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Everything posted by Sirolos

  1. I had said double bladed lightsabers because I realized senyas pike and the other were listed as dual sabers but didnt have 2 lightsaber blades. As to the others. I didn't realize those were also holstered on the back. It's odd. Especially since the single bladed counterparts are holstered where they would otherwise be expected. On the hip. Why are the double bladed variants the exception?
  2. This is just a small suggestion as this kinda weapon currently doesnt make sense to me, and also makes the weapon not worth buying ( for me) I don't understand why a dualsaber is holstered like an electrostaff. It honestly looks ugly to me, and it's odd that it is the only double bladed light saber to be holstered on the back. Would love to be able to set the holster position or just have it holstered like a normal dualsaber
  3. Some good ideas and some bad. For me personally. I am doing this valor 60 grind, I hate it. People don't prioritize objectives People leave mid match which can turn a win into a loss People don't focus target and then complain. General toxicity in an unranked WZ. Valor requirements from 50-60 are harsh and steep. No way to earn Valor in OW pvp (The last two are my personal peeves ) For me, These are things that can drive people away from the pvp queues in general. As was said- No one wants to pvp with people that have never even tried to learn the game mode. On the flip side of that. No one will queue if you remove a reason for them to try it. This is a very steep and very slippery slope that has to be balanced or the pvp dies outside of the very few vets still willing to play it. So..Removing rewards for a loss is a very bad idea. You will encourage- Leaving mid match. Because you start losing OR Leaving at the start of the match Because you see people you don't like or want to play with. You will fracture the community where people will leave for silly reasons like low gear score " You guys aren't 258? This is a loss!" What I think would help is if you reward Objective points more heavily from a win and keep losses at the rewards now. I do think winning needs more of a reward. But it's got to focus on the people at least trying to play the game mode
  4. This is the type of **** that makes people not want to play the game. I hope you and your friends get banned because you do nothing but hurt the community that is already struggling. I really hope you and yours get proper punishment for blatant match manipulation
  5. Was there a dev that was supposed to reply in this thread. Did I miss it?
  6. I agree with this. No one likes playing a game with cheaters, and that is the quickest way to kill a pvp population. If you cheat, then you get punished. Simple. If you didn't cheat then you should have no trouble appealing a false punishment. But throwing a tantrum on the forums to garner sympathy doesn't fly for a lot of people. Take it to an email or phone call. For me . I am going to assume that 43 people were banned for a reason.
  7. My bad. I honestly didn't go back through and read before I started posting. So my apologies.
  8. ^This. Also. You guys mentioned a thing about setting like standardized stats in pvp as to fix the issue with having to grind gear, so people could focus on the mechanics of pvp. -So what I am going to suggest is a simplified version of another game I played during my absence. Guild Wars 2 has a closed competitive environment called Spvp ( Structured PvP) In this area of the game. Gear does not matter. That's right, gear does not have an impact on your stats. Instead they have generic pvp stats tied to amulets which you choose before you enter into a match. So this got me thinking about this game and it's Role mechanics. Because this game is a little more simplified then GW2 and everyone has a role or spec that they would use I thought, Why not have a system where before you queue for PvP you selected your role and then stats For ex. Damage- Role 1 -Gives more acc than crit. Role 2- gives more crit than acc. While standardizing stats like end, alac, mastery, power etc. Obviously because it would be a damage role- you will get more into the stat of power then end. And you would do this type of thing for Tank and Heals. Giving people the choice of what specific stat they want to specialize with or benefit from, so every choice has a small downside, but you remove the gear grind entirely. Then you could focus rewards for pvp to be cosmetic and/or achievement based. Their are, as some people will guess, clear up and downsides to this. The upside is that this will allow for everything to be standardized and possibly easier to balance in a pvp environment. As then you just have to tweak numbers on the ability or roles themselves. No one is at a disadvantage because of gear. Any one that wants to try pvp can now enter without the added stress of gearing. Re-introduction of WZ currency- to buy the sweet new lightsabers/pistols/blasters/cannons/nudes or recipes. Downsides- You lose the ability to customize the stats as you want. I think for some people this would be pretty big as they like to have one thing over another. This would require input from the community to implement as well. People would need to discuss what is an optimal stat selection for damage, for tanks, and for healers.
  9. You probably were not here during the launch of the game but the pvp gearing was almost equally as bad. So to answer your question. Yes, the pvp'ers would be equally as upset if not more so. Because bioware essentially did a 1 step forward 3 steps back thing with this whole fiasco.
