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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No Movement Enchantments in Huttball


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TL;DR version of this entire thread is that a couple butthurt mercs/PT/ops want to be good at everything and have every ability every other class has so they can play hero and fulfill their virtual dreams. If they can't, then every class has to be changed to play just like a non force user. This is called homogenization and it makes for a very boring game. If you hate your class that much and want to be a hero that badly, reroll to a class role you like playing. Not like getting 50 takes a long time.


This. If you are so envious of another class just play them. If you find yourself not contributing in huttball, you need to self reflect.

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I dont see a reason to remove it, that would be like saying people with tank spec/gear aren't allowed in Huttball, because they can take much more damage than a dps/heal.


Additionally, if you're playing good team vs good team you need to pass and often times even not use a force speed or whatever. I used it countless times to get away from the middle up the catwalks just to run into either someone who kicked me down or just killed me bc all support was left behind due to my speed.

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If you remove speed you have to remove every skill that is not either Damage or Heal. Cause they allow for "Gamebreaking" Tactics like moving through Flames etc. But my Point is its not Gamebreaking if the Game is designed around those Skills which clearly is the case. The Catwalks were designed with Knockbacks and Charges/Pulls in Mind so it would make no sense to remove those Skills. Edited by OneSierra
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imho at least in huttball, but may be even in pve, something like this should be implemented


1) healer shields- prevent interrupts, does not interrupt pin-down or slow

1a) healer shield and speed burst type skill effects cancel each other (end the effect or at least prevent from activating)


2) "brake free" type skills add 20 (or at least 10) seconds of "clear mind"* buff making player immune to stun (during the buff stun effects are turned into pin-down instead). IN PVP ONLY-for the duration of "clear mind" prevents player from receiving burst speed skill buffs (this is very important to not brake huttball)

2a) after using "brake free" type skill a player is immune to stun for 3 seconds or till player uses a skill/consumable.


3) player can be stunned by a chain of maximum 2 full duration of different (not clone) stun skills (long and short); taking both stuns OR suffering 10 seconds of short stuns in 30 second interval add "clear mind" buff (mentioned above)


4) Ball holder cannot use force jump/pull type skills


5) Players on opposing teams goal area receive "Goal line"** effect, goal line effect ends 40 seconds after dropping DOWN from goal area or when player crosses 2 different flame hazard zones or dies:

Player who scores under the effect of "Goal line" gets buff "Goal"**


5A) Player under "Goal" gets "Boss immunity" for 10 seconds or till player uses damaging skill or receives speed burst skill buff

5B) Player under "Goal" cannot score another goal till "Goal line" ends


5C) While under "Goal line" Stealth type skills end after 10 seconds and cannot be activated till "Goal line" ends


5D) player affected by "Goal line" effect cannot pull allies


6) Player entering "Huttball" wz receives area effect "Huttball rules"** changing skill effects to ones mentioned above


7) Player re-spawn in spawn point after death in a WZ (or pve medcenter) finishes cool-down of all skills

(does not apply if field revive used)


8) if stealth broke because of stealth scan- player cannot enter any form of stealth for 1 minute


9) in any WZ all medpacks same level as the player mimic the effects of rakata, same for stims (no end on death etc, except the the reuse- that remains for rakata users)


1-3 gives a maximum freedom of skilss without ball handlers constant-stun state letting him pass the ball, but preventing from just running the way

5- no more cloaked ball scorers w8ing on line, no mora insta-death for scoring a goal

8-bioware can as well remoove the skill if a cloaky can just run 2 paces aside after found with scan and cloak again)

9-ends the need for nerfing biochem and stops the uuber-upper hand of bichemists above all other (atm biochem is a must if u want to live foe more than 3 secs in pvp)



i think such changes would balance the huttball out without actually leaving any class at a major disadvantage cause of skill trees or crew skills


*"clear mind" is just the first more or less useful name for such a skill that popped in my mind- call it "awake" or anything more suitable

**"Goal line", "Goal" and "Huttball rules"- same story

Edited by xPyro
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if i can't use force speed/charge/intercede while carrying the ball, then i shouldn't be:






knocked down

knocked back

knocked sideways

knocked forward


whilst carrying the ball. only fair, right? you wanna stop me from scoring, take my health to zero without getting me stuck in the fire.

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Certain classes are more useful supporting the ball carrier, why shouldn't certain classes be better at being the ball carrier.


Different classes have different roles. Classes with high mobility are best at being mobile. These are obvious facts and should not need to be stated.

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If your class doesn't have a knockback on a reasonable cd you shouldn't be standing out in the open on cat walks it will lead to being charged there are ways for you to travel around the map w/o opening your team up to being scored on.


Force speed has a cd to it it's not like the guy grabed it then zipped all the way to your goal.


Your sorcs/mercs/snipers should be up on the your catwalks making sure that mid is under your control and preventing sorcs from sneaking on them and positioning themselves to pull a ball carryer closer.


These skills are all part of the game. If you play properly and use "teamwork" in a team game you have a better chance of winning.


Most sorcs save there burst for the last fire pit to make the trip over it as short as possible because by the time you get to it you can usually be cced again.


Sorcs that like to pull people run ahead of the group follow them knock them off then jump off so no one jumps to u. You can still hit people from the lower platform if you position yourself properly.


Charges are easy to anticipate and if people are constantly scoring id yell at my teamate or I would feel pretty stupid myself if I was the target he kept charging.

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I am confident that when ranked warzones come out they will remove movement enhancements while holding the ball because the #1 team with be 6 Sorcs, 2 Assassins.


