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Is anyone actually happy with this game?


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The reason why you don't see happy forum posts, is because forums is the place where people go to complain. Generally speaking, if you're upset about something, you're most likely going to voice your opinion as opposed to those who have nothing to complain about or are happy. Not to mention the amount of negative nancies that make up the forum community is breath taking. Don't look too much into it, the people here only make up a small percentage of the player base.


As for being happy with the game, I'm overall pleased. Yes, there are things that piss me off, or certain aspects that lack, but as a 2 month old baby..it's pretty good. This isn't the end product by any means, there are content patches, bug patches and so forth (as a WoW player, you should know that. Blizzard is always changing, balancing classes and adding new content). The fun thing about being part of a new MMO is watching it mature, expand and develop. :]

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Happy consumers keep resubscribing without any comments. I mean if your happy with your purchase anywhere, you go gratually go on with your life right?


QQ'ers cry all day and they want to be heard. Bad service, bad product, bad employee, they QQ, and that's basically what the forums are.


Major complaints due to the fact that most of us are or were WoW players and we've grown accustomed or spoiled by its "almost" perfect gameplay. Gameplay as in rarely any glitches, bugs, smooth animations, etc.


Only complaint is why are there so many godd@mn loading screens? Load at spaceship, load at planet, load at orbital station, load to shuttle? Why not just load from one place?


I do enjoy this game. At the moment, I'll probably buy another card when my current one expires. I hope they add some innovation to boss fights in HM Flashpoints though. Enrage seems to be only thing they do.....

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If I wasn't fundamentally happy, I wouldn't play. That being said, there's issues that I hope they address. Less crowd control is the first one - this game, like so many other recent MMOs, has taken a nasty turn toward excessive crowd control.


It's just neither fun nor heroic to have your character knocked around like a rag doll. It's especially unfun/unbalanced for melee, who have it happen to them constantly. This is just not a good game to play a melee class at all, from the design of maps like Huttball to the basic zerg on zerg premise that Ilum is all about.

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i was more wanting to see if anyone who pvped frequently had good experiences, i cant pve currently (in saudi arabia for work and the internet is terrible), so i have no basis to judge that on yet.


Ah. That makes more sense. I haven't tried the PvP aspect, but I have seen a lot of people fussing about the PvP. I'm enjoying the PvE aspect, in spite of the bugs. But, really the only truly annoying bug I've seen is the "Cannot see target" bug even though I am in line of sight with nothing in the way or even practically on top of the bug. It's not enough to make me quit though. I guess I'm just stubborn. :D


Saudi Arabia. If you are in the military, thank you for your service. :D I have family who are currently serving or who have served.

Edited by LadyNightArrow
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why yes i am happy with the game. so many people (such as the OP) are little divas that cant put up with a few problems that a new game has, and they cant look past them and just enjoy a great game.

and OP, assuming that no one liked the game is just plain illogical lol.


About 1.7 million people are happy with this game.


also this.

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< is still having fun, still has things to do and play


isnt that all the reason one needs?


besides , its 15 bucks a month , that equates to 50 cents a day....if that breaks your bank, you got bigger problems than choosing what game to play bro...


srsly i spend more than fifty cents on the electricity used to write and post this reply....i can wait and play other **** when i get bored of this and wait for content patches, a buck a day isnt rly gonna change my economical situation...


Question shouldn't be " well its 15 bucks a month who can't afford that?" but rather " is TOR worth my 15 bucks a month vs another mmo?" and thats million dollar question... right now... are quite a few good mmos coming up... and are quite a few good ones already out people need to decide if they like TOR enough to keep playing it... personally i love the game but are things bother me extensively about it. Will i keep playing? probably unsub this feb and resub in march to check the march update... but i am slowly losing the desire to log in.

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About 1.7 million people are happy with this game.


Don't assume that every subscriber is a happy subscriber. I'm enjoying myself enough to keep playing but I also don't feel like I have any other options in the MMO market. I'm going to pay serious attention to Guild Wars 2. When that releases I'll be able to make a better decision on where I want to spend my time.


That being said, the lack of subscription fees in GW2 opens the potential for running both games without added financial pressure. That probably sounds good on paper, but it means that Bioware won't have to compete as hard for your business.




Star Wars IP can only get you so far.

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was finally bored enough to log on the other day.....and then i remembered how terrible of a game this really is. A ton of 50s from my server (republic) already unsubbed, poor MMO aspect, really really bad pvp, end game pve is a joke, planets are empty dead zones, hard to find groups if not imperial, imp favored "mirror classes", bugs that in still in game after first day of beta complains, garbage rng pvp bags, no global chat, 10 min of useless travel to get anywhere, linear lvling (no options to change it up), economy is laughable, etc. I immediately uninstalled the game.


tl; dr - everything you already know

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I am very happy with this game.

