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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWG Bria - Check In


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Haven't seen u around forever bro, how's it going? I'm on the helmet of garuash server with ATO along with Organ. I haven't gotten much game time in, damn RL keeping me busy.


My IGN's Khamsinvera, hit me up if u roll a toon on the helmet of g server, yous guys too youllbe and shox



I wondered if Organ was gonna come around. Heard from Fozzy? I might roll a toon there just to say hi every once in a while. I'm running with KTD right now on Warrior of (whatever its called).

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Helm of Graush has been turning out to be a very balanced server for sith:republic ratio. That's why we selected it. Damage Networks, Against The Odds, Hadishi, and TRW have started kicking teeth in. We have PVP groups running around the clock. World and battleground. Other night we camped the Republic shuttle in Voss for about an hour killing everyone who tried to enter or leave the planet. Then camping them at the graveyard. We've started our progression raids too and have downed every raid boss we've attempted so far. Fun server. Nice being in the same game as a lot of old familiar faces from Bria and Archimonde.
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HI fellow Bria players

Though i havnt played swg for about a year full time i occasionly pop back to see how things are going

My Charactors were GrayKnt, Shinia and Shinaria

I was the Mayor of new solah for about 2 years before passing on the mantle to some good people who revived the town from its ghost town status.

Just to say I miss all and i hope that this game can reclaim what swg lost


P.S. If any of you are on the shadowland server drop by :)


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Wow another KIA member haven't seen one in a long time. I was in KIA for quite some time until I left the game. Vitroo here!


Aylen Mando'a - KIA of here.


Soon as FOE stole the guild i left Bria, no one else really mattered to me there.

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That's a nice little touching post and everything but unfortunately Veela > Helm of Graush. Don't worry they'll have server transfers eventually and you will be able to repair your oblivious mistake.



Naw, I'd rather be on a server without the zerg guilds. "Throw more meat at the grinder, eventually we will win!"

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I recognize a few names from back in the day and a few from 'that other SW forum'.


I was Yor in <MediK> (forget the spelling now, Dolfiana's guild), who merged with <TRIAD> from Triad Citadel on Talus... just before or just after the CU.


I was MCM/Rifles>Carb>Pistoleer, depending on fotm or guild needs.


It's too bad all from Bria aren't on the same server here, it'd be fun to try recreating the good ol Dantooine server crashing PvP wars.


I still haven't settled on a home server yet, played a few toons to ~30ish and find a huge faction imbalance, I guess Republic is going to be my choice afterall, considering how much the Empire has swayed people to the dark side.

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Naw, I'd rather be on a server without the zerg guilds. "Throw more meat at the grinder, eventually we will win!"


You'd rather be on a server with weaker challenge and less fights, cool. What PVE server you on?

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You'd rather be on a server with weaker challenge and less fights, cool. What PVE server you on?



Yeah, and you would rather be on a server where your weakness can be overshadowed by the huge mass of meat in front of you. But whatever floats your boat.

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That's a nice little touching post and everything but unfortunately Veela > Helm of Graush. Don't worry they'll have server transfers eventually and you will be able to repair your oblivious mistake.


I'm sorry to hear you're so unhappy with your server, but I suggest that if you're waiting for server transfers you go ahead and just reroll on Helm of Graush as it's still early in the game and I'm sure you're only a few levels in. Those of us on the real PVP server are pretty far ahead so you'd better be quick if you want to catch up. Actually, stay where you are. We like having a good imperial:republic ratio. That's why we picked our server in the first place, we don't want to outnumber the enemy 8567238967 to 1. So if you want to play baddies, stay where you are. If you choose to reroll on Helm of Graush...well......welcome to the pros, ahab.

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I'm sorry to hear you're so unhappy with your server, but I suggest that if you're waiting for server transfers you go ahead and just reroll on Helm of Graush as it's still early in the game and I'm sure you're only a few levels in. Those of us on the real PVP server are pretty far ahead so you'd better be quick if you want to catch up. Actually, stay where you are. We like having a good imperial:republic ratio. That's why we picked our server in the first place, we don't want to outnumber the enemy 8567238967 to 1. So if you want to play baddies, stay where you are. If you choose to reroll on Helm of Graush...well......welcome to the pros, ahab.


Veela hosts 4 of the games 10 biggest republic PvP guilds. I don't get a high from killing one person. I don't get the smallest rush killing an entire group in a warzone. Obliterating 80 people on Alderaan who spent half an hour preparing to meet you, with nothing but good organization and talent at your disposal... that's a real war.

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Veela hosts 4 of the games 10 biggest republic PvP guilds. I don't get a high from killing one person. I don't get the smallest rush killing an entire group in a warzone. Obliterating 80 people on Alderaan who spent half an hour preparing to meet you, with nothing but good organization and talent at your disposal... that's a real war.


Lies....you know its like hearding cats.

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This was the logical outcome after the failed attempt to follow FoE to an US-East server. Now the scattered impies are measuring which East server is bigger. Oh, the fun. My smile is bigger than ever.




If we were interested in following any particular guild, wouldn't it make sense that we actually follow them? Especially given that we did not go to the server we were assigned? Or are you like one of those global warming fanatics that see cold weather as proof of global warming?


Fact is we did research on what guilds were on what server, and we rolled on what we calculated would be the most competitive. We shared our data with guilds we had friends in, and most of them opted to come with us to the big league on Helm of Graush.

Edited by Veginator
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