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Try a ranged class, you won't know whether to laugh or cry


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I used to be an Operative, then i took a nerf to the knee.


Frustrated with constant knock backs and CCs I thought I'd try the ranged class master race, taking the opportunity to move to a higher populated server and switch to republic (**** Hutball).


What an absolute friggin joke. As a trooper commando, from the moment I started WZ's at level ten I am doing crazy damage, frequently in the top 3 and I haven't even started getting my best abilities yet. I suggest you try it yourselves, I cannot put it into words but suffice to say its a must less frustrating experience and I'm looking forward to getting my cc abilities so melee oppo's are even more screwed.


I can also see where the Op nerf cries came from. Picture the scene, you are happily spraying 30m death at chumps generally being ignored when an Op has the audacity to jump out and 1v1 you. In one game I was 28 kills 2 deaths, both of which from an Op who knew his business - so naturally you see the problem. Funny thing was once he opened up, got me down to about 50% (I was level 11 he was about 40), a teammate started to support me so the Op had to dive into the Hutball pit. I actually felt sorry for him having done that hundreds of times myself.


If you haven't already I suggest you try it, its a much more fun/less frustrating experience. I'm actually quite happy as the game is quite fun again, i was considering quitting prior.

Edited by Jimra
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My main is a BM op, and I've been lvling my 42 merc. I know exactly what you mean. I feel so powerful with my 20 sec cd aoe knockback and 9 sec single target knockback, it really seems like an op is all that can stop me.


Though on even terrain, I find my op to be more powerful.

Edited by Pinworms
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funny part is sorcs are yet stronger.


merc/comm problem si lack of interrupt and interrupt vulnerability. Sorcs get 35m attacks , 6s interrupt on 12s cd and other goods.


If just i wouldnt hate to play one ;[ . and consular got crap looks on their attacks :S

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I'm actually quite happy as the game is quite fun again, i was considering quitting prior.


That's what it's all about in the end. You're paying monthly and playing a game, fun should be the primary goal.


Though, some of us still love the class and enjoy any challenges that come our way.

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It's all about what you enjoy. The nice thing is, there are options. The bad thing is there never seems to be enough options to satisfy everyone. Grass is always greener.


Good luck, hope you enjoy whichever ranged class you roll.

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I hear ya, I play a BHm now after my op has taken a hit. What I have expereince so far is that the aoe and the knockbacks are far better than the IAo. The IA is singular target with a punch (used to have a punch) and the fights lasted a lot longer overall. BHm cleans house and keeps on moving. As for pvp I had more fun with the BHm than the op because the OP is more like a wow rogue and suffered the same fate in the nerfs applied.
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I don't get it. I play my op and switched to dps spec from heals yesterday for fun. I am not 50 yet so I cant speak for end game but im having a blast w/ my OP.


I agree w/ the above post. It really is about what you like and have fun w/. I don't really like my merc just wasn't a fan of it. I do however, like my op. Different strokes I guess. Only wish I had tried this pre 1.1.1 could of been even more fun :)

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I love my operative and will playing through the nerfs. However, I've been 50 for longer than most of my guildies so I started a few alts to poke around with but none went past mid-20s (partly because I'm actually leveling with my boyfriend this time and he wanted to reroll his Mara into a Jugg).


We finally did go full circle again and rerolled our same primary classes (BH and IA) but took the other AC. His main is a Powertech. We enjoy our mains but the view is so different from far away, if you get me. We weren't going to PvP until later but somehow ended up in Huttball before shutdown this past Tuesday. I can't speak for him, but oh, the giggles I had the first time I used Cover Pulse. Then more giggles when I used it again.


I miss my heals, but really, those heals are pointless when I can't get away due to stuns or when I don't have a real way to knock people away from me so I can do my thing. As I see it, I have the same advantage as a sniper as I do in stealth: People don't see me. People cry about the big old flashing lights from cover, but I see what happens in Huttball. No one pays attention to the Sorc repeatedly casting Force Lightning from the ramp, despite the fact that you can trace exactly where it's coming from. No one's going to go looking for me when they can't see which direction the shots came from.

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I hear you.


Not really planning to reroll, but I'm experiencing the same stuff with my merc Twink as you do. Top dmg and kills since lvl 10, at least in the top 3, hardly any deaths, hardly any movement required.

I just stand on the high ground in Huttball and literally rain death. No sweat.

Should someone happen to knock me down, I can still stun people at 30m range and, ofc, simply kill them.

And that's at low level. Not even wearing a hat, much less implants or relics.


It's laughable, really. With my Op, I had to work for every kill, scan my surroundings, run up to the enemy, get my cooldowns right, interrupt and so forth.

With my merc, it's just tab, kill, tab, tab, kill, tab, tab, tab, kill - most of the time without even moving.


With gameplay like that, I can't blame those people for letting their skills detoriate & loose horribly to an Operative. If standing around firing your rotation is all you had to do for 100+ WZs, it's only natural to have a hard time adapting

Edited by Skurkanas
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This sums it up nicely. Post-40, Pre-50 OP is still useful, but once you hit level 50 you may as well finish up your story and reroll.

I "Dinged" Level 50 two days ago and let me tell you: I know exactly what you'r talking about! :(

Edited by karcyon
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funny part is sorcs are yet stronger.


merc/comm problem si lack of interrupt and interrupt vulnerability. Sorcs get 35m attacks , 6s interrupt on 12s cd and other goods.


If just i wouldnt hate to play one ;[ . and consular got crap looks on their attacks :S


Yeah. Sorc/Sage is darned ridiculous. It's the class that most frequently ignores my melee assaults. They're just not too concerned. Static barrier, crazy heal, OP ranged damage. It's surprisingly hard for my Assassin to get their attention. Especially when so many of my attacks are blocked or parried in the 1st place. Like i'm not even there. Shocked they are not being adjusted with the upcoming patch.

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The head of pvp balancing got a long history of not even trying to balance classes.

Warhamer, Engineer, anybody?


Why would he start now? :rolleyes:


Hey I LOVED my Engineer at level 10. You just stood up top of that first lighthouse battleground and waited for some idiot to come up after you, then use your knockback to punt him off the cliff LOL.

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The head of pvp balancing got a long history of not even trying to balance classes.

Warhamer, Engineer, anybody?


Why would he start now? :rolleyes:


Didn't people say this EXACT same thing about other games? It all goes back to how bad WAR was.


Who is this developer you're talking about?

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I hear you.


Not really planning to reroll, but I'm experiencing the same stuff with my merc Twink as you do. Top dmg and kills since lvl 10, at least in the top 3, hardly any deaths, hardly any movement required.

I just stand on the high ground in Huttball and literally rain death. No sweat.

Should someone happen to knock me down, I can still stun people at 30m range and, ofc, simply kill them.

And that's at low level. Not even wearing a hat, much less implants or relics.


It's laughable, really. With my Op, I had to work for every kill, scan my surroundings, run up to the enemy, get my cooldowns right, interrupt and so forth.

With my merc, it's just tab, kill, tab, tab, kill, tab, tab, tab, kill - most of the time without even moving.


With gameplay like that, I can't blame those people for letting their skills detoriate & loose horribly to an Operative. If standing around firing your rotation is all you had to do for 100+ WZs, it's only natural to have a hard time adapting


Agree 100%, especially having to work for your kill. That people call Ops EZ mode just seems so hilarious now.


Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy my Op and it is my main. But when I get tired of being ping-ponged around the Hutball map I'll now go and take it out on people through the medium of mindless ranged death action. Every grav round I spam will have my Ops name on it.

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