1.The classes are very balanced, the most so compared to anyother i have played. I kill all classes, and all classes kill me. That is balance.

2.The factions have mirrored classes.

3.None of the skill trees in any class is over powered, and all are useable.

4.They have done an awesome job as regards range mmo style combat.

5. The game is a month old, and alreaady its this good.

I will not be unsubbing.

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the reason why you don't see happy forum posts, is because forums is the place where people go to complain. Generally speaking, if you're upset about something, you're most likely going to voice your opinion as opposed to those who have nothing to complain about or are happy. Not to mention the amount of negative nancies that make up the forum community is breath taking. Don't look too much into it, the people here only make up a small percentage of the player base.


As for being happy with the game, i'm overall pleased. Yes, there are things that piss me off, or certain aspects that lack, but as a 2 month old baby..it's pretty good. This isn't the end product by any means, there are content patches, bug patches and so forth (as a wow player, you should know that. Blizzard is always changing, balancing classes and adding new content). The fun thing about being part of a new mmo is watching it mature, expand and develop. :]



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I pretty much strictly PvP for MMOs. There is 0 incentive for me to play this game now that I got most of my champion pieces. So if there is 0 incentive and I do not enjoy it for the way I play the game which is PvP, then why would I keep subscribing? On top of that how am I a "diva" or whatever all the fan boys call the people who actually are honest about their experience with the game?


Its really quite logical, I PvP, it frustrates the hell out of me to play game after game, sometimes get DCed out of the WZ, sometimes win and not get credit. All of that to try to get bags with gear in them, but even though I got relatively geared for PvP. Honestly it becomes pointless, there is no incentive anymore. The game got stale quick for me, so.... I cancelled. Its not a hard concept, welcome to capitalism.


I want a MMO with great PvP, hopefully one in the future will provide that. But as of right now if I wanted competitive MMO PvP it is better for me to go to WoW then play this game. Not that I did, but that MMO PvP system is better at the moment.

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< is still having fun, still has things to do and play


isnt that all the reason one needs?


besides , its 15 bucks a month , that equates to 50 cents a day....if that breaks your bank, you got bigger problems than choosing what game to play bro...


srsly i spend more than fifty cents on the electricity used to write and post this reply....i can wait and play other **** when i get bored of this and wait for content patches, a buck a day isnt rly gonna change my economical situation...


This man deserves an award for posting common sense.


But seriously...all the whining, all the QQing over this and that equates to nothing more than impatience. I play Republic, I'm in a guild with several others...we're currently knocking out Ops as everyone dings to 50, running some hardmodes every night and PvPing for the weeklies and dailies. Do I finish my Ilum weeklies/dailies in 30 minutes? No...no one does, it's designed to be a timesink. There are plenty of other games out there worth playing if this one is soooooooooooo terrible anyway.

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You've not seen a positive topic because people only QQ. Put a comment box in a restaurant, read the comments. will be like 95% negative. Does that mean 95% of the people disliked it? No, it means only the people who didnt enjoy bothered to write it.


Also, it became pretty common for people to think they are better than the producers, that them and only them knows whats best. So if something isn't how they think it should, it immediately means the other party is wrong. And finally, bugs are bugs and will eventually be fixed. Testing a game to be fully bug free before release is impossible, you are ignorant if you think otherwise.




It's millions of subscribers, and a few hundred that complain, and those that do don't speak for the millions of us that realize all things take time. Sure it's bugs, sure i wish somethings change IE missile spam from mercs, or melee versus ranged. But data is mined, and changes are made IE OPS. As far as fun i'm having a blast to be honest, i didn't subscribe to starwars the old PVP, so that being said if im that hard up for some type of pvp i'd just boot up my battlefield3 or madden or something. The pvp here isnt the best, but it's fun, and has it's moments.

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About 1.7 million people are happy with this game.


That's probably 1.7 million activated accounts with time remaining. We'll now for sure when the 2/3/6 or year subscriptions expire. Hopefully we can see an increase if BW gets everything straighten out.

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The fact that PvP setup is crap means I wont be resubbing after my 40 days left. I think the combat is actually good, and they did a good job with PvP combat in general.


It's the gearing **** we have to put up with. It's the crappy setup of Ilum. It's the inability to somewhat balance out the servers. It's the complete lack of feeling that PvP on Ilum actually matters. It's the lack of rewards for owning Ilum. It's the amount of boredom I have with constant huttball (which really isn't a "war zone") in the first place. It's the fact that 1/3 of all my WZ wins don't count. It's my utter boredom with this PvP endgame.


Right now, I'm just enjoying playing other characters, mostly on Rep side since they have so few.

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