Also I love the analogy about the Riftstalker / Bard combo in Rift. Thank god it isn't that bad here but it does bring back nightmares.

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As an operative healer, I am generally speaking completely worthless in Huttball. At high levels of competition, Huttball teams basically fly around the map and even players at sprint speeds are basically completely out of play unless they have some sort of pull or push.


I can't even keep my teammates healed, b/c things move so fast.


At best, I can troll the terraces and fight for the center, but if there is a sudden strat change I am the odd one out. As it stands, no ranked team in competition would ever pick a scoundrel/gunslinger.


Yea sure, I am fine against Pubs and crappy players, but once things are organized its just a joke.


Anyway Huttball easily has the most glaring class imbalances in the entire game right now... Right up there with melee in Ilum! You could nerf ballplayer movement, but that wouldn't improve things either.


At the end of the day, BW one way or the other will need to rethink the dynamics and give some sort of unique and powerful abilities to the underpriviledged HB classes. (eg the ability to throw the ball twice as far or somesuch)

Edited by EbonFade
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As an operative healer, I am generally speaking completely worthless in Huttball. At high levels of competition, Huttball teams basically fly around the map and even players at sprint speeds are basically completely out of play unless they have some sort of pull or push.


I can't even keep my teammates healed, b/c things move so fast.


At best, I can troll the terraces and fight for the center, but if there is a sudden strat change I am the odd one out. As it stands, no ranked team in competition would ever pick a scoundrel/gunslinger.


Yea sure, I am fine against Pubs and crappy players, but once things are organized its just a joke.


Anyway Huttball easily has the most glaring class imbalances in the entire game right now... Right up there with melee in Ilum! You could nerf ballplayer movement, but that wouldn't improve things either.


At the end of the day, BW one way or the other will need to rethink the dynamics and give some sort of unique and powerful abilities to the underpriviledged HB classes. (eg the ability to throw the ball twice as far or somesuch)



+1 Also feeling the pain as scoundrel.


Even if I had the ability added to dirty kick which only knocks them back 5 meters, I would be happy. Just any-way-thing that would effect my movement or the position of another player, other than walk ...

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Counter the speed boost tips:


1. Make sure you are prepared for if a booster gets the ball and is near the end (map awareness helps)

2. Make sure you are in a useful position to counter

2. a) This can include not standing near and edge if a charger has the ball or standing on a lower platform ready to pull them down just after they get past a firepit

2. b) Even out of position, you can charge in and slow/stun to ensure those speed boosts don't help.

3. Perform the counter

4. Blow them up

5. Get the ball

6. If all else fails, blame your team for farming in the middle...

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These abilities break huttball. I get into games where 1 guardian can repeatedly cap the ball no problem with only a few offheals to backing him up.


All it takes is 1 idiot standing on the edge for a charge class to charge up and score, completely nullifying the terrain and obstacles.


Mark me words these abilities will get inhibited in huttball.

Edited by Motoeric
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These abilities break huttball. I get into games where 1 guardian can repeatedly cap the ball no problem with only a few offheals to backing him up.


All it takes is 1 idiot standing on the edge for a charge class to charge up and score, completely nullifying the terrain and obstacles.

The problem there is that you've an idiot on your team.


Saying leap should be removed because of this is like saying that stealth should be removed from Voidstar/Alderaan because the idiot you left guarding the door/node didn't notice the stealther destealth and ninja cap.

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The problem there is that you've an idiot on your team.


Saying leap should be removed because of this is like saying that stealth should be removed from Voidstar/Alderaan because the idiot you left guarding the door/node didn't notice the stealther destealth and ninja cap.


We aren't asking for leap to be removed. We are asking for leap to be removed while you are holding the ball.

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yeah bunch of sorcs 1-2 guardians and that is all you need.(i play guardian btw and think its cheese, i can completely screw up and fall into the pit and still get an easy score if the other team has anyone spawning soon)


Force Charge is pretty good because its so easy to get to the pit then charge someone who just rezzed. There really is almost no where someone can res and not for a second be in range and los to get charged up to.



Will see how these strats turn out in ranked but for the most part i can't see a big flaw in a sorc + guardian team.

Edited by goxwerd
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You should not be able to use ANY movement enchantments while carrying the ball in Huttball. This includes: Intercede, Force Charge, Force Speed, Force Pull. Any of these kind of abilities should return the ball to the neutral position.


However, enemies should still be able to pull the ball carrier into hazard, pit etc.


Allowing all these movement enchantments makes throwing the ball moot. Also having 8 sorcs will not win you the game anymore.


so many people who think the game should be changed because they can't adapt.


Your inability to figure out how to play huttball is not a code issue.


I think this is a troll

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A sorc holding the ball without a sprint is useless. This makes no sense to me.


What if you ARE somehow queued with a ton of sorc and you can't sprint? You can get taken down in seconds vs just about anybody. Survivability is basically zero.


At least with the ability to sprint there's a chance.


Not to mention that usually BOTH teams have sprinters so what does it matter?


And I'd say most scores are by tanks being healed anyway. Heck, I've seen Battle Master Powertechs just walk thru everybody with no fear or care but I don't hear anyone complaining about that.

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You should not be able to use ANY movement enchantments while carrying the ball in Huttball. This includes: Intercede, Force Charge, Force Speed, Force Pull. Any of these kind of abilities should return the ball to the neutral position.


However, enemies should still be able to pull the ball carrier into hazard, pit etc.


Allowing all these movement enchantments makes throwing the ball moot. Also having 8 sorcs will not win you the game anymore.


translation -- Let's make scoring near impossible.

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