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Interesting thing about deserter threads


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I love you OP.


You just said exactly what I felt in much better words than I would have. It's the true pvpers that end up being the 2-3 people that stay behind when everyone else bails for greener pastures. Not willing to accept the possibility that they're bad is the reason the game started off rocky to begin with. Then they move on to a new game to get carried and feel good about themselves.


Deserter buff is coming. Whether you like it or not. Cause otherwise warzones will die and so will pvp in swtor

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Gotta love the OP. "Don't agree with me? Then you'll be added to the QUOTE WALL OF SHAME!"



ROFL nice, I didn't even notice. Could make one for the terribads but I'm not sure there is enough room.


True PvPers stay and get farmed <----LOL fire is hot, don't touch it.

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I go back and forth on this. I really only leave a WZ if my team is completely disinterested in doing the warzone.


Example: Last night were down two guns to one in alderaan, my team is completely disinterested in trying to capture a second, instead 7/8 of them decide they want to stay at the one gun we have and "get defender points". The other team was completely fine with staying at the two guns they had and winning the game. (this seems to be more prevalent in the 50's bracket as the dailies/weeklies are to win games) So I decided I'd try to rambo a gun, but kept getting overwhelmed within 30 seconds. So yes, I left that WZ. Yes I would be fine with getting a 15 minute cool down for leaving that WZ as I left, but I guess I am trying to validate my reasoning behind leaving. I won't leave a WZ like Huttball even if were down 5-0 and were getting farmed, but to just stand there while 7/8 members of my team afk at a gun seems like a waste to me.

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I will feast on your tears Armaso when deserter debuff is added and you can't leave every game that isn't a landslide in your teams favor cause your team carried you :)



There will be no tears from me because I will work around it. I will entertain myself by by dancing and making snide comments to bad players while watching a movie on my other monitor.


From many of my other posts. I don't leave if our team doesn't steamroll. I leave when the is no chance to win. I can see how you are unable to make this distinction since you slam your face into walls over and over all the while thinking you are the superior PvPer.


By chance, is your name MooCow of the ValorFarm Legacy?

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There will be no tears from me because I will work around it. I will entertain myself by by dancing and making snide comments to bad players while watching a movie on my other monitor.


From many of my other posts. I don't leave if our team doesn't steamroll. I leave when the is no chance to win. I can see how you are unable to make this distinction since you slam your face into walls over and over all the while thinking you are the superior PvPer.


By chance, is your name MooCow of the ValorFarm Legacy?


So what you're saying is you're a sore loser and take your ball and go home when you're being beat then? Or am I misunderstanding?

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So what you're saying is you're a sore loser and take your ball and go home when you're being beat then? Or am I misunderstanding?


No, I'm a realist. I don't need to make up some fantasy reasons about why I should stay when our team is already soundly beaten.


Moooooooooooooooooo shouldn't you be getting milked right now?

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I dont leave very many matches but if i see 3+ players level 10-15 I leave


That is a losers mindset. Good job on making sure you are always going to be mediocre and require others to carry you.


It is funny when people say they don't want to carry others what they really mean is they want others to carry them.

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Yeah the funny thing is the deserters are mostly not-too-bright people who don't realize they're perpetuating the very problem they're fleeing from.


Every time you rage quit some other poor bastard comes into your spot. Why do you think you end up joining losing games so often? Because of other losers like you who quit and give their spot to you.


If losers couldn't leave early things would even out and you wouldn't be any worse off than you are now except to the extent that you're able to free load now off more conscientious people.

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Do all of the following in the order listed:


Create cross server warzones.


Create separate queues for pugs and premades with sync-queue prevention built in. Make the premade queues rated and give them fancier titles and prettier gear, but make sure that their gear is either equivalent to pug gear or gets automatically toned down once they enter a pug game.


Deserter debuff account wide of at least 20 minutes.


Afker detection and warzone lockouts of up to a week for repeat offenders. Account wide.


Massive pvp botter perma-ban sweep.


All of this would make PvP (sub level 50, anyway) much more fun for the majority of players. But none of it can be quickly and easily done. It would take quite a bit of time and money to get it right. One question is, how many players pvp regularly enough to notice the cracks in the current system? If it's really only just a few of us, we aren't going to get a better system than the one we have.

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Best thing I saw last week was a guy whom did a /sit by the one objective we controlled because we were losing. He flat out told us in the OPs channel that he wasn't going to try anymore. The match was 1:00 in on Civil War. We were all like 'wut?'


He basically threw a temper tantrum in chat for the next 5 minutes. These are the type of people the rest of us are dealing with. LOL :D

Edited by jdnyc
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I never desert.


I also have benign peripheral tremor (shaky hands), severe dysgraphia, and my left hand hasn't worked too well since it was impaled by a bowie-knife wielding nut back in the 80s after I told one too many Chuck Norris jokes.


