to be a %^&@%&^ carbear go play Barbie on-line"


I have also seen several people aggro a group of mobs and try to pull them onto me while I am fighting another group in the same area, and was then informed that "This is our area for now, we got here first, you should go back to Korriban and play with the slugs".. note that this was while doing the Daily missions on Belsavis.


I like to help people if they need it, I appreciate others helping me even if I don't need it, but the attitudes of many people in this game just boggles my mind.


That sucks. I'd try a different server.

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For people who get upset when another player buffs you:


You do realize you can right click the buff icon and debuff yourself, correct?


Back to the topic on hand, as long as it is a one time occurrence and you don't follow me around, I don't even think twice about it.

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Well I mean if OP doesn't want players assisting his kills, why would he want or expect healing or a rez after combat, depending on its outcome?


If everyone takes the "hands-off" approach and plays an MMO like it's a single-player game, the inevitable end result is a bunch of people appearing to act like selfish, uncaring jerks to each other.


You appear to be the perfect distillation of that approach

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