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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sorcerers are becoming the next Bright Wizards


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Sorcs are absolutely overpowered. They literally have no weaknesses. high ranged damage, bubbles, healing, cc, slow, roots, maneuverability, and healing. Who's bright idea was that?!


They are WoWs version of Death Knights! Have it all!

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I think the ppl who are playing that class are either blind of seriously mentally challenge to deny that your class have way too much utilities for just one class.


Like one of the poster said since the nerf of OP/Soundrel is coming more and more you are seeing just sorcerer in WZ.


The only weakness of the Sorcerer are the player behind his keyboard. I start to lvl one almost 50 now and the only class that is giving me a hard time in WZ is a sentinel or marauder.


But the sorcerer can keep lying to themself.


If utilities is what makes a class overpowered, then mercs must be the most underpowered class in the game. No, not really.


I'm sorry if a sorcerer has too many spells that and that it ends up confusing the rest of the player-base into thinking they're "overpowered."


Do sorcerers have the "most" utility in the game? Yes.


Does that make their damage/utility uncontrollable? No.


Are sorcerers hard to kill with all their "utilities." No, sorcerers are so damn easy to kill, period.


I also find it hilarious that you're "personal experience" of sorcerer is from yourself playing a sub-50 sorcerer as if it is not common knowledge that caster classes are the least gear/level dependent class in any game. Once you go into the 50s bracket, you will get DESTROYED, even if you get geared.

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This thread should also be titled:


Marauders are becoming the next Marauders


(For those unaware of Marauders, they are a class in Warhammer Online. At launch, the class had far too weak attacks earned early on which resulted in the warzones being 5% Marauders, with them bottoming the damage charts)

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(For those unaware of Bright Wizards, they are a class in Warhammer Online. At launch, the class had far too powerful of attacks earned early on which resulted in the warzones being 50%+ Bright Wizards, with them topping the damage charts)


Now that everyone knows Operative changes are on the way, I'm seeing a lot more Inquisitors around - especially Sorcerers. It's like the Operatives are all rerolling the alternative stealth class, or the alternative facemelting class.


Warzones are beginning to look like Warhammer Online's Bright Wizard problem. In the Huttball matches I've played today, the worst so far have been one with 11 Inquisitors, and one with 12.


10 out of the 11 Inquisitors were Sorcerers in the first one, and 8 out of 12 were Sorcerers in the second.


Should we view this as merely growing pains, as a portion of the playerbase looks for another class to play? Or do you think this is going to be a longterm problem, where the game becomes Sorcerer Wars of the Old Republic (to quote a guildie)?



Or. We could look at it as Sorc are the only caster the game has to offer, and -many- players are only comfortable playing magical classes.


perhaps not everyone is conspiring to be an elite skilled PvP super ninja, and just felt like they had no other choice if they are a caster kind of person.

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The only overpowered thing about sorc/sage might be the healing spec, especially compared to ops/scoundrel healers. Go on any decent community site and look at the tooltips of their abbilities and their talent tree if you are actually interested in class balance, everyone here seems to be debating some mythical class with a dozen cc's without any cooldown and competitive burst damage.
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Bounty Hunter Merc




Would you like me to explain how to play them or do you want a picture book?


This in its entirety!

Lower Health/lower mitigation. unless they are mix pvp+pve gear, burst 3kish max vs lower geared players unless they are running a non Hybrid Build.

Insta cc with stuns all that requires talents to be spent and not spent else where. Sorcs/Sages are not op they are very utilitarian and this is something all bad players will qq about.

Class abilities sprint, shield, knockback, stun, and cast cc.

If you Nerf CC you have to increase Burst its called balance.


Pick you spammable ability from almost any other class or chaining of abilities you have the same issues. Leap masterstrike stun blah blah? releap guard taunt take your pick


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Its not growing pains m8. The class is overpowered in its current form and anyone with half a braincell knows it.


The only people who deny it are the Sorcs themselves and they arent biased much.


I play a Juggernaut and a Sentinel, I RIP Champion Sorcs apart.


People need to get it through their thick skulls this game's PvP has been marketed from the start as team focused.


Tell your Warriors/Knights to sit on Sorcs and make sure to tell them to bind their damn interrupt keys, and you'll never rage at Sorc again.


As a Knight/Warrior Snipers destroy me, I don't rage about "ZOMG SO OP" I shout at my Merc or Commando, or stealthy, and they deal with it while I do what I do best (Guard Healers and kill Sorcs on my Jugg, and kill Sorcs/Healers on my Sent).


If you want to 1v1 everything, this sin't your game sorry. It is also why Ops/Scoundrels are getting nerfed, their burst was effective vs every class, BioWare doesn't want them shredding heavy armor opponents/tanks.


FYI: People don't play Sorcs because they are OP, there are so many Sorcs because Lightning is cool, and they all want to be Palpatine.

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Some peoples seriously need to learn to play... a sorc will run away from most mele class(Sent/marauder/sin/shadow/Op/Scoudrel), and thorn apart spammer aka Merc/commando/pwtech/vanguard. It's called balance, play with your teammate, help your healer, and PLEASE learn to Interupt and your life in wz will be easier.


It's a rock paper scisor game, you cannot beat everyone and will always have a nemesis. Deal with it.

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Might it be that you just need to try and learn how to PvP?


