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  • Location
    Edmonton, AB
  • Interests
    Acting, Singing, Video Games, Music, Star Wars
  • Occupation
    Call Centre and Maintenance
  1. I picked Imperial Agent during the beta so that I wouldn't spoil the story for any other class that I wanted to roll for launch, but I fell in love with the IA storyline. It's the story that drives the choice for me, not the class
  2. I am curious though because I HAVE crafted a prototype piece with 2 mod slots, but only one (ever). All the others I crafted had no mod slots and I learned the artifact version with no mod slots. Just since the orange pieces generally rely on the mods rather than having their own stats I thought maybe there would be a way to make it better (purple?).
  3. I actually AM talking about orange items and not crystal. I'm armstech.
  4. Oh that's weird. I'm 300 in Armstech and I've been able to learn a couple of looted weapons that I have picked. Hoping maybe you can do the same with orange... Does anyone know what the rarest crafting material is in the game?
  5. Can orange items be reverse engineered to learn the schematic? And if so, if you craft/reverse engineer enough of them will you learn the schematic of a more powerful one? Thanks guys!
  6. And by that I feel like I just made this forum about me and my problems with it haha
  7. Everytime my companion finishes a mission they say the exact opposite of the mission results; If the mission is a success they say it failed. Anyone else having this problem or know if it is a known bug?
  8. Well, that's a bummer. I accidentally set up my authenticator on my ipod rather than my smartphone. Is there anyone that I can change this? I downloaded the authenticator on my smartphone, but it's telling me to input some codes from my account profile on this website, but they aren't available anymore. Any suggestions?
  9. I have had to use my authenticator app every time I log into the game. I visit the forums from a different computer during the daytime though. Would this have an affect on it?
  10. If you guys are in the area come have some fun! I'm a level 34 Imperial Agent and I am dancing in your REPUBLIC Cantina! YAYYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!
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