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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will the patch today keep you playing or from canceling?


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QFT...I can't believe the sense of entitlement of some of the kiddies on these forums. I've been PVPing since UO launched...not that anyone cares. Not sure why everyone feels the need to list the MMORPG's they've played at all. I laughed my *** off earlier when I heard people mentioning Southshore/Tarren Mill PVP wistfully as if there was some sort of nostalgia factor there. That game and its PVP are who you have to thank for what you're playing now if you don't like it.


WoW was HORRIBLE at launch in terms of PVP and continued to be for a YEAR - And still sold double-digit millions of copies and subs. As much as the PVP fans like myself want the focus of the game to be that, it's not. And if we expect good content, we have to wait for it. Patience is a virtue. Kids don't have it anymore.


News flash - all EA cares about is making money on this, just like any other game. Tons of people unsub for a month or two and come back. The fact that you're even bothering to post on the forums about it shows that you care, and you probably will be back if peer pressure brings you there, just like all the other people (like me) that hated WoW and still played it for a few years.


Most of us are having fun with the game right now, and know that features like PVP will only get better and better with time. If you want to stick around for it or not, that's on you. I'm pretty sure we'll see all the people posting about unsubbing right now back at a later date when they run out of games to hop to, and if not, good riddance. Rage Quitters don't build a good community.


Wait a second. Are we back on the past ? Am i paying blizzard ?


Releases are releases, but the patches before the release is what tells you the direction the company is taking. And sorry to break your world, but they are lying on patch notes, they are doing unnecessary stuff instead of using THEIR RESOURCES to fix the real problems with the game (balance should come when that stuff IS FIXED).


This is 2012.

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Yet another broken patch yet more broken promises without any real progress in the game class balance/faction/bad game engine. The crappy coding goes on and on. Me and the rest of my guild just cancelled our subs.


Would the last one out please turn off the lights.

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If its PVP you want then there are certainly better platforms than a trilogy system based MMO platform. The trilogy sytem of combat wasn't designed for pvp and quite honestly it doesn't work very well at all.


You ask if this is my first foray into MMO pvp. No its not. It would be my third. I played Warhammer, and Rift before this. Warhammers PVP was atrocious and Rift was essentially boring. I at least find TOR to be somewhat enjoyable although the trilogy system, like i mentioned before is not designed for this type of game play.


You can never have balance in a game like this and that is why MMO pvp is always being pinged on. The only people who are happy are those who are OP and everyone else is left to whine and moan. Then the inevitible nerfs come then the the former OP people will gripe about being nerfed.


There is no way to balance out the classes because the classes perform entirely different functions. Lets face it, nobody really plays pvp like they do an instance. There is no real team work for the most part so you have to be able to 1v1 and MMO pvp just cant provide that on an equal basis and in reality it shouldn't because of the class based system.


If you want PVP then I would suggest you play shooters where it is more condusive to balance and one ability.


complaining about PVP in an MMO is kind of silly in my estimation. Its a bonus fringe capability that nice to have but in no way is it essential and to tell the truth it just a side mini game.


If that is the ONLY reason why you are playing this game then perhaps MMO's shouldn't be your genre of choice b/c you are clearly missing out on 95% of what the genre is REALLY about.


I'll agree that achieving complete balance is a pipe-dream in MMORPG PVP. It's never going to happen.


I will however disagree about only playing a game for the PvP. I won't say that I'm playing TOR or any game for 100% PvP, but 90/10 is where I'm at(PvP/PvE).


TOR or any game for that matter that has PvP or PvE as a part of the model should provide an experience to each type of player that's top notch and worthwhile. If you offer it, it had better be pretty good.


I'd say as it stands, BW is doing more to hurt the game than the slight improvements that are being made.


They need to get their heads out of their ***es, and allow character copies to the PTS to test this stuff. That's really what it comes down to. Between the massive outcry on the new hotbar UI, or the nonsense that's going on in ilum today, it's quite evident that their problem is they don't have enough of a sample size on the PTS. Either that, or they aren't listening to complaints/bugs from the testers.


Either way, BW needs to change their procedures internally, because as it stands, it's flat out not working.

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Wait a second. Are we back on the past ? Am i paying blizzard ?


Releases are releases, but the patches before the release is what tells you the direction the company is taking. And sorry to break your world, but they are lying on patch notes, they are doing unnecessary stuff instead of using THEIR RESOURCES to fix the real problems with the game (balance should come when that stuff IS FIXED).


This is 2012.


You're right, this is 2012. And it costs $15 dollars for a lunch that will be gone in 30 minutes, welcome to inflated economies based on central banks...I'm sorry, do you want a wing named after you at BioWare Austin for your generous contributions?


