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Interesting thing about deserter threads


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Oh that's rich. Now I'm a coward because I won't LET someone continuosly kill me. Keep em coming guys. Need more cliche coach speeches!


This is how I feel about it. I'd rather feel like a coward or a deserter or a corner lurker than an idiot getting farmed over and over for no reason.


And that lack of a deserter debuff is one of the things that keeps the farming in check. Premade teams that know they're going to win do all kinds of things to make games look closer than they are in hopes that the other side will stay and keep fighting. They throw the ball away, they don't cap, they let the other side through a door or two.


Yesterday I watched a guy stand on the node for five minutes and kill players who showed up alone to try to take it. But he never capped it even though he had plenty of time to. We won that game by about 20 points. Why? Why didn't his teammates cap it if he didn't? My guess is they wanted us to keep fighting. Then when they tried to claim mid for a last minute win, we managed to keep them at bay. Lots of excitement and kills for all. But that team could have won, and won early on.


Probably people who don't play warzones that often are fooled into believing they're getting good matches and just barely losing. Which makes them try harder and makes them keep queuing. And keeps them happier. I'm seeing Huttball games go 0-0 with the winner being whoever has the ball at the end. Against teams I would swear are mopping the floor with us.

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This is how I feel about it. I'd rather feel like a coward or a deserter or a corner lurker than an idiot getting farmed over and over for no reason.


And that lack of a deserter debuff is one of the things that keeps the farming in check. Premade teams that know they're going to win do all kinds of things to make games look closer than they are in hopes that the other side will stay and keep fighting. They throw the ball away, they don't cap, they let the other side through a door or two.


Yesterday I watched a guy stand on the node for five minutes and kill players who showed up alone to try to take it. But he never capped it even though he had plenty of time to. We won that game by about 20 points. Why? Why didn't his teammates cap it if he didn't? My guess is they wanted us to keep fighting. Then when they tried to claim mid for a last minute win, we managed to keep them at bay. Lots of excitement and kills for all. But that team could have won, and won early on.


Probably people who don't play warzones that often are fooled into believing they're getting good matches and just barely losing. Which makes them try harder and makes them keep queuing. And keeps them happier. I'm seeing Huttball games go 0-0 with the winner being whoever has the ball at the end. Against teams I would swear are mopping the floor with us.



Well said, happens all day. The Valor Cows are easily fooled.

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If you leave a match that's ongoing just because you can't handle a loss of 'don't have the time', then why play at all. We ALL know what we're getting into by now. Just stop pretending you're a PVPer, cause for all the talk, you're not.


And then the lame excuses.... seriously, get over yourselves. Your precious time is not more valuable than MY time, and you're ruining MY time by being selfish morons.


Funny enough, I've won quite a few matches even after 5 people quit. When you get people who are determined to win, a lot can happen. 'Impossible' situations CAN be reversed. 'Wrong' classes CAN win a match. Undergeared people CAN have more skill than the persons who are in all Battlemaster, all that takes is a lot of patience, after all.

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If you leave a match that's ongoing just because you can't handle a loss of 'don't have the time', then why play at all. We ALL know what we're getting into by now. Just stop pretending you're a PVPer, cause for all the talk, you're not.


And then the lame excuses.... seriously, get over yourselves. Your precious time is not more valuable than MY time, and you're ruining MY time by being selfish morons.


Funny enough, I've won quite a few matches even after 5 people quit. When you get people who are determined to win, a lot can happen. 'Impossible' situations CAN be reversed. 'Wrong' classes CAN win a match. Undergeared people CAN have more skill than the persons who are in all Battlemaster, all that takes is a lot of patience, after all.


Ah yes another come from behind to beat unimaginable odds response with selfish thrown in for flavor. This one time, in imagination land, I was all by myself and defeated all 8 enemy players by pushing them into the fire and then scoring 6 goals to come out with a 5-6 win. I sure showed those quitters who left me.


We can handle a loss or multiple loses, that isn't the issue. What we refuse to handle is being farmed.

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Actually you can prolly blame todays society of "give even the team that lost a trophy" and "dont keep score so there are no losers" causing the mentality of "If I am not winning I wont play" Bunch of spoiled rotten children.
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I completely agree with the OP. The problem I see is that people are willing to do whatever it takes to win and forget the fact that there is more than gear that counts in pvp.


Say you get full valor, full gear, full everything PvP you could get. Then what? Good job, you beat the game. PvP especially is not about just winning, and only when people finally understand that do they stop leaving.


