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Hit Piece or Hard Truth?


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yea i stopped reading when they said 4chan was calling it a bad game.... so a wow biased group is calling a competitors game bad? really? wonder how big the writers salary is from blizz.


not saying the game doesnt need work, but its only in its second month...

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Kind of a poorly researched article. Greg Zeschuk is one of the founders of Bioware, not Mythic. He didn't have anything to do with Warhammer Online. The author even linked a bio which he apparently didn't bother to read or couldn't comprehend--Bioware is working on 'Wrath of Heroes' a F2P "arena" sort of game based on Warhammer Online, and that is what Mr. Zeschuck is affiliated with...not the Warhammer Online MMO. Edited by marshalleck
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I can also start a blog, have it displayed on technorati, and type an equally gushing review for the game. This means nothing


Since when did blog posts become 'hit pieces' or 'hard truth'? Nobody has ever heard of this person. They are a nobody. Their opinion carries as much weight as the average poster on these forums.


So, did this post have a point, or were just trying to drum up hits to your blog? This might as well have been posted as a wall of text here directly.

Edited by Mannoth
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I can also start a blog, have it displayed on technorati, and type an equally gushing review for the game. This means nothing


Since when did blog posts become 'hit pieces' or 'hard truth'? Nobody has ever heard of this person. They are a nobody. Their opinion carries as much weight as the average poster on these forums.


So, did this post have a point, or were just trying to drum up hits to your blog? This might as well have been posted as a wall of text here directly.


Dead on. The way you become famous is by doing this and getting a great response because you wrote an amazing article. Then you begin the long climb towards building your subscribership.


Unfortunately, the internet is fairly brutal to bad blogs.

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Did he really use the word, "piracy" in talking about a subscription-based MMO, which requires a valid CD key before you can even create an account? A CD that only comes with a purchased box and their account-creation server knows what are valid keys and what would be invalid?


Really? Is this guy for real, or what?

Edited by Nangasaur
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I had to stop after I read "It can't be denied that Star Wars: The Old Republic sold well. Estimates are ranging from between 1 million to 1.5 million sales. However these don't account fully for piracy."


How exactly does one pirate an MMO with a monthly subscription fee?

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