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Everything posted by NecrologyX

  1. NGE didnt kill SWG, the fact that SWG was a crap game from a crap company killed it. SWG should have been called Intergalactic Farmer Simulation or Fed Ex In Space, cause thats about all you did was farm minerals or deliver packages from A to B. Also, you are either "the right spec" right now or you're sub-optimal and wrong. You are more cookie cutter now than you will be when this goes live. Or again, you're just putting points in places that are not correct just to be "different". So again what exactly is the problem?
  2. QFT. I leveled one of each Rep and Imp when the game came out, did most if not all the planet stories. They were fun. Then I did them again on alts. They were less fun. Then I did them again on more alts, and I basically quit most toons around level 15 or 20 cause while I love the class quests I'm just done with the planetary ones.
  3. Yesterday morning I cancelled my sub because I wasnt planning on playing till 3.0 launched as ToR isnt my "main" MMO. However with the 12x XP boost for subs I will be reupping and continue to pay so I can finally get my commando and my BH to 55, both of which have been in the mid 20s since about a month after launch. Thank you so much for this boost, my only complaint is that it doesnt get applied everywhere I'd love to do space missions for 12x XP. This needed to be a purchasable unlock months ago as slugging through the planet missions for the 5th time is beyond boring. If I have to kill one more Esh-Ka on belsavis I'm going to go crazy. Thank you again Bioware, dont listen to all these doom and gloom complainers wah wah 12x XP is awful. Its the best thing you've put in the game this year.
  4. Hes mad cause every time you SWG people post you complain that X feature will ruin the game. Then 6 months later the devs realize you people are wrong like 2+2 = yellow wrong and they go back and finally fix it, only half the population is gone and refuses to come back.
  5. holy moly... I'm going to quote an old friend from wow here before they redid talent trees in MoP. Your spec sucks. You somehow managed to click 45 times in the talent tree (or however many points you actually get) but missed the most important skills? You failed. Congrats at being bad. Go respec or get out of my group. Even in ToR today, there is only one correct spec per role. You either pick the "correct" talents or your spec is sub optimal. WoW was like this too. I cant even tell you how many times I'd see hunters go balls deep into survival and somehow skip explosive arrow. Its like "how can you fail that badly, did you play SWG or something?!?!" So yeah, this is a good change.
  6. I would happily pay 25 bucks to move my toons republic to empire. As far as the companions go I could care less if you just reset them all to zero affection even if I have their affection maxed before the transfer happened. Honestly, I could even care less if you said "If you faction change we have generic story options we pick for you based on what part of each chapter you're on". I do not care about the story. I do not care about any RP. If you have objections to it from an RP standpoint do not use the service should it ever become available. It is never in the games best interest to lose players - if someone is at the point where they'd rather pay to swap factions and continue playing or quit, the better option is always not to let them quit.
  7. I was a Beta player and even paid for my "founder" title (and I think a month or two after that). Game was horrid. 200m spent and they lacked things like a LFD, getting from zone to zone required like 10 loading screens, and it just felt like late vanilla early BC wow. Which is really sad cause the flashpoints were really fun, just getting to them required spamming fleet for hours on end (even as a healer/dps at first, then slightly better when I rerolled tank). I told a friend when I quit "I really wish I was sick of the content, but the fact is I am sick of trying to get TO the content". Been there done that in other games and realllly didnt feel like doing it again. Came back a month ago and while I think there are some quirks, it's an entirely new game which I am happy to pay for. Game has an LFD, two SM LFR raids, the leveling experience is a LOT better since you can buy legacy perks to speed it up, plus the game doesnt run like poo anymore even on a 5 year old machine that I play on from time to time. The server merges also means instead of like 40 people on the fleet there are 200+. IMHO the game is better today then it was at launch, it's sad that unlike many other games TOR had a pretty fleshed out end game at release it was just so "old school hard" to get to it I dont know what they were thinking.
  8. It exists as a convenience fee - if you dont like it you can spam in the fleet and find a buyer. 6% of 1m is.... 60k. If you're selling enough items to "lose" 100-200k that means you're clearing 2-4m in credits so really... who cares?
  9. Ehh, you're probably right - except the tank and healer have to be the not derp, or its over.
  10. What do you do? you have them run the F out if they get the thing. I have seen melee dps stand there with it, backpeddle, back up like 5 feet, you name it I've seen it. I have seen melee dps stop what they are doing and get the F out and it works just fine.