Go look at records of top people in anything, whether games, sports, doesn't matter, you will quickly see that they don't often have an overwhelming win record. In order for people who are good to get good, they have to lose a lot first. Only by losing do people see how they can get better. Nevertheless, here are a few simple things you can do.


1. Make a premade. I don't care if you can't make a full group or what the opponent has, teamwork even in small groups has a significant impact. Work with the other players to coordinate a strategy and work together. As a healer, if I get one person to work with me, we are almost invincible unless greatly outnumbered. Though I'm not here to brag about numbers, with a level 16, my heals outdo any healer or dps damage. I'm not a terribly great PvP'er, I just team up with 1 or 2 people and stick with them.


2. Research your class. I don't care if you feel underpowered. Aside from a few minor issues, classes *are* in fact quite balanced. I am fully aware of the problems that exist, but you *can* overcome them. Your class *should not* be able to beat every other class 1v1. If you can't, it doesn't mean you're underpowered, it means you should read point 1 above. Aside from that, the players who understand their class do the best because they know how to use their abilities, not that they have some great advantage over everyone else. I like taugrim personally for my PvP advice, but there are plenty of other places to learn.


3. Keep playing. More than anything else, follow this one. Everyone reading this post could be playing instead and practicing their PvP skills. The more time you spend complaining to the forums about the game, the less time you have to actually learn. If you believe that the game is not worth playing currently because you feel underpowered, you keep getting groups that don't know how to play, or you just hate PvP in general, see points 1 and 2 above, and send your fellow players who you are clearly much better than to the forums so they can learn their class better. In fact, instead of yelling at them, why not talk to them and teach them how to play PvP better, as you are clearly the expert. Then you will have new, good-at-PvP group members with which to group.


TL;DR Teamwork and practice have a much more significant impact on winning than OP / UP. If you don't like your team, Make one and teach others how to PvP better, since you are clearly the expert on PvP.

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People who quit matches sicken me. You should face it to the bitter end. I mean what's the worse that can happen? You get some valor, money, and comms? Xp if you're lower bracket? I mean seriously. Those are the tangible rewards you get for losing.


What about the intangible rewards? I hate loosing too, but I'd rather play a challenging warzone where my team loses but was fun, rather than a warzone where my team kicks *** but was not challenging or fun at all. It's my firm belief that you only get better by playing skilled/geared opponents rather than a bunch of scrubs just playing for xp.

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I would rather play with that guy than the real you who is apparently a cowardly quitter who is no good and doesn't try anything unless carried.


You're making a lot of assumptions.




The real me has /quit in-progress MMO warzones & Battlegroups rarely enough that I can remember each separate instance over the last several years. I honestly believe that it is inconsiderate unless I am genuinely unable to make any contribution to my team. And possibly more to the point, I think there is usually nothing to be gained from quitting.


I really do have a small battalion of diagnosed neurological problems (including "benign peripheral tremor" which appears to be fancy doctor-speak for "IdunnowhatitisbutitsnotParkinsons...yet"), and the medical expenses to prove it.


I really do have occasional cramping in my left hand, because it really was impaled with a knife by a psycho several decades ago when I was a much younger man. (Although the incident had a lot to do with wandering into the wrong dive, and nothing to do with Chuck Norris jokes). It didn't bother me much until about 10 years ago, but the pain has been getting worse over the past decade.


And sadly, I have been known to play after too much red wine, stand in fire circles & acid pits, and do all the other bone-headed stuff I mentioned. Worse, I can't really blame my dysfunctional nervous system for it. I'm usually just being impulsive and dumb. Although I hope it is not every single time. I stop queuing if a tremor or cramp seems to be persistent. And I try not to engage stupid play, but the trouble with stupid is that one rarely recognizes it in oneself, at least until well after the fact.


So I'll look forward to joining you in Huttball in the near future.


But seriously, I think the fact that I am fully aware that on a bad day I am genuinely terri-bad makes it easier for me to accept people quitting. I'm selfish enough that I continue to keep queueing up even after I have a momentary muscle spasm or brain fart. But not so selfish I think other people are obligated to hang around and carry me and the rest of a terri-bad team when its stopped being fun for them.




Doh. I've done all the boneheaded stuff I described earlier, EXCEPT tell Chuck Norris jokes and call people gay. There's a 10th circle of Dante's Inferno for people who abuse chat channels during PVP matches. Instead of a deserter debuff, can we get a debuff that automatically kicks a person for 2 hours if he types "Chuck Norris", "gay" or racial slurs into chat?