You pay for server upkeep and support staff.


This IS 2012. And they put out a content patch within the first month of launch. Whether they fixed YOUR bug or not, they've been fixing bugs regularly with each week.


If that's not fast enough for you, it's a shame, but don't act like they owe you anything. There has been the least server downtime of any MMO launch I can remember. Aside from Warzone lag the servers run beautifully.


Whether this is 2000 or 2012, the complexity and amount of code required to keep these games running is EXACTLY THE SAME.


In fact, there's a glut of aftermarket parts and exotic hardware configurations that make this even more of a nightmare to troubleshoot. Sorry PVP isn't immersive enough for you, but the guy with a 5 monitor display and a 5,000 dollar computer who can't play has a more serious complaint than you, at least you can log in the game.


They have millions of complaints going and have to prioritize right now. If it's not fast enough for you don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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This part of the patch seemed very fair to me:


Champion bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations and 7 Champion Commendations, and the chance to obtain a direct trade item token has been reduced. Battlemaster bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations.




After hitting rank 54 in valor with 24 bags and no drops, I think this might work for me. Although I am still concerned about the warzone credit bug and how big boy pvp on illum is still pretty much pointless. I am still somewhat considering resubbing. Seems like this might help get rid of the frustration.


Any other opinions?


Logged in today. Had 8 champ bags in the bank. Did my new weekly & daily on Ilum. Daily for warzones. Got my 6th Champ part and a full suit of Cent armour for Ashara and i have enough champ commendations to pick up a extras like relics ect.


This change made me happy at least.


On reflection, it may have made things too easy to sustain longterm PvP progression, but i personally think participation is what should be the focus on PvP end-game and not linear progression anyway.


Time will tell.

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I have all my gear, and it doesn't make the game any more fun, it will just make it so people realize that getting the gear isn't really worth it.


well, Tera hopefully will be something -New- than this wowclone.


I keep wondering why people are looking at TERA. You realize that it's a Korean grinder game. And you also realize, those guys are nuts when it concerns PvP. The hardest hard core western PvPer pales to what them Asians get up to.

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If its PVP you want then there are certainly better platforms than a trilogy system based MMO platform. The trilogy sytem of combat wasn't designed for pvp and quite honestly it doesn't work very well at all.


You ask if this is my first foray into MMO pvp. No its not. It would be my third. I played Warhammer, and Rift before this. Warhammers PVP was atrocious and Rift was essentially boring. I at least find TOR to be somewhat enjoyable although the trilogy system, like i mentioned before is not designed for this type of game play.


You can never have balance in a game like this and that is why MMO pvp is always being pinged on. The only people who are happy are those who are OP and everyone else is left to whine and moan. Then the inevitible nerfs come then the the former OP people will gripe about being nerfed.


There is no way to balance out the classes because the classes perform entirely different functions. Lets face it, nobody really plays pvp like they do an instance. There is no real team work for the most part so you have to be able to 1v1 and MMO pvp just cant provide that on an equal basis and in reality it shouldn't because of the class based system.


If you want PVP then I would suggest you play shooters where it is more condusive to balance and one ability.


complaining about PVP in an MMO is kind of silly in my estimation. Its a bonus fringe capability that nice to have but in no way is it essential and to tell the truth it just a side mini game.


If that is the ONLY reason why you are playing this game then perhaps MMO's shouldn't be your genre of choice b/c you are clearly missing out on 95% of what the genre is REALLY about.



I think you are confused.


This thread is not about pvp being balanced. This thread is about the recent changes and how people will act regarding their subscription. Where did you get this game was about pvp balance?


Remember the title of this thread?

Will the patch today keep you playing or from canceling?



Also you can balance in pvp mmos. Aion and DAOC did it well. I will agree about WAR and Rift though. I tried both of those as well. So either way, your wrong about balancing and pvp mmo can work. The genre is fine, the pvp design here is horrible. Most experienced pvp mmo players know that. Perhaps your experience with those two bad examples cloud that. I'm not trying to be rude, just saying. Either way, this thread is not about pvp balance. Not sure where you got that.

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You're right, this is 2012. And it costs $15 dollars for a lunch that will be gone in 30 minutes, welcome to inflated economies based on central banks...I'm sorry, do you want a wing named after you at BioWare Austin for your generous contributions?


You pay for server upkeep and support staff.


This IS 2012. And they put out a content patch within the first month of launch. Whether they fixed YOUR bug or not, they've been fixing bugs regularly with each week.


If that's not fast enough for you, it's a shame, but don't act like they owe you anything. There has been the least server downtime of any MMO launch I can remember. Aside from Warzone lag the servers run beautifully.