  10. So casual pvp'ers I could see as a positive. I don't know about the non pvpers that sounds like a bad idea...
  11. Maybe we should bombard the Twitter and reddit for feedbacks?
  12. When I was on Jung Ma the PvP population was pretty lively as far as open world. Their was no PvP instances so they had to PvP. They had guilds of people willing to teach and help newbies. Guild v Guild was common then. The PvP population for both ques and open world was very much lively. PvP gear was a thing with a dedicated PvP stat. It was fun then. I was in a guild lead by a very helpful person who wrote PvP guides and stat guides so we were able to help foster a growth in the competitive environment. What I would like to do is open that option again. With additional incentives. Now that the game has done more for guilds it could also help guilds and like minded people grow a community.
  13. Also to add it would be 3 types maps. Running simultaneously. With different events on each Each of these maps or worlds would be different from the pve realms thus separate as to not draw resources from the pvers. One is illum. One is alderaan One is balmoora Potential for map rotations would be any other map lol Like an urban battleground in nar shadaa. Or bunker busting maps like Hoth. Or prison containment or break out in Belsavis. If they could get the system stable to work with 30 people this would be great I think
  14. I knew I wasn't crazy. I remember the dot spread was on death field. Sad that changed.
  15. I don't think people would mind as much if they just removed the RnG nature of the gear grind. No one likes spending weeks to do something to not be rewarded with what they want or need. It's like if you spent a year working and you could get a new car but the chances of you getting the car you want vs the car model you had is 25% while their is also a chance you get a car part that does nothing for you It's frustrating
  16. Offenders should also have their account zeroed out. So they get to start over playing the game and earning everything all over. Hopefully without cheating and if done again. Perma banned. For the continued growth of a community the last thing you want to do is continue to be lenient on cheaters
  17. Game engine failings aside. Would this be something people would participate in. I believe they can, with work, improve functions of the engine. Especially since it seems they are planning some further extensive QoL changes.
  18. Yes. I saw those. They are not the same and are basically the variations introduced on the Cartel Market. Which I own. The old champion stalker set. Linked above your post is different ,though minor. In where and what glows. The battlemaster does have the pants I am looking for. Just not the exact chest piece or gloves
  19. No. The recipes are different. I checked. https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/champion-stalker-survivor-imp/ The ones you craft look more like the cartel market items. These had glows in the gloves. The horns on the shoulder glowed while the rest of the robe to the bottom did not glow
  20. One point that was said and that should honestly be considered is the "zero out" punishment for wintraders and cheaters. Should honestly be the norm. For punishments in this game. Secondly. Leavers punishments in any type of ranked PvP has been a thing in many games, and since this is already implemented in PvE this should definitely be added to pvp
  21. The top is not the same. The top for the champion stalker is a mix of the ceremonial mystic and chaotic set in the cartel market. Looking into it more however the style of the set is not present. Probably wont be available ever again. And the pants I was looking for are battlemaster survivor. ALSO the headgear from the champion set has a voice modulation. The others on the market do not
  22. That makes me sad to hear. I remember seeing guilds twice that size on old tatooine fighting across the desert in multiple skirmishes.
  23. What's this. Krea is doing an assassin/ shadow workshop for new players? 😝 Also Mike does need to say something. This is needed.
  24. Hi guys and gals. So I come from a time in the game when they had PvP servers and open world was pretty lively. It's one of the things that brought me to the game. Some time ago however it essentially died. For reasons I don't know as I was absent for a lot of the games history. Anyway. From my time away in other games I wonder if an RvR or faction v faction type of match would be something that would in the long term be beneficial for the community. I'm thinking of something like the map queue type of system like GW2 had for WvW on there end. Ex. Illum - large open world map with 6 imp and republic objectives matches last 12hrs with an auto reset. Matches contribute to a total score that is tallied and reset at the weekly maintenance. Winning factions get a special boss in PvE and special siege weapons and buffs in the RvR. Siege engines- players and guilds can contribute with siege engines for the RvR. Like starfighters, tanks, and for guilds, orbital strikes from the guild ship. Map can hold 30-40 players. Factions that are outnumbered spawn more NPC ground troops and strike teams that go to nearby objectives to help with the war effort. ( to help with badly balanced match ups) You can queue or travel to these maps via a shuttle or item. The idea is to introduce more faction based PvP. More guild activities for people that want to represent their guild. And for those guild v guild types of players. Adds a new place for people that just want to PvP with minimal PvE an open world experience where they can do dailys and weeklys. Thoughts? Would this help get more pvpers in the game? What types of rewards would you like to see if they added something like this?
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