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Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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Saying you CURRENTLY have 1.7M active subscriptions in a report released on February 1, 2012 is a LIE any way you slice it if the number you give is actually from DEcember 31, 2011. What's hard to understand about that? This report was released TODAY, not on December 31, 2011...it takes them a whle to work up the numbers and language for releasing the quarterly reports, which by the way, always contain some statement about the RIGHT NOW of the company's product and health and some statement about predictions going forward.


The FINANCIAL numbers are as of Dec 31st. Where does it say that the Sub numbers were from that date as well? Based on other supporting statements, it seems clear that he's NOT talking about sub numbers as of Dec 31st.

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Okay, let me check this up


You really think that the CEO of EA called Bioware and asked at 9:00am today a figure of the active subs ? Because that's what you seem to think about the ''today'' figure.


No, but the Chief of Investor Relations (the guy running the call and report) probably called up BioWare Austin a while back and told them he was going to need the numbers on subs and sales for the earnings call. Because, you know- investors might care and it's part of his job to manage investor relationships.


At the most they're going to be a day or two old, but since getting the numbers is as easy as running a quick database query, I don't think we're talking about anything unrealistic.

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BTW, you can check , I have usually fairly positive comments for TOR.


This said guys. Think about it.


Uusually, subs numbers are a pretty efficient way to check the game success.


EXCEPT for the first month. Which ended 10 days ago.


This is why I'm sceptical.

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It already has more subs.


From the call:


Q: Are these 1.7 subscribers paying?

A: Active subscribers means anyone paying OR in their trial period. MOST of those 1.7m are paying at this point

Most of those are paying, so your saying TOR will drop 1.2m subs for your estimate?


I just want to reiterate this

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Okay, let me check this up


You really think that the CEO of EA called Bioware and asked at 9:00am today a figure of the active subs ? Because that's what you seem to think about the ''today'' figure.


I'd be shocked if John didn't have DAILY reports on the status of sales/subscribers.

Edited by Scar
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The article was out before the "live conference call" happened.


READ for crying out loud. Done here lolololol. :rolleyes:


They released a press release that contained the sub numbers prior to the conf call. Not trying to be insulting but you have obviously never invested, or if you have you have not followed public companies very closely before.

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The article was out before the "live conference call" happened.


READ for crying out loud. Done here lolololol. :rolleyes:




The company launched “Star Wars” in late December, and reported it has sold through more than 2 million units of the game and now has about 1.7 million active subscribers playing the online multiplayer title, which Brown said represents a mix of users who already have signed up for a paid subscription and users who have given their credit cards over, but have not yet had their paid plans kick in.

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You are really dense.


The quotes are from the CALL today, not just the the quarterly report.


It is clear you have never invested or participated in any of these calls before.

The quotes are from today, yes. But they didn't just wake up this morning and went; "Hey, we got this big thing today. Let's whip up the presentation in a hurry. Daniel, can you pull the approved-double-checked-dotted-subsriber numbers from the magic box?"


Presentations today. Numbers pulled, approved, went through multiple peoples' hands a long time ago.


Maybe you should spend your time actually working in a big company, that way you would know how that information, that the companies you apparently invest in, comes into frutition.


You would probably improve your hit-rate on the stock market as well.

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Wouldn't surprise me if Exec Mgmt gets a DAILY report on sub numbers. With the amount of focus on this game you can bet they are all over the sub numbers.


As someone who used to provide reports to our executive manasgement team, I can confirm this sort of behavior. For EVERYTHING they wanted daily Leads and Sales numbers, and especially if it was a large or new product.

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I love how all the haters proclaimed this game would be dead and buried after its free month, server mergers would be needed, no one would be playing, and TOR would have been branded a failure.


Now the reports are issued, and all you hear is, 'oh yeah? Well, EA is falsifying the reports, and these one month numbers mean nothing. Come back in SIX MONTHS, when the game will be dead, server merges will be needed...'


I'm sure in six months we'll have the newly adjusted doom of TOR set to ONE YEAR.

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1.7 million active subscriptions in a little over a month is amazing, and it does not matter if it was at the start or the end of the month. Even WoW didn't have such numbers a month after release.


I concur. I'm sure the fans and BW are very pleased right now.

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Hehe... im enjoying their desperation though.


ZOMG, we were dumb when we predicted doom and gloom for the game! Quick! Make something up!

Actually going to save this quote, and we'll see if it's worth posting when the 4th quarter financials are released. ;)


It's not about "doom and gloom". It's about being accurate. If SWTOR could hit 5 million, 10 million, more more more, it wouldn't matter to me one iota. It's just that every other single bit of empirical data out there is showing SWTOR on a quick downward trend as far as subscriptions and play time. As well, everything Bioware is currently doing smacks of a company scrambling to save a ship that's really sitting low in the water, if you know what I mean.

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Originally Posted by darthdoll



It already has more subs.


From the call:


Q: Are these 1.7 subscribers paying?

A: Active subscribers means anyone paying OR in their trial period. MOST of those 1.7m are paying at this point


Most of those are paying, so your saying TOR will drop 1.2m subs for your estimate?


I just want to reiterate this




Brown said represents a mix of users who already have signed up for a paid subscription and users who have given their credit cards over, but have not yet had their paid plans kick in.

Edited by Ivyhae
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Posting again for great truthiness!




... now has about 1.7 million active subscribers playing the online multiplayer title, which Brown said represents a mix of users who already have signed up for a paid subscription and users who have given their credit cards over, but have not yet had their paid plans kick in.


Emboldened for emphasis.

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I would never invest solely on that metric alone.


I did buy 5 June 18 calls on EA last week because I felt strongly that the stock was oversold due to one analyst being overly doom and gloom on SWTOR.


quoted for truth, I have multiple calls in EA and have owned them for many months based on what I expected from this game.


Based on earnings they beat targeted numbers but released a weak Q4 preview, which is why the stock stumbled after hours and won't be the "grand slam" us stock owners hoped for.


The negative public relations blitz initiated by... well, who knows, but I'm sure activision was in with em, caused the stock to be way oversold, which is why I bought more in the last couple weeks.


As far as sub numbers and all that, guess what, the game was very successful at launch, much more so then most, if not all, the recent mmo's. And for all those that say they are fudged numbers, you idiots realize that EVERY OTHER copany could possibly have done the same thing if it wasn't illegal, moves like that cause the SEC to look into insider trading if it has a major effect on the stock price.


As for the future and sub numbers: it was stated (not gonna link it, the link is in this mess of posts somewhere) that they were going to be aggressive on content updates and new content in order to attract new subs. There has been one content patch and another big one is planned for March.


For all you people jumping on the hater bandwagon, Bioware shot your driver, you are screwed.


For all the fanbois, dont get too excited, its not the start but the finish that matters.


I am subbed, and will stay subbed as long as I enjoy myself. There are far less issues with this game at launch than any mmo I have played at launch including the big one.


This is neither a make or break day nor an indicator of the games overall success, it is merely a glimpse of how they rocked out release. Coulda beeen better, coulda been a whole lot worse.



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