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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How to get Battlemaster in a day


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if you're all so incensed about it, then go to Ilum and kill traders.


The only thing that makes this work is cooperation. Put together a hit squad, and go murder the traders on the other team. Hit them while they're coming back from death. hit them on the roads, hit them when they jump off the speeder. Hit them anywhere- except wherever the traders want to hit them by grouping up.


What an easy fix! spontaneous pvp in ilum, as intended!


I don't agree with death trading. I watched the videos, and I don't approve, but I also don't think negative reinforcement works- you should not penalize someone for finding a better, smarter way to do something, that doesn't solve the problem. You should strive to make the alternative solutions superior.


There is nothing inherently wrong with how Ilum works- HOLD YOUR FLAMES. The flaw is in the population. Remember that we're only a few days over a month old at retail- the population base of this game today will not be the population base next month, or the month after that. As the pops balance out, all you need to do is organize more people who would rather fight than trade.


It doesn't take a great deal of effort to ruin a trade. People can make you leave an ops group, but they can't make you leave Ilum. Be the bad apple that spoils the bunch. sabotage trade groups. Promote real fighting.


Bioware doesn't reward or punish you based on behavior- they are merely the architects of a system. the system rewards kills, not the motivation, the intent, or the method. What happens to traders is up to you.


You have great power to make Ilum better. There is no language barrier. Communicate with other saboteurs on the enemy faction to promote real conflict. The players are the problem and the players can be the solution.

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Bioware needs to make an example out of this people, fast and in a very public manner.


If what you say is 100% accurate, I honestly feel...cheated.


I totally agree with this 110%


I may quit because all of the disgusting Ilum antics that BW has been putting on lately. Frankly, it's nothing but unfair to everyone and anyone who doesn't take advantage and abuse it.


Sorry guys, That's not how games are supposed to be run.

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BW has already stated this is completely fine and working as intended. They must have deleted the post the guy had showing his response from BW about this, as I cannot find it, but there are a lot of threads to look through to find it.


Basically it stated that it was not an exploit and if 2 groups from opposing faction were doing it that it was completely fine.


A week or two ago I would have cared.


Now it's just exactly what I would expect. I have accepted PvP for what it is in the game, an afterthought. And poorly thought out too in some ways, like Ilum.


Or so it seems, maybe there is a big plan behind the giant mess of it all and I am not seeing it. It's possible. I really just don't care that much anymore at this point.

Edited by mufutiz
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It's infuriating to think that Bioware has no hotfix, fix, or response for us regarding this manner. They thought the turret was a mjor problem but its starting to look like Bioware is okay with this kill trading going on. What's the point of this game anymore?
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Ilum needs to be like Tol Barad or Lake Wintergrasp of World of Warcraft. There need's to be a timed battle in Ilum every two hours or so, and you need to be able to queue for it. Limit it to 100 players at a time or something. Make it so you can only complete the daily quest during that battle. Make the battle time limit 30 minutes or something. There also needs to be auto raid; getting placed automatically into the group, and not having to shout over general chat for an invite. This is the only way you're going to fix things. The zone is also too big. People will keep win-trading if you leave it as it is. the PVP zone in Ilum basically needs to be a big open warzone, with a 100 player limit, a 30 minute battle, and a 2 hour reset timer. When the battle is on reset, you can just run around killing each other, but you can't complete quests. Just my own opinion...if there's another way to fix this, then I don't know what it is. Edited by ReynoldsCK
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This whole thread is a /facepalm. Where to begin?

People worried about other people using /stuck? That is not how people are getting the fast valor. People have buff bots sitting there only buffing people for free valor while they afk. It's all in the buffing.


Illum was a lot more fun before they 'fixed' it. I now dread that the first thing I have to do when I get home is go to Illum. DREAD it.


Also, BW never did anything to people who got excessive valor that first day.

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There is no competitive pvp in this game atm. Ilum is annoying at best. I'm rank 63 and I 'earned' it through warzones. Now im full battlemaster gear + 2 piece rakata for bonus on my commando.


I say more power to these people that are kill swapping. I'm so bored with the lack of any pvp goals in this game. These people kill swapping bothers you? why? How does it hurt you? You can lose your way to battlemaster in warzones anyways. So what if they do it in ilum instead of warzones?


Everyone's going to be battlemaster and fully geared. So let them do it faster. At least then they will realize that after they hit that mark, they are going to stop and look around and say "now what?".


Rated is comming in. But it's not comming in soon enough. Swtor is feeling very small atm. The only places I see now are Ilum, Republic Fleet. Nothing more.


I'm leaving raiding out as that's PVE and not pertinent to this discussion. I do like the raids although I wish more of the bosses had soa's difficulty on hardmode/nightmare.


But world stuff and PVP... pfft..


Trade your kills. Then you can qq in these forums and hope the devs listen for something to actually do.

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LOL, this is a sure sign people dont give a rats behind about pvp in this game. People are cooperating in getting their gear because of the population imbalance. As someone said getting purps as fast possible is the only thing that matters.


Try and do something and see how your own faction will watch you get pounded into the ground. People wonder why casuals are leaving, you can start by looking here. World pvp in swtor is terrible and people are finding ways to get what they need because the devs dont care, why should I.

