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Everything posted by Trujan

  1. It is a bit of a shame, in that you will be less likely to fight against guilds you know in warzones, but you'll still meet them in open world, and have much lower queue times. It has good points and bad points, but more good points in essence.
  2. Op, I read your post, and considered your hit scenario, and your post doesn't make sense. Not because your logic is flawed, but purely because I am melée dps and I am not owned by ranged anymore than I am melée. I don't think ranged have anymore of an advantage than I have over them. I think BW have actually intergrated the ranged abilities very nicely into this game, and I can say this hand on heart, I have never been kited to death by a ranged yet.
  3. Worg pack here, i used to love collecting hobbit feet down the bottem of the Moors, and dodging those freeps when they heard the kill in chat! Such fun! Oh and what about the dungeon that you could enter with the bosses, that switched alligence depending on who held the keeps. The Op has some great points. Although the Moors was an addon, by god they had good ideas, with the quests, keeps and dungeons, really clever
  4. Wow, lovely analogies there.
  5. Yep, I am completely inlove with my vanguard. It's all coming to fruition now, the lovely skills are coming now. I was a shadow tank before, and I am still a little mystified as to why I can do more damage and survive longer as vanguard, although my shadow was higher!?!!
  6. Dude, much love. I agree.
  7. I just wish I had an 'oh sh*t' button, for when those bloody marauders decide to chew me a new one. They are an awesome class, very effective and the hardest for me to take down. I am so going to roll a sentinel for my next class.
  8. You are focused first, because otherwise you kill us. However, i really think you should reroll, preferably to anything other than a marauder, (hopes the entire imp. population falls for my cunning plan!)
  9. i find that the sorc bubble just prolonges the inevitable death of that sorc. Sorcs melt to be honest, they need that bubble, or that double cast bubble to give them a fighting chance, either an extra 3 or 6 seconds for them to get tank backup. They need the bubble, bubble is fine, and i believe they would be broken without it. Can anyone here, say that they loose more to a sorc than anyother class?
  10. No it was an example. And they had no choice but to attack the same turret all the time, as they wouldn't have had any if they didn't. Voidstar, the 2 stealthers who wait for 30 seconds to take the other door when we pulled em all over the otherside. Huttball, the receiver who waits on the ramp for the pass. And you've changed what you were saying, terrible medal system AND terrible MvP system. The medal system needs to log objective points more and also give the healers some love, i agree. The MvP system is great, its us the players that **** it up.
  11. The gaming levels, huttball ramps, alderann balconies, voidstar boxes and bridges. You go down a level in huttball and your rotation is useless, you need to adapt and change what you doing.
  12. If you are in selfish group, then yes you are correct. However if you are in a good group, you couldn't be further from the truth, see above example. Bioware shows again that they want to promote team play in multiplayer, with the MvP game design, that rewards players untaking the 'low pay' jobs.
  13. Agreed! Played one PuG wz yesterday, with a nice talkative group. I asked if there was a healer/tank combo who would like to take and defend the left turret in alderan and there were 2 volunteers. They did just that, for the whole game, getting maybe 2 medals, whilst the rest of us were racking up the medals at the other turrets. The 2 that held the left flag so selflessly, effectively won the game for us. They got a big thanks from all of us in chat, and the well deserved MvP's
  14. Well i wish you luck with your pve rotation! I personally think you couldn't be further from the truth. The knockbacks, stuns, leaps, speed, pulls and gaming levels make a cookie cutter rotation/priority useless.
  15. Thats the plan, but where will you get the mods. Will we have to swap the mods from different BM sets, or will there be craftable mods that will do?