Edited by Midasear
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Sometimes it is of a personal benefit to leave a match early (or if that bothers you, wait ~5 minutes before queuing again after the match is over).


Reason being? When you have a limited pool of people to draw from you will find that you get grouped with the same group of people repeatedly. Even when you expand that pool, chances are you will get put into the same warzone with the same people because you all entered the queue at the same time, and chances are that all other people who would be in the pool are already in a warzone.


What happens is you get the same group of people playing match after match, and probably getting the same outcome match after match. The only fluctuations are when somebody drops queue and a new person enters, a person gets put into a new group because somebody there dropped, or the unlikely case where two warzones ended at the same time.


So, to your personal benefit, if you find yourself in a losing streak, either leave the warzone and wait a few minutes or wait five or so minutes to queue up again when you finish your current warzone.


Then finish the match and don't reque for twenty minutes after.


Not aimed at you but I am amazed at the people who complain the most about losing in pvp are the same people who do what they can to avoid actual pvp

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The only time I ever left a team that wasn't due to a crash/disconnect- was during a match in which ALL of my team members had been hiding in some obscure place of the map.



It really blows when you enter a match with 2min left to have all the previous players deserting...leaving the newly joined guys no chance to mob up the mess. Even the best of players can't go back in time and fix the objectives already taken.


It has nothing to do with being a "hero"...if you are that outmatched just all agree to not get farmed and try to end the match quickly.


I'm all for a deserter debuff of 3hrs- it's still a choice to play or leave...obviously if you leave you aren't that serious about pvp and are trying to set yourself up for an ALREADY winning team with less of an effort on your part (just to get your token daily done).


You aren't being rated- there's no big sign that hovers over you if you lose a match...suck it up like anyone else in a actual competition.


Someone is going to win....and someone is going to lose.



3 hours is harsh but it needs to be harsh. At least an hour. The problem though is people getting disconnected and thus it has to be tempered some.


The problem is these same bad players will just stand around and do nothing.


I am really hoping for a personal rank system that then matches people of similar levels. The quitters will be mired in mediocrity for ever.

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The REALLY interesting thing about deserter threads is that nobody seems to care WHY people are leaving.


Consider this scenario:


Your PUG, with half the players in it under level 20, get matched to a premade in high 40s. What chance do you have? NONE. None whatsofreakingever! And instead of being good sports and quickly doing a 6-0 and leaving, they farm your team for 15 mins.


Now, in a scenario like this, can you REALLY blame people when they choose to leave? Think about it. You have a low chance of winning, because a bunch of level 11s decided they wanted to PeeVeePee, and then you get matched to a well-geared, teamplaying premade to boot, your chances drop below freezing point. So what's the point in staying for 15 mins?


Now, my CRAAAAAAZY suggestion is, instead of PUNISHING people for leaving such a scenario, why not prevent these scenarios from happening? I mean, is it too much to ask that a team with an average l level of 45 NOT be matched up to a team with an average level of 15? I mean, am I the only nutjob here that thinks like that?



Yeah I can blame people because it is the perfect opportunity to test and try out things you would not do ordinarily. It is great fun to go in and kill off an overpowered premade player or two in a lopsided battle.


If you do that you are telling them I am better than all you suckers. Why hide and be afraid?


I am hyper aggressive in pvp for one simple reason, most people are afraid. They don't want to die and they are easily flustered.


Being outmatched and farmed in void star to still get in and successfully plant a bomb or two is worth something and it does make you a better player. The best time to learn is when you are outmatched as you have to work harder but more importantly harder.


People can do what they want but there is no such thing as a really good pvp player who quits Warzones. They are a team sport, you should work with your team and help them get better via gear, level and strategy.

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What a lot of you "Deserter" Fanatics forget is there is an AFK timer. For example. Yesterday, I missed the first let out of the game due to having to grab the kiddo some water. I was back JUST in time to go through the door ran for it and it closed and I was stuck in there again. The doors that let you leave an area are on crazy LONG "cool downs" so halfway through it kicked me out. Only to be let right back into the game and be called an ******e etc etc. So before you go all Nazi on someone and start spreading how much of a bad player they are you should prolly know what you are talking about first.
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Yeah I can blame people because it is the perfect opportunity to test and try out things you would not do ordinarily. It is great fun to go in and kill off an overpowered premade player or two in a lopsided battle.


If you do that you are telling them I am better than all you suckers. Why hide and be afraid?


I am hyper aggressive in pvp for one simple reason, most people are afraid. They don't want to die and they are easily flustered.