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LOL, this is a sure sign people dont give a rats behind about pvp in this game. People are cooperating in getting their gear because of the population imbalance. As someone said getting purps as fast possible is the only thing that matters.


Try and do something and see how your own faction will watch you get pounded into the ground. People wonder why casuals are leaving, you can start by looking here. World pvp in swtor is terrible and people are finding ways to get what they need because the devs dont care, why should I.


Totally agree with above.


As a Rep in a Sith majority server. It is either this or wait NOTHING ELSE. I have never been able to beat the Sith in Ilum, unless they are not there or only 1 or 2 and many of us (in which I get little valor and have to just slow grind daily points).


But since the Sith always come back with double our numbers, my dailies take hours to complete. I work, so burning all my night on a single daily to hope to get gear is not my idea of fun.


Until BW fixes PVP to make it do-able and fun again. Kill trading is the only viable way to do Ilum. Also WZs on my server is really a case study of patience and defeat. Out of 10 warzones, I am lucky if I win 1.


So to sum it up. The stat of PVP SUCKS and I will do anything to get my dailies completed to get my gear. As it is the only thing I can do in SWTOR at lvl 50 other then raid in the weekends.

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Bumping up the weekly to 150 kills or armaments just inspires kill trading, bioware's fix to illum was very ill advised.


This is what happens when you lead PvP designer is also your lead PvE designer. You get a guy that clearly has no idea what to do with PvP. So he knee jerks a poorly thought out, implemented, and tested change to the daily, only to have it cause bigger problems then they originally had. Good job Bioware, can we get a real PvP dev team in here before this game becomes Warhammer 2.0?

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Already is Warhammer 2.0


Haven't you noticed the layout of the Ilum Objectives is the exact same as a race's side?

5 keeps to control.


Remember the guy making this pvp, is the same one in Warhammer who created the Egyptian themed PVE content when 90% of the playerbase wanted more pvp and pvp fixes.


Thank God GW2 is coming out.


I'm not even pvping on my 50 anymore. Rolled a pub and enjoying the 1-49 stuff.

It's not even a gear grind. Wish it had stayed this way.

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Kill swapping occurs in many games. Sadly it is difficult to deal with, especially if valid diminishing returns are not created server-side to prevent this.


Personally, I think kill swapping exploits the system and players who do it should get a 1 week character roll-back on first offense. 2nd offense is character deletion. Don't ban the accounts, just delete the character and lock the name down, so the name cant be used again.


a disciplinary action that is not painful doesn't help. Further, this allows Bioware to continue to take their money while they level a new character.

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Ilum should be flagged as an exhaustion zone until they can fix it. Instead they continue to allow crap to run rampant and unchecked while it continues to do harm to the game. Typical rookie mmo mistake, leave stuff up and work on the fix, where anyone with experience would know it should have been locked down while the fix was worked on.


/shakes head in disgust

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Player stats were always a reason to prevent Exploiting..


A public database of times player has died in PvP

or killed in PvP, who he killed most, etc etc, just like in BF2

so you could easily see who cheated their way to the top and who is pure honor and respect..


Sadly, game releasers (developers no longer exist) think stats is the devil and demise of their games).. Must be a lot of subscription money in exploitation, since every year it seems to be catered to more and more and great deterents are dissappearing

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i came from pvp in Lord of the Rings Online where it took people day to day play to reach rank 15 for close to two years before the heaviest populated server made the rank. On the server i played on people still arnt rank 15 after 4 years of solid pvp... the community team works and daily interest of the game keeps people around. everyone wants to be the first or the highest rank...


Lotro had the crappest rewards for pvp they were always like having gear 2 lvls under yourself. People aspire to reach the target and be on the top of a ladder, which ever the topic becomes!! It is human nature, it should be years to reach a highest ranking's but the reward for gear shouldnt always be the reward. Having set ranks open up different sets and/or one piece of gear per ranking.


Consumables are the best reward for rank, BW should develop ways to get the consumables that involve time spent on the planet so that pve and pvp can mix. Like collect (X) amount of (Y) from NPC (Z)

Edited by Screttle
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i came from pvp in Lord of the Rings Online where it took people day to day play to reach rank 15 for close to two years before the heaviest populated server made the rank. On the server i played on people still arnt rank 15 after 4 years of solid pvp... the community team works and daily interest of the game keeps people around. everyone wants to be the first or the highest rank...


Lotro had the crappest rewards for pvp they were always like having gear 2 lvls under yourself. people aspire to reach the target and be in the top of a ladder of which ever the topic becomes!! is human nature, it should be years to reach a highest ranking but the reward for gear shouldnt always be at the top of the list. set ranks open up different sets or one piece of gear, consumables are the best reward for rank. then build up ways to get the consumables that have requires time spent on the planet so that pve and pvp can mix.


Problem is more people want to do that irl... Casuals are better subs than you they ***** less, use less resources, and pay the same amount.

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This threads make me hate bioware :/


Valor was the only "Ranking" and its useless now because of their broken system.


So if you like real pvp with decent FPS you would Skip ilum and just do WZ


But doing only WZ and finding some exploiters bug planting in void gets boring.




I really hope the new WZ and ranking system come soon and well done.

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