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Dear BioWare, I am... bored.


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By no means is this a knock to you buddy, but onling gaming is a business. With so many millions of dollars to produce this game I would have expected more at end game.


While, i do understand it is a new game, my 15 dollars is MY 15 dollars. Consumers dont want to pay for something that is incomplete when you could just pay for something that is.


Here is the other thing, 15 dollars a month with 2 millions subscribers is 30 mill a month, So i have no sympathy for massive coorporations that produce the bare minimum standard product.


I hear people claim that VO was expensive, but I am sure you would be happy to take 30,000 to do an ingame voice for these characters. Heck probally even less.


There are plenty of talented people out there, if your spending millions on VO then your company has too much money to spend.


The point is we paid in excess of 70 dollars a person for the game alone. Now we are paying 15 dollars a month. You pay for premium products not substandard gameplay, this is not a charity for EA.



you spend more for a pizza and a beer.


Your understanding about investment and return is limited.


What we see here is the standard for MMORPGs. You are describing first person shooters, or MMOs such as Call of Duty. This is a long term social game that develops over the course of 7 to 10 years. It is actually in great shape for such a new release.

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I have 4 separate toons between 20-46 and the repetitiveness of the linear world progression is overwhelming. I have to hold my nose and spacebar through the quest giver yapping because I can voice the lines before they come out of their mouths.


The only things that are interesting are the class story lines and playing a different toon that requires a different style of play.


The space combat points to the level of recycled content in the game. Same exact missions down to the same exact flightpath. But wait! You get either Sith or Republic ships as enemies!


Unfortunately I don't see a quick fix for the problem. Bioware would have to rework large parts of the preexisting worlds which I don't see happening.

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I like how no one actually reads his post. He doesn't want more Flashpoints and Ops he's tired of those things that you have to run a 100 times. I agree with you, the game needs more end game content that doesn't revolve around repetition. Pazaak, Speeder Races, Decoration etc are really neccesary soon.

There are two options with adding things like that, at this point:

  1. It works
  2. It doesn't

Can you imagine the outcry if it works? People will go mad saying "How could you get this right and not [insert bugged/missing feature that they personally want]??"


And can you equally imagine the outcry if it doesn't work? "OMG, more phail! You can't even get Pazaak right!!"


For the record, I'd like to see the casinos actually turn into casinos.

Edited by Scar
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Worst mmo launch experienced: Tabula Rasa (unless you were there, you wouldn't believe how bad it was. You'd think anything I said was made up it was so outlandish)


Oh man, TR. That game was sooooo bad. Like I wanted to burn my HDD for having had the beta installed bad.


I actually rank it below FF14 v 1.0, at least FF14 TRIED to do something different.

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One of the outstanding points of this game are it's story lines. I think BioWare's biggest "mistake" is that once you hit level 50, you're wrapping up too much of the good content. The next part of the personal stories should have been in the game for level 50, and there could of been one or two more planets to do missions on; even if it just got us money or something else. The story, dialogue, etc are all the strong points of the game. There's tons of stuff to do at "end-game", but it's still the similar "end-game" we see in other MMO's with BioWare's touch to it.


I think alternative activities would be great, pazaak, racing or other mini games, ship customization, different types of space missions that include story, more companion centered content in abundance would be nice as you're pretty much shut out from them interaction-wise after you max out affection and do their little side missions which are fewer than I would have hoped. At this point they're just pet's until some updates happen.

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You are a grown up man (obviously from your post), and you can't realize, that the days of theme-park based WoW-ish MMOS are over?

WoW sucked the life off the genre in this form, on top of that BW made a crappy copy of WoW, when ppl were looking for something else than a WoW with Star Wars skin?

Can't you get it?

It's done. This game CAN NOT be fixed, the way you want, because you want a structural change. I doubt they can do that in less than a year time. All they can do at this point is release more of the same - FP/OPS, which is a dead end, cause ppl don't want more of the same, they don't want quantity and to repeat the same they ran away from WoW for, they want quality and the structure of SWTOR have nothing more to offer, sadly.