Being outmatched and farmed in void star to still get in and successfully plant a bomb or two is worth something and it does make you a better player. The best time to learn is when you are outmatched as you have to work harder but more importantly harder.


People can do what they want but there is no such thing as a really good pvp player who quits Warzones. They are a team sport, you should work with your team and help them get better via gear, level and strategy.


Nice pep talk coach. Unfortunately, it's all bunk.

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Didnt read your long post but add "My kids were crying and needed to be fed and instead of neglecting them I left the WZ and now people like you rage and post on these forums for people like me to laugh at"


Thank you.


Sorry to say this but, if your kids are crying due to being hungry, you have already neglected them for a video game. Not trying to tell you how to parent but seriously if your children are still that young that they cry to tell you that they are in need of food, there is a problem and part of the solution does not involve a video game of any sort.

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Didnt read your long post but add "My kids were crying and needed to be fed and instead of neglecting them I left the WZ and now people like you rage and post on these forums for people like me to laugh at"


Thank you.

Clearly your crying kids are the collective responsibility of the playerbase and not you. I understand sometimes **** happens and you need to go but in that case why would you worry about a debuff anyway?

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Ah yes another come from behind to beat unimaginable odds response with selfish thrown in for flavor. This one time, in imagination land, I was all by myself and defeated all 8 enemy players by pushing them into the fire and then scoring 6 goals to come out with a 5-6 win. I sure showed those quitters who left me.


We can handle a loss or multiple loses, that isn't the issue. What we refuse to handle is being farmed.


WHAT unimaginable odds? Being behind 0-1 in Huttball? That's when I see most people leave. It's completely laughable. Yesterday alone we came back from worse odds than that several times. Voidstar and Alderaan are no different.


And leaving because there's a premade? How about you form your own premade and try to do something about it. Of course the next accusation will be that this other premade hacks, because they still win, but hey...


People don't know what to do? TELL THEM. POLITELY. Suggest actually playing the objectives might give more medals, even if you lose. (And explain what medals do and what they're given out for - a surprising amount of people don't realise). Whatever you do, don't go calling them noobs and scrubs and leave. You'd be amazed, people might actually start listening in stead of running around like headless chickens.


The other excuses are even lamer... having people with 'insufficient' gear, having classes you don't like. Are these people even hearing themselves talking? So they only want to play with people in uber gear and of the exact right classes...


I repeat, those people should just quit PVP altogether, because PVPers they are not. They're collectors of loot and valor.

Edited by Broom
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These threads make me laugh.


You guys say people leave because they are afraid to lose. They leave because they already know its a loss and there is no further reason to continue with the current failure.


Wins and loses aren't even tracked so why would that even matter? Hell, if they were

tracked and leaving counted as a loss, people would still leave. Do you know why?


Bioware's horrible gear system. After valor rank 60, commendations and valor are useless. People need wins for their daily, not dramatic losses. So they ditch the terribads they were grouped with and roll the dice again hoping they get put with people that actually know what is going on.


You say people leaving screws over their team, but those people already screwed over the person leaving by not performing their job adequately.

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Sorry to say this but, if your kids are crying due to being hungry, you have already neglected them for a video game. Not trying to tell you how to parent but seriously if your children are still that young that they cry to tell you that they are in need of food, there is a problem and part of the solution does not involve a video game of any sort.


Ah parental expertise from someone who isn't a parent, or has done any study of human infants and how they communicate things to their parents.


Tip, Infants have different cries, as they cannot speak full sentences and words, thus they cry to bring attention to their parents they are not in an optimal state.


Hungry, Scared, Need to be changed, there are many cries, just like there are coos, giggles, and such, human babies are not the only creatures to do this, ALL infant/baby creatures do it.

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The deserter threads all boil down effectively to the same thing.


"We went in with a premade and are pissed our victims/targets refuse to stay so we can roflstomp them. Wahhhhhh"


Give the ability to queue for a no-premade WZ and put in whatever deserter debuff you want. Put in a debuff and force people to play vs premades, lots will just sit afk in the corner. There is no point in playing when there's no chance. Do you see the 3+:1 outnumbered realms entering Illum? Unless its in a huge pack? A pack that leaves when word gets around on the outnumbering side to flood in and, you know, outnumber them into the bedrock? No? Wonder why. Those spoilsports should be forced to zone into Illum so we can do our daily by roflstomping them.


Sound silly? Same thing as ALL these deserter theads. Get over yourselves.

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