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Everything posted by Fezzhan

  1. my sub ends at 19th of march. Ill resub for RL issues just at the end of april. I hoper that day with 1.2 patch there 'll be some improvement. The game is quite good but without any spike of excitement (and im not an hardcore so im never playin 9 hours\day) that ive found in previous BW games (have you heard? BG enhanced version is to be released!!!!!!! wwowwwwwwwww)
  2. Yes. too easy for a new release. Yes. Im a really causal player and im levelling some alts b4 hit 50 in order to understand which class i play better. Too quick to level No. but im not an endgame fan. I was in the past but except with friends or guildies raids arent fun (i hate gogogogogogogoggogogo boyz) Nope. im not a EVE\EQ1\EQ2\AOC\WOW player but ive some experience
  3. You're rite when speakin about haters.. but constructive critics are always good.
  4. 3rd input from me on this thread. after 2 months ive to say im little bored... But i think il resub on april after 1.2 The game is interesting but i think it misses the special appeal who normally allow to be hooked for months.. What is missing? I never know exactly, there are little annoyin things like the diff to find ppl for group quests (on heavy server with 40 ppl on balmorra yesterday NOONE needed to complete for 2 hours "target of opportunity... at the end i had to solo it.) Ill come back for sure but now i wanna take a break. As last thing i would like to know why the color palette of this game (like the last BW game as DA) is soooo discolored??? Why?? Bioware started with BG that was so bright! Now it semmes like my red tshirt after a passage of my gf washmachine...
  5. If they never planned this kind of action, this project coud take months to be enacted... Just my 2 cents... the game is just 3 months old... reroll cahars isnt a nightmare... in Wow i have a char on sporeggar with 6 years... THIS could be a nightmare to lose... not a young char with 3 months or less
  6. Shhh yes I'm the invisible man I'm the invisible man Incredible how you can see right through me Sorry was writin the message and with these complicated names (why??? just use one word instead "tomb of the hutt that eaten two tuskarr on tattoine" server) i cant remind it. Now i checked: is Tomb of Freedon Nadd (standard actually)
  7. im on a heavy\standard EU server (normally one of the most ppltd) Rep side I have to say that the Fleet is always crowded and normally the Planets (im onAlderaan now) are fit with 35\55 ppl. Is simple to find mates for 4 man heroic near the main bases\houses.. for the fartest (f.e. red hand quest) is almost impossible. Happened that i was inside a cavern or on the other side of the planet readin someone ask for a group\quest i had, but i ignored the call it. Why? because after the teleport and the heroic quest i have to kill again 100000 mobs to reach a pc or a king or a goat on the other side of the planet. Lazyness? maybe, but in some cases this could be the reason why is diff to find ppl for the heroics
  8. In wow there isnt free trasfer (except from high to low NOT vice versa) after 7 years. Ppl still complainin about it (see the sporeggar server EU page but no trasfer yet. Its difficult for a software house implement this kind of transfer:And for a newborn game more than for an ancient one. It would cause a Chain Reaction...
  9. I'm leaving you today. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. Goodbye all you people, There's nothing you can say, To make me change my mind. Goodbye. ahhh the good old Pink Floyd... Just an info... Why ppl need to comunicate they are leavin?
  10. Sorry if i intervene in this polite discussion. Using "WE" isnt right. I agree with him for certain statement and with you for others. So using a "YOU" could be more appropriate cuz for example im interested in readin both of you
  11. yeah but after 30 lvls the spacebar is become my best friend
  12. they are, if the people enjoy playin for them
  13. I disagree... the choice to kill or not an enemy and the subsequent different dialog with the General Garza (sorry for the reference but i have just this experience) for me doesnt mean counting. Even light or dark side just lead to have different things to purchase. In any case im a casual player so i could have missed some contents: in that case im ready to give up.
  14. Actually some ppl is playin just to accumulate achievement. You can call'em dumb or silly but in some cases is really funny tryin to get somethin. Sometimes achievements are more fun than guesting: f.e. the turkey achievement or School of hard knocks or others. Actually i unsub Wow cuz im bored of it, and im continuin to play TOR instead, but for me is fun cuz is a new game SW branded... But isnt innovative at all... using mortar and granade with groups and blast against silver enemies 1000 times is a little repetetive... Just a last note: there's no ironic content in this game (i think for precise statement of the SW brand).. But hell! Is a game... i love makin a smile or a laugh sometimes.. While was performin the singing flowers quest in Wow or when was dress'd with a murloc costume i had a good laugh.
  15. In TOR your choice doesnt count anyway... isnt a sandbox... is a thempark game like Wow.
  16. Sorry man but i have to agree with my fellow Italian countryman. Your idea is nice but is too similar to wow. (i like wow but im lookin for somethin different and tor is already too similar)
  17. Nah he's telling a truth. Tor is a young game and need some improvement. Wow after 7 years is still better in some way. I like the voice acting but except the class story normally i jump it. And im not an endgame player... i prefer to level living the game but a 10 mins speech just to kill 10 genosians for me is useless. In any case its a game in startup. Im enjoyin it and for sure there'll be some change in the future. Just for info i dont play wow anymore and ill continue to subs TOR - it needs some time. Nothing else.
  18. Yeah!!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ8NwC4P56w&feature=related
  19. Yeah true. Guess why? It could be a great improvement split the stories. If one at max lvl (jed Dark side) could change faction it would be really intriguing!
  20. My 2 cents: just free pics from my impression durin game. Im a very casual player so i still dont have achieved the 50th level. So i can write just about the low level planets im playin in. Im levelling 2 chars on 2 strong populated EU servers (one imp, one rep, ove PVE one PVP, both around 35th lvl). The fleet is really full of players tryin to organize somethin (normally around 150 +) But the planets? We have a pop from 40 to 70 (slightly higher for imp one). In 1 month of levelling in the PVP servers i was ganked just 2 times (in 10 minutes).. so i have to say i was nearly happy cuz i was seein a sort of faction struggle outside Battlegrounds for the 1st time. The population is dropping? nah i dont think... but probably the ppl leveled one alt and after that stopped that, tryin to enjoy the end game content. Maybe we have a lack of new players Ofc im not omniscient and these are just my thoughts
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