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Everything posted by Tacc

  1. Play: Sage Fear: Marauder/Assassin
  2. So what you're saying is you're a sore loser and take your ball and go home when you're being beat then? Or am I misunderstanding?
  3. I will feast on your tears Armaso when deserter debuff is added and you can't leave every game that isn't a landslide in your teams favor cause your team carried you
  4. I love you OP. You just said exactly what I felt in much better words than I would have. It's the true pvpers that end up being the 2-3 people that stay behind when everyone else bails for greener pastures. Not willing to accept the possibility that they're bad is the reason the game started off rocky to begin with. Then they move on to a new game to get carried and feel good about themselves. Deserter buff is coming. Whether you like it or not. Cause otherwise warzones will die and so will pvp in swtor
  5. Said it in other threads and I'll say it here. There is a reason every other mmo on the planet uses a deserter debuff. It's there for a reason and it works. You can argue til you're blue in the face but it doesn't change facts. Don't be silly please. It has nothing to do with wanting a good fight either. That excuse makes me laugh. I've been in TONS of games where the teams were pretty evenly matched gear and skill wise. The other team happened to score first and everyone ragequits. Not fun. Even a little.
  6. Not having a deserter debuff is absolutely ridiculous. There is a REASON every other mmo on the planet has one. You aren't very bright if you think the current system is a good idea.
  7. Tacc

    Deserter Debuff

    Happens roughly 50% of the games on my server lately :/
  8. Tacc

    Deserter Debuff

    My problem is MOST of the time we AREN'T getting steamrolled. We're facing a pretty equally geared/skilled team and they just happened to score first. Everyone freaks out and leaves cause we aren't steamrolling them.
  9. Tacc

    Deserter Debuff

    So make it 60%? Whatever
  10. Tacc

    Deserter Debuff

    So how about add an option to Surrender? Require 50% vote and then you can surrender the game. Then everyone still gets their commendations/valor for whatever they did manage to achieve and can queue again instead of being farmed. But don't have to sacrifice whatever valor/comms you earned by leaving WZ early.
  11. Tacc

    Deserter Debuff

    And having 3 instead of 8 people for 1-2 minutes while we wait for others to join in is EASILY enough to make or break a game.
  12. Tacc

    Deserter Debuff

    Reading is hard I know. But if you notice in the post you quoted I said "at least" a couple people. Generally speaking it's anywhere from 4-6 people that leave and me plus 2-3 people stick around.
  13. Tacc

    Deserter Debuff

    But it's okay to /ragequit and let other people that have been waiting for a queue end up in your empty slot in that failboat warzone? The debuff is a necessity for instanced pvp. There's a REASON every other game has it. If it was a dumb idea every other MMO in the industry wouldn't be doing it. You can whine all you want and say its a bad idea cause you might have to afk yada yada yada. Sorry. Facts don't lie.
  14. Tacc

    Deserter Debuff

    Uhhh... Yes it has? I've done plenty of pvp in WoW/Warhammer/Rift and all have deserter debuffs in place and NONE of them have half the team leaving the game about 50% of the games I queued for.
  15. Tacc

    Deserter Debuff

    LOL I actually got a warning from a forum mod for calling someone stupid /facepalm... Okay. Name 1 other MMO with instanced pvp (Battlegrounds/warzones/scenarios.etc) that DOESN'T have a debuff in place to discourage people bailing the second it starts to look bad? Don't worry I'll wait. You'll have a hard time finding one. THAT'S my point. The current system is just completely bad news. I don't know how it is on the servers you guys play on. But my server? Republic side Port Nowhere. About 3/4 of the games I queue for at least a couple people end up leaving and I'm tired of being the only one that sticks around and being stuck at a disadvantage cause everyone else ragequit.
  16. Tacc

    Deserter Debuff

    No I didn't post this yesterday. This is the first thread I've started on swtor forums. If you queue up for a warzone be prepared to play it. Stop being selfish. You're saying it's okay for half the team to leave if it's not a blowout in our favor and screw over the rest of the team and all the other people that get sent in to replace them? Just so you don't have to deal with a debuff if you queued for a warzone you couldn't complete? Logic?
  17. Tacc