Whether this is 2000 or 2012, the complexity and amount of code required to keep these games running is EXACTLY THE SAME.


In fact, there's a glut of aftermarket parts and exotic hardware configurations that make this even more of a nightmare to troubleshoot. Sorry PVP isn't immersive enough for you, but the guy with a 5 monitor display and a 5,000 dollar computer who can't play has a more serious complaint than you, at least you can log in the game.


They have millions of complaints going and have to prioritize right now. If it's not fast enough for you don't let the door hit you on the way out.


So you not only didn't understand my point, but you just wanted to go full pedantic. I would say good try, but it wasn't.


I understand a release is a release. But you don't understand that the first months are there to fix the **** ups. Have you seen any fix going on ? Exactly. Do you see the guy's with the NASA pc being able to play ? No, instead you see how classes / proffessions gets nerfed before they even fix the whole mess from release and each subsequent patch is adding.


Be a rage-fanboy all you want, if you are still having fun and believe on BW, good for you man, have fun.

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Cancelled, but I bought a 3 month sub so I have until April. If they don't fix Ilum/world pvp in general, not to mention the billion other bugs in the game by then I'm gone.


Ilum Getting no kills, no update on quest log and 3 reps.... people are rageing

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Wait a second. Are we back on the past ? Am i paying blizzard ?


Releases are releases, but the patches before the release is what tells you the direction the company is taking. And sorry to break your world, but they are lying on patch notes, they are doing unnecessary stuff instead of using THEIR RESOURCES to fix the real problems with the game (balance should come when that stuff IS FIXED).


This is 2012.



It doesn't matter who you're paying. Blizzard, SOE, Mythic, Square Enix, NCSoft, and Bioware have all developed their games at a comparable rate.


The fact of the matter is that changes take time to develop, request approval from multiple levels, implement to alpha test, implement to beta test, implement to public test, choose a patch date for implementation, implement live and clean up, and maintain and bugfix. User requests for changes are irrelevant compared to how the developers view the game's operation based upon the game's core functionality.

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No, any more of this and the patches will make me cancel. Since it obviously shows that bioware have no friggin clue what they implement on the live server.


No ilum buffs, no ilum valor and no ilum quest done. How did this **** ever get through testing? Or did they just skip testing?

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So you not only didn't understand my point, but you just wanted to go full pedantic. I would say good try, but it wasn't.


I understand a release is a release. But you don't understand that the first months are there to fix the **** ups. Have you seen any fix going on ? Exactly. Do you see the guy's with the NASA pc being able to play ? No, instead you see how classes / proffessions gets nerfed before they even fix the whole mess from release and each subsequent patch is adding.


Be a rage-fanboy all you want, if you are still having fun and believe on BW, good for you man, have fun.


I believe he missed the part where there was a lengthy and extensive beta of the game. My point? BW had plenty of notice, and time, to fix a lot of the major bugs that are still in place. So many of the issues with this game have been an issue since mid beta and were well documented, yet we still have them.


The entire performance issue with HeroEngine and how terrible this game runs on so many systems was brought up, yet has gone unaddressed. The list of long known issues just goes on and on.....


If the product wasn't ready there wasn't any reason to launch it, period.

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Bioware has 1-2 months to improve the engine's stability to the point that my 6GB of system RAM and GTX 570 is enough to play on Ilum with more than 2-3 FPS - Lets be generous. Improve FPS to 15 (average) for me and I will stay.


I will be dropping this game like a bad habit and never look back if they cant within that time frame.

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Happy they made the bag changes, finally, although it's still frustrating that I did 100+ hours of level 50 pvp with barely any gear to show for it. Don't even feel like playing my 50 anymore.


LOL at nerfing Shadow/Assassin instead of classes that actually needed it, and somehow breaking Ilum even more than it already was. Not to mention the countless major bugs that have been around for 2+ months.


I really want to stick it out because I enjoy SWTOR, but every patch the game just gets more frustrating it seems.

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Oh the irony!


This thread is about crying. You have yet to prove otherwise. And if I am a teen or child, as you observed, you should be ashamed of yourself that your grammar is so poor that a child is pointing out your mistakes.


When in doubt point out grammar and spelling mistakes..lol


Why don't you two just call each other poo poo brains and be done with it?


Your argument is fail.


Just because other MMO's used to do something, and where bad at it even then, means nothing to how the current game should play. New times, new expectations. That is capitalism, those that fail to understand the nature of changing expectations FAIL in the market. Gear grinds for PvP were designed because they were too lazy and din't want to spend money and resources to get it right, they just copied the formula that worked for the PvE model. It did work on some of you. But it is just a cheap artificial system that rewards time played and nothing more. It is a PvE model tagged on artificially to PvP. It isn't intrinsic to anything, its simply lazy design.