As a sorc is nothing more the a Jedi , do a tun less dps then your soldier or merc . No burst at all . We have good cc , and a dam nice shield . In light armor that ships is what keeps us from just falling over dead.

13k life ya when mist dps classes can hit for 6k we go fast.

Yep op as all hells we are , and iv got a nice bridge to sell you.


Get pvp gear, and this will not be an issue...


You can cry underpowered, but I consistantly get 3k+ tic's from Sorc's force lightning (which can be spammed and is affected by alacrity) in WZ's and I have full champion.

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All classes are overpowered if you do not capitalize on their weaknesses. Most of the people who are claiming sorc are overpowered are not doing that.


I have gotten over 600k damage in voidstar 5 times but it has nothing to do with me being good or playing an overpowered class. It everything to do with the other team letting me. When I face good teams, I need to push to do half that much damage as it is hard to DPS when some melee is continually trying to shove their lightsaber down my throat.


how do you capitlize on a classes weakness when 75% of their team are made up of that class. You cant interrupt a sorc when there are 6 others doing the same thing.


It's blatantly obvious they are op hence why they are the majority of the classes you see in wz's


Denying their incoming nerf is to deny inevitability.

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Warzones are beginning to look like Warhammer Online's Bright Wizard problem. In the Huttball matches I've played today, the worst so far have been one with 11 Inquisitors, and one with 12.


10 out of the 11 Inquisitors were Sorcerers in the first one, and 8 out of 12 were Sorcerers in the second.



Hutball I can understand, but all of the games including huttball I've been in have been myself and another inquisitor max four, meaning they could have been assassin or sorc, there have been more consulars, bounty hunters, and troopers in most warzone I've been in of late. Twice the number of other classes, strangely enough there have been 0-2 sith warriors in every match. Other than that it's been fairly balanced class wise not more than four of one class but a little of everything.

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The amount of control on the Sage probably makes it a negative value to try and target them in group settings over other dps. For instance I run into a fight target the sorc and have to burn through pre shield plus reshield, I need to harpoon to counter either KB+root or speed, and I only have one CC break to deal with stun and lift.


Sage/Sorc has a lot more tools to deal with people in small scale 2v2 or 3v3 like you see at Alderaan turrets than other classes. I haven't had to kill a good one with guard and heals yet. I imagine it would be almost impossible considering how rarely my alt dies. They are the ultimate self sufficient class that also gains value in group situations. Where as mercs can be rendered useless if a competent player targets them.


I'm not sure about nerfs, but I don't think they actually need the 4 sec insta stun they get. That would do something to re-establish the value of stun since its been pretty diluted in this game where everyone has one so they throw them around like candy.

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The only change I'd like to see to Sorc/Sage is removing the snare on Force Lightning and Telekinetic Throw. It's pretty dumb having a spammable 30 yard range snare that also restores Force and does significant damage.


But how are they supposed to slow classes from closing/running away or break line of sight? The only other snare/4 sec stun is on a 1 minute cooldown or 50? if you put two points into the skill. You'd die as a sorc/sage in less time than that, since you've pretty much got no damage mitigation, once bubble poofs.

Edited by Herethos
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But how are they supposed to slow classes from closing/running away or break line of sight? The only other snare/4 sec stun is on a 1 minute cooldown or 50? if you put two points into the skill.


sorc/sage have a ranged instant snare dd thats independant of tk throw/lightning.

Edited by Rotm
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Some peoples seriously need to learn to play... a sorc will run away from most mele class(Sent/marauder/sin/shadow/Op/Scoudrel), and thorn apart spammer aka Merc/commando/pwtech/vanguard. It's called balance, play with your teammate, help your healer, and PLEASE learn to Interupt and your life in wz will be easier.


It's a rock paper scisor game, you cannot beat everyone and will always have a nemesis. Deal with it.


Just got done with some Wz's and reporting back.


There was no less than four of these casters per a game and if there is more than two in the vicinty it is very hard to take them down if at all and no they did not run from any fight,matter of fact the healed and stunned everyone into oblivion.


Iam full cent geared and if i even got them down to 10% they went right back up to 80% of health,this is not balanced.


You Inquis/Sorsc whatever if you cannot admit there is armys of you and in most WZ's there is atleast three or more and you guys have ran roughshod over just about everyone i dunno what to tell yah,denial is not a river in Egypt.

Edited by Sathid
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I don't really care to discuss whether this class is OP or not, frankly I don't care.


It is pretty funny to start the match and 10 seconds in all you hear are channeled lightning spells. Sometimes I disable the sound, I find it annoying as hell.

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The wrong class was nerfed first basically.


I view the Operative/Scoundrel as more of a nuisance, with a big burst that isn't that difficult to live through(this forum is filled with massive exaggeration on how powerful the class truly is).


The Sorcerer on the other hand is just ridiculous, the way the game is played right now, I would rather have a Sorc on my team than an Operative, they have way more utility and burst damage doesn't win Warzones, utility does.


If the Operative/Scoundrel were as close to as overpowered as this forum would have you believe, the Warzones would have 10 of those each game, however the only class that is consistently getting a 50%+ representation in warzones is the Sorc, and we all know why.


bzzzt wrong.


BW could triple ops damage for one day and it would not affect how many ops you find in a WZ


now, if we were talking about ranked WZ where you could pick and choose classes, you might have a point.


population does not necessarily mean that a class is OP or UP because it is affected by more factors than just pvp.

Edited by Ryotknife
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