  11. Here is the only "problem" with LI HM - even with the best gear in the game, if one person is a moron the instance is not beatable. First boss - cant stand in glowy circles. This is impossible for some people. Robot boss - cant drop electricity in the center platform. This is impossible for some people. Sav'rik or w/e his name is - have to stand under his crotch or get knocked off. This is impossible for some people. In ToR I try not to be a douchebag and kick people because they may not be the sharpest tools in the shed, but in LI HM I have gotten tired of wiping over and over so I have a three strike rule - if you cannot grasp a mechanic in 3 pulls with me explaining what to do then /votekick is incoming. If the baddy doesnt get kicked then I leave and the group can do what it will. Wasting hours of my life because someone cant stand under Savriks crotch is not on my list of things that are fun.
  12. Bioware is in the business to make money. Subs were down, so they went F2P. With F2P you have a % of the population who are never ever going to pay for anything but still use resources and a % of the population who will only ever pay the 15/mo, and a % of the population who will pay the 15/mo plus extra each month to play dress up barbie. Bioware is banking that the latter two categories outweigh the benefit of letting people play for free. The people that play get a more populated server so they have people to play with so technically its win win for everyone. Of course, this means that Bioware needs to charge for things that in a true P2P environment might have been free. I would hope that Makeb is at least 5-10 hours of questing which seems about right with the pace of the 40-50 leveling with full +25% exp boosts and moderate amounts of rest plus at least a dungeon or three and maybe a raid. Entertainment costs money. When you deem a form of entertainment to be not worth what someone is charging, you dont pay for it. I love football but I dont really want to pay for a ticket so I dont go to the games. I dont scream at the NFL for charging too much I just dont support them. Also, I quit this game 3 months after it came out cause it was not worth the money - when I feel its not worth the money I will leave again.
  13. I play video games (at this point pretty much only ToR) an average of 3 hours a day. Thats 21 hours a week 84 hours a month. That is $0.18 an hour to play this game. If they tack on 10-20 bucks every 6 months for a planet lets do some math and see what that ends up being. 504 hours / (90 dollars for sub + 20 for expac) = $0.21 an hour. Lets redo that using 1 hour a day on average 180 hours / (90 dollars for sub + 20 for expac) = $0.61 an hour. Lets compare this to a movie. 2 hours / 13.00 a ticket = $6.50 / hr How about watching cable tv for 3 hours a day for a month 90 hours / 29.99 per mo (thats the intro price for basic cable from Comcast) = $0.33 / hr So yeah, this is still the cheapest form of entertainment available.
  14. I am a Founder and played for 90 days at release, as well as about 6 months of Beta. I came back to the game when it went F2P and immediately dropped Cash for HK, then subbed, then spent more money in the store than I care to admit. It took me roughly 90 minutes to get all the pieces from the world (this includes getting the Taris one twice since I was on an alt and that is one an alt cant loot), about an hour or so for the dungeons, then about 10 minutes to do the final quest with a friend. I also did the entire scavenger hunt a SECOND time the SAME DAY for the friend who I eventually completed the quest with, and I think that time it only took about an hour. The longest one was Dromuund Kaas or however you spell it and that was simply because someone looting it right before we started and I believe (no proof though) there is a respawn timer on it. Having played other MMOs with rep grinds and other gateways, a 3 hour investment for a companion I have waited for since release is reallllllly not that bad. Edit: Also of note, I like this better than the Legendary Staff I got in Firelands (like 4 months, 2 of which were AFTER another guildie got it) and the Legendary Daggers I got in Dragon Soul (another 4 months). Figure each of those runs were about 5-6 hours a week x 20 weeks where I had to be on a raiding schedule, yeah the 3 hours it took to get HK who is a lot cooler is hardly worthy of complaining
  15. I played this game in Beta and it was meh. I played it at release and it was alright. I resubbed a month or so ago and while there are still things wrong, they have fixed quite a bit of the issues at launch. The glory days of this game are not gone, and hopefully we're not in them either (as there ARE still things that can be improved on IMHO). This is not the best MMO out there but its definitely better than its ever been.
