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negative opinion threads getting closed very fast


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Yes there are people with bad opinions of this game but it seems that more and more of these posts are getting closed just because of a negative opinion and not over the top obscene language or insults. Its starting to look like censoring


Yes, well this is BioWare's forum - they can do whatever they like with it.

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Yes there are people with bad opinions of this game but it seems that more and more of these posts are getting closed just because of a negative opinion and not over the top obscene language or insults.


I know, finally something positive happening on the forums.

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Negative isn't the same thing as constructive. Then again, if you create your own website/messageboard/blog...you can be as negative as you like.


Until then?


Basically this. If your thread offers nothing in the realm of constructive information, it will be closed. It amazes me that people still do not understand this despite the repeated posting from the mods on every thread that has been closed.

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yes but even the constructive criticism ones are being closed


Because there are other constructive threads of the same topic/nature, possibly?


No, must not be the case. Must be because all negative threads must be closed. Then I suspect they are doing an awful job because the need to close out a lot more ongoing threads for this to be true.

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Yes there are people with bad opinions of this game but it seems that more and more of these posts are getting closed just because of a negative opinion and not over the top obscene language or insults. Its starting to look like censoring


Whine whine whine. The game sucks for these reasons










What does this add to the forum - as the mods post says 'constructive discussion'. There is nothing constructive that can come from it - its either trolling, arguing or whining.

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Yes there are people with bad opinions of this game but it seems that more and more of these posts are getting closed just because of a negative opinion and not over the top obscene language or insults. Its starting to look like censoring
they're not being closed because of negative opinions... it's the rudeness and blatant trolling.
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Yes there are people with bad opinions of this game but it seems that more and more of these posts are getting closed just because of a negative opinion and not over the top obscene language or insults. Its starting to look like censoring


Saying that "XY could need improvement" wont get your thread get closed EVER. Other factors determine if your thread was closed.

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Yes there are people with bad opinions of this game but it seems that more and more of these posts are getting closed just because of a negative opinion and not over the top obscene language or insults. Its starting to look like censoring


Theres no such thing has "Censoring" on "privet forums" and before you ask no you don't have the right to freedom of speech , you gave that away when you agreed to the terms .


But to get to your point , it depends if there inflammatory or not , and then of course its all the responses form the posters beyond the OP that get them closed , I agree with you "constructive negative threads" should be allowed , but hay its not up to us , the great Mods in the sky make those decisions and for the most part I think there fair , I have seen them close plenty of positive threads for the same reasons .

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Whine whine whine. The game sucks for these reasons










What does this add to the forum - as the mods post says 'constructive discussion'. There is nothing constructive that can come from it - its either trolling, arguing or whining.


what does OMG i love this game itz so good ive played to lvl 15 its the best is any more constructive? no its even less useful than criticism

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Yes there are people with bad opinions of this game but it seems that more and more of these posts are getting closed just because of a negative opinion and not over the top obscene language or insults. Its starting to look like censoring


OMG, REALLY? If what you say is true...that negative ranting tantrum threads are being closed very fast...then I have one thing to say to BW and one thing only:

























Edited by Blotter
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I believe in the first amendment!


The First Ammendment does not apply to private property. If you come into my house and start calling me every name in the book you will be kicked off my property. So if you think the First Amendment will allow you to continue standing there think again.

Edited by SIMJEDI
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Constructive: Presenting your points with zero emotion, zero hyperbole and backing up those points with factual information not based on anecdotal evidence.


Most complaint posts: whining based on emotional responses dripping in hyperbole and zero backup facts.


Emotion has it's place. Debating on a forum is not one of those places.

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Some people have problem differentiating negative with trolling. There are plenty of negative threads around. BW allows far more than I think they should. So much childish ranting is allowed. They should be slapping bans around more liberally.
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Hello all,


We close threads for a few reasons. If multiple threads are posted on the same topic, we will close them in order to consolidate them. This helps keep feedback in a place that is easy for us to find and go through, and also makes moderating those discussions easier. We will also close threads that break the forum rules.


We will not close threads just because they are negative.


We strongly encourage feedback; even negative feedback has its value to us. We just ask that feedback is constructive and follows the forums' Rules of Conduct, whether positive or negative.


Now, if you do feel that a thread was closed when it should not have been, we want to know about it. Please send us an email so we can investigate. Our email address is: communitysupport@swtor.com


We are going to go ahead and close the thread, but strongly encourage you to email us with any questions or concerns regarding moderation.

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