    Deserter Debuff

    I've been in prolly 30 games where we EASILY could have won if people didn't leave. Huttball for example. Other team got lucky and scored within the first 2 minutes. Instantly 5 people leave. We managed to hold out and got more people in. The game ended 5-4 and we lost. This kind of thing happens constantly. If your team gets off to a bad start it doesn't make it okay for everyone to just /ragequit and screw over your team + all the other people that get sent into the game to replace your dumb self. There's a reason almost every other MMO on the planet has a deserter buff in place. You're not the sharpest tool in the shed if you think it's a good idea to leave it like it is. You're also prolly one of those morons that leaves the second the other team scores too aren't you?
  18. Tacc

    Deserter Debuff

    Dumbest idea I've ever heard in my life. Can't tell if trolling or just stupid?
  19. Tacc

    Deserter Debuff

    Okay look. I'm not the type to come to the forums and whine. In my 10-11 years of MMO gaming I've only made 1 or 2 posts like this one for any game I've ever played. But I feel this is serious enough to warrant it. If nothing in the way of a deserter debuff is done and SOON then there will be a LOT more people unsubbing very soon including myself. I'm sick and tired of queueing up for a warzone getting in and within a minute if things even start to look SLIGHTLY bad for our team 75% of the team quits the WZ and requeues. This puts our team at an immediate huge disadvantage as we run around the map with 3 players for a minute or two while we wait for new people to join in. I shudder at the thought of how many lost WZ's I've played that could've been wins if pansies didn't quit at first sight of the enemy doing decently. Me personally? I'd be perfectly fine with anyone who hits the "Leave Warzone" button receiving -10k valor and a 1 hour no re-queue debuff. But I realize this might seem extreme to some of you. It doesn't have to be quite that much but it has to be enough to discourage all these fair weather pvp idiots from leaving constantly and screwing over their team. This has gotten to be a gigantic problem and I never do this but I really will unsub if nothing is done about this relatively soon. I play this game mostly for PVP and we all know ilum is a joke. Warzones are becoming absolutely ridiculous because of this and theres no more reason for me to play if warzones stop being fun. They also need to make Battlemaster bags buyable for 1000/1000 wz/merc commendations to give battlemasters reason to keep queueing beyond doing their daily. But that's another story.
  20. Not sure if trolling or just stupid? Do any of you actually play Sorcs/Sages? There's no way in hell he got 1 mill healing noble saccing himself and healing. You could spam it the entire 15 minute match in a corner somewhere and you'd be lucky to break 500k heals. It's not that good. Doesn't matter how good the Sage is. If you're not a mouth breathing derp and actually use interrupts/stuns properly you can take them down.
  21. Well I'm a republic player that went from rank 52 to almost rank 57 in the ilum mess last night. I was also on a server that had empire at our doorstep the entire day. They held all the objectives 90% of the day and kept us confined to our spawn area and I STILL got 5 ranks lvl 50+. I probably would've gotten rank 60 myself but by about midnight empire made an organized push and started spawn camping us so I just alt f4'd and went to bed. Now you wanna tell me it's not possible Empire players (With all the objectives getting TONS more valor) couldn't have gone 50-60? You're high. They absolutely can and did and now will have ridiculous amounts of empire battlemasters getting BM gear before republic players and severely imbalancing warzones. GG Bioware. Excellent work.
  22. That's what I thought. Just saw somebody spam healing himself and it got me wondering. No consumption or noble sac.
  23. Operatives and Scoundrels WILL be nerfed. All the operatives can whine and say "We're balanced you're just bad and QQ'ing" all you want. It's going to happen no matter what you say. As Ghostcrawler would say "To the ground baby!"
  24. Do warzone scoreboards show overhealing or only what's effectively healed? Curiosity leads me to ask. I saw somebody spam healing himself at full health in a WZ today I assume trying to pad his heal numbers? Anybody know for sure?
  25. Tacc

    Give me healing medals

    Healers should ABSOLUTELY get kill credit for dps they heal killing ppl. The fact that they don't is absurd.
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