They can add new class based scenario/story - which is then taking us to the next point - why would i pay monthly for a single player game in a, only by words, MMO. And why would i play a semi decent single player game when i can play so many REALLY good and made to be single player games, that are out there.

I, for myself, as soon as i hit 50 realized it's not what i hoped for, it's just the same old plane WoW-ish boring grind and even the PvP, which could have kept me in for a while, is a big fail with the same old mistakes of both WoW and Warhammer mixed...horrible.

The first to make the really next gen MMO with new breaking features will be a success, BW failed, they are going down and they are going down fast, because they used a wrong model, wrong design and failed at too many points.

With total 500 mil invested and over 5 years and so many examples, a studio like BW should have realized the simple truth - the only game that was and can be successful with the WoW model is...WoW.


This is my exact same attitude at the moment, but slightly more positive. I do believe that in order to be a WOW-killer, you 1st have to create WOW, then add to it or modify it. BW is almost there. If the game does not loose it's investors (mostly the subscribers) then we will see good things within a 1 years time I hope.

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You know I do feel bad for folks who are not getting the same feel of fun out of TOR that I am; but there is a disconnect....many of these people are sure that if their design was implemented then everything would be double rainbows.


And that isn't true


You would just have another group of people who are now pissed at the changes screaming on the forums.


The hardest thing to accept for many gamers MMO players especially is that a game may not be for them. It doesn't make it bad or failboat it means it just isn't for them.


The worst thing any MMO can do is drastically change the mechanics of the game after launch; NGE taught us all that. The best thing a person can do if the game isn't singing for them is to move on; voting with your wallet sends a bigger statement than any forum rant ever could; if you will notice the people who make huge "this game sucks and I quit" goodbye post rarely get those email surveys that ask: "why don't you like us?" Because ranting on the forum basically marks you as a troll it's those who don't say a word and quit that gets the developers attention.


It's hard to face that the game you have waited for wasn't designed with you in mind but the genre is growing and we will get more and more types of games that focus on different types of players....I don't see that as a bad thing.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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we need 100 more flashpoints by tomorrow bioware


get on it!!


You haven't understood a thing...


Honestly after seeing where the game goes I'm bored and I still haven't seen it all, but is too linear.


The Sentinel arc gets (imho) boring after the "act finale" at 35, now I'm leveling different alts to see that act finale but I'm doing the same over and over again.

The only "juice" for me now comes with the companions, but is a conversation what, every 1000-1500 points? ><


More content != More Flashpoints

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100% Agree with OP


I to have been waiting.....literally years and years for a good mmo to come out. It took me just a few weeks of gametime to see what WoW was and I never went back. Shadowbane and UO were two favorites of mine back in the day....and the recent Darkfall was a nice change (I prefer non-instanced Lootable PVP By the way) but I couldn't stand the UI and all around mechanics of the game...but the concept was awesome.


I also aggree with the OP statement concerning crafting...it's currently useless, so what's the point of it even being in the game. Acquiring the best gear in TOR is currently also just another form or grinding.


and when you run out of things to do...rolling alt's isn't the answer in this game ( I have 5, levels 35-50).


Rolling an alt in this game (currently) is comparable to if you were running a marathon race and about 15 miles into it someone picked you up in a car, drove you back to the starting line, then said...ok, now go...and have fun with that.....it kinda kills your motivation and takes the fun out of it.


Anyways...my 2 cents

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Im really worried about this... but is true...

I thought that after 5 years of wow il would have enjoied this game for the same amount of time..

The game is fun at the begin cuz is SW, and because in fact is well done (groupin with other ppl is the funniest moment of the game) and the story is interesting (i know many ppl doesnt like it but for me is ok).

The problem is... i already know anything about the game... i know how to play: the commands are the same as other games; the chars are the same: ive seen the sheet with WOW warrior and TOR trooper comparated.. the same powers with similar names...

Bioware lacked in courage...