After knocking back a few beers, or a bottle of red wine, I like to queue up to do my warzone dailies. I enjoy starting 1v1 matches as far from the objectives as I can get, standing in fire circles and acid pools, pulling opposing Huttball carriers into the end zone with harpoon, telling new Chuck Norris jokes and calling team members gay in Op chat. And I never, ever pass the ball...at least not to a member of _my_ team.


I know I'm not an awesome PVPer or anything, but I still usually manage to get top medals when the stats window pops up at the end of the match.


I agree, people who desert matches are utterly despicable. I can't imagine why anyone would want to miss out on the chance to be in an op with me.


I would rather play with that guy than the real you who is apparently a cowardly quitter who is no good and doesn't try anything unless carried.

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Yeah the funny thing is the deserters are mostly not-too-bright people who don't realize they're perpetuating the very problem they're fleeing from.


Every time you rage quit some other poor bastard comes into your spot. Why do you think you end up joining losing games so often? Because of other losers like you who quit and give their spot to you.


If losers couldn't leave early things would even out and you wouldn't be any worse off than you are now except to the extent that you're able to free load now off more conscientious people.



It's the large portion of terrible PvPers that let themselves be farmed that is the problem. Nice story though. I'm sure they will get better by zerging into death.

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Mindlessly run in to die? You mean people are actually pvping? I will stay no matter what, it doesn't matter. As long as I do the best I can do, its all good. Win some, lose some.. Its a game. If you go in and expect to win all the time then you should find a new hobby.


This is part of where the cowardice comes from though. Some people are afraid to die in pvp, which is another mark of a bad player.

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Best thing I saw last week was a guy whom did a /sit by the one objective we controlled because we were losing. He flat out told us in the OPs channel that he wasn't going to try anymore. The match was 1:00 in on Civil War. We were all like 'wut?'


He basically threw a temper tantrum in chat for the next 5 minutes. These are the type of people the rest of us are dealing with. LOL :D


Ok, that's pretty bad.

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This is part of where the cowardice comes from though. Some people are afraid to die in pvp, which is another mark of a bad player.


Oh that's rich. Now I'm a coward because I won't LET someone continuosly kill me. Keep em coming guys. Need more cliche coach speeches!

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The matches never end quickly. Why would the team that is dominating want to stop wiping everyone? They get more medals, valor, epeen, etc.


Instead of playing to win it is all about playing to the end of the time and winning.


The joke they call pvp gets worse and worse each and every day.

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This is part of where the cowardice comes from though. Some people are afraid to die in pvp, which is another mark of a bad player.




Hi, I am a valor farmer and not afraid to admit it. You sir are one that gets his epeen off killing the same guy over and over. Wow you are amazing we should all bow down to your epeeness.

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Best thing I saw last week was a guy whom did a /sit by the one objective we controlled because we were losing. He flat out told us in the OPs channel that he wasn't going to try anymore. The match was 1:00 in on Civil War. We were all like 'wut?'


He basically threw a temper tantrum in chat for the next 5 minutes. These are the type of people the rest of us are dealing with. LOL :D


There's a whole guild of these people on my server. They exist to farm valor and bags, not to actually take objectives or win games. Their defensive mechanism is trolling when called out to the op group. Any loophole they find, they will exploit.


I actually saw one yelling in all caps in General during a hutball match to an enemy player: STOP HITTING ME MAN GOD I AM JUST TRYING TO FARM HERE and then proceeded to call everyone else scrubs. :confused:


They don't quit the matches. They just don't bother playing unless they can easymode against a PUG of teens. And THAT is the kind of game I bail on. As long as my team is actually interested and engaged, I'm in it, even if we're losing, but I can't be bothered to babysit a group of purposefully sperg-tastic irritants.

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What I think should happen is if you leave a warzone in the beginning of it, you should be locked out of all rewards from it until reset. This includes, comms, daily completion status, credits, all of it.


If you leave in the middle, you should be locked out of all warzones for the next 3 hours or so.


These lockouts should also be extended on the individuals accounts the more often they actually abandon the matches.


If you leave at the end, well you are just an idiot for not just sticking it out for the remainder amount of time within the match.



Win or lose, you still gain comms, xp, credits and best of all, learning experience from the encounter. If the majority think that pre-mades = automatic win, then the majority are a bunch of individuals who will never get better. PvP for you folks should not be a focus at all. I have been in plenty of matches with a mix of levels, including multiple 10's and such and rolled pre-mades. Level and pugs does not mean you will automatically be defeated. It all comes down to skill of the team. I also find that most will be alts of established level 50 players. That alone equals knowledge within the matches themselves.





Stop complaining and making excuses for your short comings in the matches. Deserters should be penalized.

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