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10 Good
  1. waiwaiwaiwait.! so swtor has playable alien species in game? which is not a human with dyes on his or her face since when?!!
  2. İTS NOT A MUST!!! its a pokemondigimon Gametype content which people started cheer out once they added. i hate it . and i hope they ll never add that content to the game
  3. im still enjoying all these its just they should make a galaxy map which should not take equaltime to get to each planet and system.. galaxymap should have a approch timer as well
  4. casinos and gambling are for mature players and will pull more attraction to the game as in end content
  5. its a called STARWARS go watch the movies if you havent.. damn...
  6. its very important for the game and will add lots of fun
  7. Have you ever seen starwars movies ?_ damn .. what the hell is wrong with you people...
  8. they cant do it. even if they do it will not be a open erea . it will be a instance just like ships
  9. yes yes indeed . cantinas are lifeless without a gambling content
  10. and this would make the game for many players to come back before its to late
  11. adding this will improve the endgame content as well XD
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