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Great post. I agree - to a point. As a fan of the original two games that this one is based on (KotOR & KotOR 2) I can see the similarities between them as clear as day. I've played through both of the original games probably half a dozen times each now and they change even less than this game does. The stories are good and that's what keeps me coming back for more.


The problem that this game runs into are the filler missions between the class stories. The original games were praised because they did NOT include this type of content. They are almost always very derivative and something that any gamer over 20 years old has been repeating for eons in countless other games. There's no avoiding them in the MMO genre. If you skip them all you will eventually run into an issue where you are too low level to damage the enemies in your class' story areas. But I have come up with a solution that works for me (and maybe you).


When blasting (or cutting) your way through a planet's story - leave a few quests behind. Don't do some of the Heroics. Skip the Bonus Series. Don't worry about completing that Bonus Objective. This makes all the difference in the world when you will be going back through these same areas as another class. They will have fresh missions to do that you have never seen before, dialogue you haven't heard, and descisions to make that you will struggle with.


This may be hard if you are at all like I am (completionist). Just keep in mind that you will be back to finish these missions some other time on another character. The XP you lose out on can easily be made up with Space Missions (fast) or Warzones (slow). In 10 minutes worth of Space Missions you will net 2 story missions worth of XP (and some credits as well as Fleet Commendations).

Edited by McGristle
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Isn't doing the same thing over and over expecting different results the definition of insanity?


Lot more to this game than just grinding one toon to a nub. Explore the different class quests. Even many sidequests have different options. Instead of releasing so n so kill him this time around.



I see what you're saying here but in reality, our quest choices don't matter in the long run, really.


Ok so doing this side quest on my alt, I kill the guy instead of letting him go. I will either gain or lose affection with a companion, gain light points instead of dark, and I'll still get the quest reward, most likely from the original quest giver even. Then what? Nothing's really fundamentally changed there. Redoing the side quests really isn't an viable option to keep boredom at bay for many people and that's why most people spacebar through them the 2nd time around.

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And to directly respond to xorcist, who asked how many mmo's I have been in at the start of, I would like to answer with the following:


Total MMO's played from day One: 12 (not counting each reboot of Ryzom or any mmo expansions)

Total MMO's beta tested: 6

Total expansions beta tested: 9 (including every WoW expansion)

Worst mmo launch experienced: Tabula Rasa (unless you were there, you wouldn't believe how bad it was. You'd think anything I said was made up it was so outlandish)


Also, I design Telecommunications systems for a living. I actually have a decent understanding of how complex systems interact and are interdependent upon one another. I realize a mmo is not an easy set of systems to deploy by any stretch of the imagination.


Just sayin' ;)


At last I find here another player of Ryzom!


I played around 2004-2006. Pleased to find someone here.

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TL,DR: I am a huge fan of Star Wars & BioWare, and have given the game a solid chance. It needs more content. Please fix.


[Reserved for responses to thread]


chrisftw: I'm not looking for more Flashpoint grind, although some people may enjoy it.


Big content patch coming in March. March is in 21 days (it's a leap year). Patience young padawan, patience.

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I see what you're saying here but in reality, our quest choices don't matter in the long run, really.


Ok so doing this side quest on my alt, I kill the guy instead of letting him go. I will either gain or lose affection with a companion, gain light points instead of dark, and I'll still get the quest reward, most likely from the original quest giver even. Then what? Nothing's really fundamentally changed there. Redoing the side quests really isn't an viable option to keep boredom at bay for many people and that's why most people spacebar through them the 2nd time around.


Actually in the long term many of those decisions are extremely impactful and very big decisions, you just don't get to see the ramifications of -all- your decisions yet. When has this ever been the case until you see some sort of expansion or update to an RPG with player choice? Eventually, I can easily see the choices you made, even on regular missions, coming back and effecting your game play experience later.

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At last I find here another player of Ryzom!


I played around 2004-2006. Pleased to find someone here.