  16. Hiye, first i apologize if you felt my post to be flaming you, not my intention and i apologize if it felt that way. I just find that all the people complaining about, knockbacks, stuns etc. are missing the point. they actually make the pvp because you have to adapt and you can't macro a rotation/priority, it just won't work. For that reason my pvp taste buds flow. And the call for class nerfs! Dear lord, all the classes are fine, or perhaps i am just a complete weirdo, because sorcs, mercs etc. i literaly enjoy meeting because i will eat them. Now the class buffs, lol, pleeease don't buff those bloo*y marauders anymore, they hurt and hurt bad! Normal wz's are challenging. Again, i kill all, and all kill me, its great. Huttball is a classic game, the almost instadeath pits everywhere, mean you got to know were your enemy is, how you going to approach etc, its fasinating, and even when i end up back in a pit, with no cd and eat acid, its cool, because i have most probably put him there before. As for endgame, ok, it is unfinished. The rng gear is difficult to be happy about, the imp/rep imbalance is frustrating, but still even with that, my guild has a huge laugh. Rated wzs will be a great adition, and oh by god i shall be there. They are addressing the bag probs, and will probably change it further i reckon, rated are coming in, and i bet they are looking at a pop cap in ilum and merging servers. I really do like the pvp in this game compared to any other i have played. .....GOd Eve was good, but i have a life and i could have quite happily lived in a spaceship for the rest of my life, but just not practical.
  17. rofl, that there is a quantum flame with spiritual overtones. Respect flowing out to you dude!
  18. I'm a serious pvper, and i like the pvp, its fun, challenging. "Oh but all the knockbacks, they so annoying! ****" - Get a life friend. I like the knockbacks, being knocked down a level, pulled up a level etc, why, because it means my 'press button 1, then 3 .2 second later, button 2, that means cd down at optimum time, taking into account latency blah blah blah' goes completely out the window. There is no optimum super rotation/priority in this game. Thats why i love it, you have to adapt, you can't use macros, because your situation is always changing, and that is out of your control. "This game is a stunfest, its so annoying..." - Oh well, yet again you will have to stop relying on a precision egineered rotation/priority. "But god its unbalanced, i mean that class is so OP..." - again, i kill all the other classes, and all the other classes kill me. That there is balance. I stand a chance, a good chance against all other classes. "That one button uber class attack rocket thingy, i mean thats just so lame..." - I love tracer missile lovers, they taste nice. "****, sorcs, so OP, they just lightening spam me to death" - only ever happened to me when i am outnumbered by them. But if i am outnumbered by any class, i am beat. The bugs, yes there are bugs, and they will be fixed. I am a serious pvper, and i like the pvp, its fun, challenging.
  19. Aside from the wonderfully arrogant semi professional comment: 1. If you kill them and they kill you, then balance is fine. 2. You get knockbacked, you knockback them, again fine. 3. Bugs in warzones, yes, and they will fix it. As for the ridiculous layout comment, again sometimes it works to your advantage, sometimes to yours, again fine 4. Targeting system, yes i agree, it could be improved. But again, its bad for you and bad for them, so not unfair, but should really be fixed. Zero hope of retaining PvP players, rubbish. I think the problem alot of the 'quitters' have is that it is very balanced and very level in truth, and its accesible to people with all levels of skill.
  20. Lol, i actually thought you meant an actual troll!
  21. Lol, the thread did take a turn for the worse, but i think you handled yourself with decorum. +1 from me dude
  22. Ok, i hear you. So from the above, you win some you loose some, sounds fine to me. The incident last night, downer, you didn't bust their asses that time, but did they bust yours or your parties? Sounds like that engagement was a stalemate, and sounds good, and it sounds as though they all had alot of luck then. Just one bit a AOE happening on them at that time, and they would have all perished.
  23. I am very happy with this game. 1.The classes are very balanced, the most so compared to anyother i have played. I kill all classes, and all classes kill me. That is balance. 2.The factions have mirrored classes. 3.None of the skill trees in any class is over powered, and all are useable. 4.They have done an awesome job as regards range mmo style combat. 5. The game is a month old, and alreaady its this good. I will not be unsubbing.
  24. Its not a 'get out of jail free card'. Can you honestly tell me, hand on heart, that you have never been able to kill a stealther that used combat stealth on you?
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