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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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Yup, they need to change it. The PvE daily takes a whooping 20 minutes running HM BT. The minimum it takes to finish the PvP daily is about an hour with 3 straight lucky wins.


Just make it 6-8 games which is a minimum of 2 hours+.. I mean seriously, I think that is pretty fair for doing a daily. You can finish EV in about the same time and do the weekly. Plus this would keep people in a losing game or people who q into a losing game.


Right now when I join a 5-0 huttball game and there is 7 minutes left, I leave immediately. The time investment for reward in pvp versus pve is extremely skewed in pve favor, why pvpers want to keep it this way is beyond me especially considering columni/rataka can rival pvp gear.



nut you still need to defeat it, right? you dont complete the quest merely for entering the FP.

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I support this change. Make the daily require 6 completions with a bonus for any wins.


This will help stop warzone dropping and will also promote more players queuing up which lowers overall queue times.




i could see this as a fair compromise. Even if they dropped the rewards for the pvp dailies a little to compensate. The only problem is that those lazy players that were dropping out of pvp whenever they started to lose would now just be afk'ing...

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There is a simple answer to this problem.


Change the gear.


PVP Gear should be for PVP and not a stand in for PVE.


The change should be that PVE gear grants a bonus similar to PVP, say increase dmg and defense vs. non player entities.


It should be absolutely undesireable to use PVE gear in PVP and vice versa. Then those of us that dont want to PVP dont have to. As it stands right now the PVP gear is 100 times easier to obtain than the PVE gear and it is very useful in doing that content.


Bioware needs to implement a design change that makes each set completely worthless in each others content.

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The purpose of the warzone is to win.


If you can't come together as a team to accomplish victory, you deserve nothing in defeat.


The purpose of a warzone (like everything else in the game) is to have fun.


If you are doing something that you don't find fun in order to get fictional stuff, then I have some snake oil to sell you, fix you up right away... ;)

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Are you seriously asking this game to reward you for continued failures? What's next? Operations bosses should drop loot even when you fail to kill them to reward your attempt. If I find out you're on my server, I will dedicate my life to ganking your dumb *** for such a stupid idea.
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Yup, they need to change it. The PvE daily takes a whooping 20 minutes running HM BT. The minimum it takes to finish the PvP daily is about an hour with 3 straight lucky wins.


Just make it 6-8 games which is a minimum of 2 hours+.. I mean seriously, I think that is pretty fair for doing a daily. You can finish EV in about the same time and do the weekly. Plus this would keep people in a losing game or people who q into a losing game.


Right now when I join a 5-0 huttball game and there is 7 minutes left, I leave immediately. The time investment for reward in pvp versus pve is extremely skewed in pve favor, why pvpers want to keep it this way is beyond me especially considering columni/rataka can rival pvp gear.


Exactly my point. Seriously the way it is right now it can easily take 5hours + just to complete the daily. That is a heavy investment of time that I simply cannot do now.


When I first started playing I was on holiday, but now that I'm back at University it is sometimes impossible to finish the daily. 2 hours investment I could live with. 5-6 hours investment is just stupid.

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I support this change. Make the daily require 6 completions with a bonus for any wins.


This will help stop warzone dropping and will also promote more players queuing up which lowers overall queue times.




I tend to agree with your statement. IT also will make the gear advantage less of an issue in more than one way as well. Facerolling the newbies wont mean they don't get credit and means they'll get gear to be on more even footing.


The only geared people that would complain are the same that liked being 50 bashing on level 10s. The rest that enjoy competitive pvp would be all for it.

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nut you still need to defeat it, right? you dont complete the quest merely for entering the FP.


Yes, you complete the FP just like you would COMPLETE the wz, not WIN. Doing HM BT is simply participating(showing up).


RNG bag system and RNG quest sytem for pvp.

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Are you seriously asking this game to reward you for continued failures? What's next? Operations bosses should drop loot even when you fail to kill them to reward your attempt. If I find out you're on my server, I will dedicate my life to ganking your dumb *** for such a stupid idea.



Incase you're new to SWTOR. The game already has quests each 10 levels for "Warzone Matches Played 0/1"


I would like these quests back, as dailys.


6-8 Losses or 3 wins per day would be fine.


PS: I'd probably roflstomp you anyway.

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There is a simple answer to this problem.


Change the gear.


PVP Gear should be for PVP and not a stand in for PVE.


The change should be that PVE gear grants a bonus similar to PVP, say increase dmg and defense vs. non player entities.


It should be absolutely undesireable to use PVE gear in PVP and vice versa. Then those of us that dont want to PVP dont have to. As it stands right now the PVP gear is 100 times easier to obtain than the PVE gear and it is very useful in doing that content.


Bioware needs to implement a design change that makes each set completely worthless in each others content.


I dont really care for that idea... I enjoy pvp in this game, but if the gear was completely useless outside pvp i dont think i would ever do it... It would make pvp a completely separate game, which is why i avoided it like the plague in WoW.