Ryzom has, in my opinion, one of the best designed talent systems ever placed in an mmo (very similar to the old SWG talent trees, but much better). Not to mention the world is really well designed. If a major studio ever got their hands on it and updated the graphics engine, did some advertising it would be a popular game.

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At least in EVERY OTHER MMO I have ever played I could roll out an alt and explore other classes, see different aspects of the world and explore new areas. Here it's the same linear path, same quests, same same same.



I think this is seeing other games through rose colored glasses.


even in wow, which everyone likes to use as their examples, outside of some very rare class specific quests you are going along the same linear path doing the same thing as the next guy, and making an alt wont change a single thing.


especially once you hit outlands or any of the WoW areas developed in the last say 5 years. there is 1 linear path to progress down and thats it.


the only exploration is learning the new characters skills... which isnt really hard in an mmo where the most complicated things you tend to have to worry about are "dont stand in the bad stuff" and "mash 1-2-3"

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One thing I was looking forward to in this game believe it or not is the space combat. The system they have is good for a launch. In fact the missions are well done and quite enjoyable, however there is so much room for improvement in this department.

Let players:

Purchase their own ships (perhaps make certain ships play differently and have different strengths and weaknesses).

Upgrade them with different options (current upgrade options are too linear with no customization).

Customize the interior and exterior.

Have sandbox mode missions (in addition to the current siderail).

Have dogfights (both pvp and pve).


A similar list could easily be made for:

Pod Racing


Capital Ships

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Ahh, the ADHD generation... I've found plenty to do once I've reached 50. Don't know where you guys are going wrong, but with daily pvp quests, daily PVE quests on Belsavis and Illum, Flashpoints with my guild, and trying to get my happy *** to battlemaster, I still have to stay up WAY too late for my liking. oh an for crafting, I just mae myself some reusable grenades, giving myself an extra stun/slow every 5 minutes, so it can't be completely useless...
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This game just feels so formulated and trapped.


The entire game just feels like a number of instances, rather than one big world.


World pvp is aimless to say at least, since empire and republic territories are safely divided so it discourages people to engage in pvp.


there is no reason to explore the planets for reasons other than datacrons that you feel like you have to find.


some people saying that the story aspect in this game is revolutionary in mmos, but biowares been doing this same moral choice/companion thing for ages, i'm not undermining their accomplishment, but all they've done is get WoW's tired formula + Bioware story in a starwars universe.


It's pathetic how much of a safe route they took on this game. they're just squeezing the last drops of juice out of this beat tired formula.



I'm not pessimistic about this game, but maybe it is useless to wish for oranges on an apple tree.

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Yeah, I hit 50 I do daily's and HM; however, im loving the consular sage. Id say your lucky to have a different story. Most games don't even have stories. And those that do are just repeats with different tunes.


LOTRO for example, has only one story and after like two to three years of playing it. I got terribly board. I understand you don't wanna run content again, but a different tune makes a whole llot of difference.



My opinion.

Edited by Cordarn
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Ahh, the ADHD generation... I've found plenty to do once I've reached 50. Don't know where you guys are going wrong, but with daily pvp quests, daily PVE quests on Belsavis and Illum, Flashpoints with my guild, and trying to get my happy *** to battlemaster, I still have to stay up WAY too late for my liking. oh an for crafting, I just mae myself some reusable grenades, giving myself an extra stun/slow every 5 minutes, so it can't be completely useless...


So what does that make you? The blind generation? Or the arrogant generation? Take your pick. >_>


The OP posted his/her/its opinions and you come here mocking her/him/it. You're doing very well in portraying SWTOR's community.

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Ahh, the ADHD generation... I've found plenty to do once I've reached 50. Don't know where you guys are going wrong, but with daily pvp quests, daily PVE quests on Belsavis and Illum, Flashpoints with my guild, and trying to get my happy *** to battlemaster, I still have to stay up WAY too late for my liking. oh an for crafting, I just mae myself some reusable grenades, giving myself an extra stun/slow every 5 minutes, so it can't be completely useless...


The irony in this post is fantastic.

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