People are allowed, and should demand more from their products as technology and knowledge of that system increases. That is one of the few things that capitalism does correctly, and you guys seem to want to ignore that.


Change is good. In consumer products change comes from customers demanding something better. They do this by moving to the product that offers that. Right now STWOR PvP game needs some help and may lose a lot of its PvP player base unless they do some real philosophical re-thinking about how they planned to do this. WoW is old news. They did great because they took what worked previously and they scrapped what din't work. PvP is something that many MMO players don't like because its been so poorly implemented. HINT HINT.


The PvP player base is much larger than most of these MMO companies realize. The reason people don't do it all that much is because of its poor design. Yes people don't like to lose, and some of them complain about it, but think about it! The ones that play FPS LOTS OF THEM LOSE ALL THE TIME. They don't really care. Why? Because it "feels" FAIR. They lost fairly. This makes ALL the difference.


Anyone remember Enemy Territory? I died all the time, everybody did! But it was so fun! I would play a MMO that modeled itself after that kind of game play (no not fps, but objective based pvp that feels fair even when you get your *** kicked) forever. You could still even have a moderate gear grind that gave people a small advantage and most people wouldn't care. You can still shoot and kill the guy with the rocket launcher with a pistol if you got the jump on him. That kind of feeling is what is missing here, its not about mechanics its about design philosophy.


Just saying...

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wow what a patch update, I am seriously thinking of canceling my sub. even though it is wasted 77$ for the 6months. I can' believe the difference in illum and WZ pvp sucks btw. this ToR started right where galaxies lost me with the damn flavoring of the months for classes. On a side note why the heck do senti./mauraders not have force push yet EVERY other class does. medium armor doesn't equal tank.
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User requests for changes are irrelevant compared to how the developers view the game's operation based upon the game's core functionality.


Bingo. At last you get me. The problem is, their view and the direction they are taking are plainly wrong based upon the game's core functionality, and that's reflected on the patches.


I will give you a little example (which was adressed on beta several times), auto-follow camera. Anyone who had played an MMO knows auto-follow camera is for a minority of players and most people wants a free camera. What do you see in game ? Think about it.

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wow what a patch update, I am seriously thinking of canceling my sub. even though it is wasted 77$ for the 6months. I can' believe the difference in illum and WZ pvp sucks btw. this ToR started right where galaxies lost me with the damn flavoring of the months for classes. On a side note why the heck do senti./mauraders not have force push yet EVERY other class does. medium armor doesn't equal tank.


I've been in the office all day, how did the change negatively affect illum and warzones?

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This patch didn't nudge me in any direction. But unless I get a nice big nudge in the positive direction this month, I am cancelling, yeah. Several games are coming out that I want to play, so I'll be taking a break from SWTOR unless things start to change.
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This part of the patch seemed very fair to me:


Champion bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations and 7 Champion Commendations, and the chance to obtain a direct trade item token has been reduced. Battlemaster bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations.




After hitting rank 54 in valor with 24 bags and no drops, I think this might work for me. Although I am still concerned about the warzone credit bug and how big boy pvp on illum is still pretty much pointless. I am still somewhat considering resubbing. Seems like this might help get rid of the frustration.


Any other opinions?


You only got 24 bags at valor 54? i opened 8 bags from my weekly/dailies from yesterday, and two today so far, i'm at 70 champ comms already... the only thing thats more expensive is the MH, my last piece at valor 53 and i've bought way more than 24 bags just with merc/wz comms...


The fix is great, i even got my 5th implant in a champ bag today, still got both sets of comms in the bag too. 15cent and 7 champ, POW.

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Cancelling. I like the game, but every patch to 'fix' user interface lag has made it worse for me. It is now outright unplayable - and I refuse to pay for that. Since PvP is the only thing that interests me at level 50, it also means that I just cant be bothered with this game anymore.
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Bioware has 1-2 months to improve the engine's stability to the point that my 6GB of system RAM and GTX 570 is enough to play on Ilum with more than 2-3 FPS - Lets be generous. Improve FPS to 15 (average) for me and I will stay.


I will be dropping this game like a bad habit and never look back if they cant within that time frame.


Its rediculous that Illum wont run properly.

I have a 2 gig video card and 8 gigs of ram on my quad core computer and it still runs like crap on low settings.

Everytime there is a patch I cringe as it just makes the game run worse and worse for me.

When the game launched I could run about on max settings with over 100FPS and no lag.

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