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This is my Number 1, most annoying thing I hate about this game.


I feel like I am forced to do the daily PVP quests as the rewards are so good, but I hate the fact that you have to win matches to get it.


Why is my participation alone not enough. It should be changed to Warzone Matches Played. Some days it can take over 5 hours to get 3 wins. Not everyone has a premade PVP team.


I have played some days and my team has lost easily 10 games in a row. I usually finish in the top 3 players in each game but my participation means nothing because if the team doesnt win, the rewards *********** suck.


Please change this it's so annoying.


God there are so many things wrong with this, where to start?

1) You hate the fact that you have to win matches for a PvP quest? Seriously?


2) The reason your participation alone is not enough is the same reason that participation in PvE isn't enough. Should I get gear and quests completions just because I walked into a Flashpoint, even if I didn't kill any bosses? If you take away the need to achieve something to get something, you take away the sense of achievement.


3) You don't need a premade team to win, but it helps if you are good yourself. Countless times when q'ing solo for the day, I've gone into a losing match and through my actions in part, we ended up winning. I'm certainly not even close to being the "best" at PvP, so there is no reason why you can't also win without a premade group.


4) Losing 10 games a row isn't the case for everyone. You're asking for a huge game change because of something that affects you personally. Like many in the PvP forums, you fail to see the big picture or anything beyond your own personal experiences.

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This is my Number 1, most annoying thing I hate about this game.


I feel like I am forced to do the daily PVP quests as the rewards are so good, but I hate the fact that you have to win matches to get it.


Why is my participation alone not enough. It should be changed to Warzone Matches Played. Some days it can take over 5 hours to get 3 wins. Not everyone has a premade PVP team.


I have played some days and my team has lost easily 10 games in a row. I usually finish in the top 3 players in each game but my participation means nothing because if the team doesnt win, the rewards *********** suck.


Please change this it's so annoying.


Horrible idea, do you realize that you are promoting AFKers in WZs ?


Every change in a sociodynamic game like an mmo will have unwanted consequences. Its not A - B = C its more like A - B = ASDLKJQW(*$@#.

Edited by tonpu
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Every winning team needs a losing team to play against. If theres no point playing eventually people who aren't consistant winners will stop queuing. I know during the day (Aust player, so US night) I'll be looking about 50/50 win/loss, but at night its more like 10/90. I'm already at a point where I'll probably only do 1 or 2 wz's at night if I still need my daily. I'm a nice guy, but not nice enough to donate my time for the opposition to get all the benefit.
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Heres a better idea...


break the daily into mission objectives.


Something like this:


Make the daily WZ quest a permanent PvP global quest like Ilum. You only have to get it once. never have to go to the bounty board.


the goal keeps track of win losses.


For you personally there are several objective based goals that maybe reset daily or maybe never reset until someone completes all the personal objectives.


plant the bomb.

defuse the bomb.

cap the left gun.

cap the right gun.

cap all 3 guns in one game.

upload data.

successful hutball pass.




You get a bonus for each objective completed.

If you complete all objective you get a mission completion faction bonus (exp/valor) for everyone that has the global quest (like the Ilum buff but for more people), your guild and or name is posted as the one that did the completion, and a personal bag of goodies for completing all of the objectives for a particular WZ.


So you can effectively get 3 bags of goodies.

Maybe If you are in a premade your objective completion is given to your premade.



Hutball gives bonuses to anyone that has completed one objective.

hutball also gives a bonuses and global recognition for having the most scores/passes and whatnot within some time period.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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If it just requires you to play 6 games to finish the daily, this would only encourage afker to sit in a WZ and do nothing.


Hence why I'd prefer it be medals than just games played. It also benefits good players. Say it was 30 medals, those who can get 10+ per game only need to play 3, but those who get 5 per game would take 6 or so.

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/next inevitable step after this troll goes viral with the kids




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Hence why I'd prefer it be medals than just games played. It also benefits good players. Say it was 30 medals, those who can get 10+ per game only need to play 3, but those who get 5 per game would take 6 or so.



So this would make healers cry because they do a lot of work in WZ and usually only get 3-4 medals out of it. This instead rewards tanks you can easily get 8-10 medals a game. This also encourages medal farming which doesn't help your team win the WZ.

Edited by Kai-Eurah-Tird
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Hence why I'd prefer it be medals than just games played. It also benefits good players. Say it was 30 medals, those who can get 10+ per game only need to play 3, but those who get 5 per game would take 6 or so.


That doesn't work until healers get more medals for healing and tanks get more medals for doing their thing. As it stands currently DPS classes have a decided advantage in medal gathering.

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As a republic player that hates the imp advantages and obvious favortisum, I still say no.


While it is more difficult for us Rebs to win now, it will make us all better in the long run and then it will be time for some Pay Back.


lol- I wish you best of fortune with that dream. I will not be here to see it.

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