  16. Well this is possibly the best thread on the boards atm.
  17. If you want to know how much damage you did to a mob, just check the combat log after you killed it.
  18. Yeah, this is the part that I dont get why there is such hate. If I am not finding groups, then "YOU" arent playing with me anyway. So what do you care if I press a button to play with 3 other random people WHO ALSO CANT FIND GROUPS?!?!?!?! Like, in WoW I have two options to form groups 1) the old fashioned way spamming trade/general/friends lists/guild 2) press a button Guess what. I do both. Sometimes I do a mix of the two (awesome, we have a heal and a dps, lets queue for a tank and 2 more dps!), sometimes I do exclusively one or the other. But if you hate one of those options so what. If you are finding groups so easy you must... Play at better times for your server than I do Picked a more in demand class than I did (for the record, I am a heal specced Sage who can and will respec dps as needed) Have more friends who want to do things besides leveling alts Good for you! i'd like to press a button and do a dungeon. I'd like to be sick of the content, not sick of trying to get to the content. In wow I am tired of doing the dungeons cause I have done them so much. In tor I have completely given up after weeks of spamming only to have done less than 10 HM FPs (and even then its like taral V, koan, and esseles cause after 3 hours of putting a group together everyone wants to do the "easy" ones). Do you not understand the difference?
  19. Because this isnt 1999 where a 15 hour raid was "the norm" a la the EQ1 days. This is the Post World of Warcraft land where 90 minutes should be long enough to do just about anything but a raid (and I think some on these boards even claim you CAN raid in under an hour). I'm sorry, I am in much the same position as the dude you are rippin on - I have a ridiculous amount of time to spend on games, but in smaller stints. I can log into wow (I dont want to, realllllly I dont want to) and queue for a dungeon and be done with it in 45-60 minutes EVEN IF I HAVE TO WAIT IN AN AUTOMATED QUEUE FOR HALF THAT TIME. In ToR, I have to manually parse every line of chat and sort through 1283913829103 sentinel DPS toons before I find a tank. And yes, I use trade, general, my servers level 50 channel, flag myself as LFG and what spec(s) I can cover, am in a fairly active guild, whisper people of the appropriate level... doesnt matter. I did cancel the game not because there was nothing to do at 50, but because THERE IS FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFIN NO ONE TO DO IT WITH
  20. Oh man, TR. That game was sooooo bad. Like I wanted to burn my HDD for having had the beta installed bad. I actually rank it below FF14 v 1.0, at least FF14 TRIED to do something different.
  21. A boomkin plays completely different from a feral bear. Now you're going to say "AC RESPECS IS LIKE A ROGUE TO A PALADIN" or some other such nonsensical bs.
  22. “MMOs are all about playing with your friends no matter which server they’re on, and that’s why we’re offering this as a free service to our subscribers,” said Scott Hartsman, Executive Producer. “RIFT is both a game and a service, and adding free server transfers is just one more way we can make this the best possible MMO experience available.” I believe that abouts sums it up. You are right, complaining is dumb, so I unsubbed. I am sure I am not the ONLY one who is tired of having no one else to group with cause they are on a dead server.
  23. And this is bad how? The other option is "you're a bad tank, eff it I'm done cause I dont feel like spamming for another hour to find a possibly just as bad tank" or you do start spamming, and 20 minutes in your healer/dps decide to leave cause they only had an hour and now its been 2 and their dog is on fire due to head aids and they cant play anymore, so now you have to find a new healer/dps and oh god one of the people who are left decided to go play something on Steam while they were waiting and who knows if they are coming back so I gotta find one of them now.
  24. Proper itemization didnt occur till Wrath really. However, T1/T2 were in the game and fixed when they were. Also, all the dungeon sets worked just fine for an MMO in 2004. Keep in mind, wow was in development when EQ1 was the standard. You launch WoW today in the state it was in during Vanilla and its crap. Come to 2011 when ToR launched and I feel like I'm back in 2007 playing BC. Granted the first run through the storyline is epic, but after that it was like welp done see ya.
  25. He may mean "#1 progression guild" - which is easily quantifiable. In any case the fact that his ENTIRE GUILD QUIT speaks volumes. In beta I thought to myself "wow, this is a great 60 day game, but I cant play it for years". I had my fun, I'm done. When they release an expac or some more story I will most likely come back, but maybe not cause there will be LOTS of other games in the next 18 months that may or may not be better than this game that feels like a BC reskin.
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