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Everything posted by Panzerbase

  1. But brah you can level another toon, or so they keep parroting.
  2. HK online has more balls then this sorry mess.
  3. Exactly, that sums it up, very well said. Just another WoW clone produced for a population that has moved beyond WoW.
  4. Canceling my sub was the greatest moment, and I could care less what you think I should or should not write here.
  5. They are catering the to casual base, one would think most invites would go to them.
  6. The reason is simple, the Sith are more popular and by introducing them on the Republic sides the hope is the subs will increase and the populations will balance, cheap way to try and make that May earnings call shine like gold. Lore takes a back seat to money.
  7. They're holding the jesus patch back to retain subs for the May earnings call, there is no reason many of the proposed fixes can't go through now.
  8. Panzerbase

    So I just hit 50

    There, there, let me put my arms around..... YOUR THROAT.
  9. Yes please start crying, so we can all feast on your tears.
  10. You can beg for 15 bucks at the nearest mall, NO.
  11. Agreed, and 1.2 is being held back to retain subs, which is disgusting. There is NO reason many of the fixes in 1.2 cannot be deployed now or in the weeks prior for that matter. It's all a scam for the May earnings report.
  12. Bright text, never wrong, misnformation out the wazoo... I'd say you're a fanboy.
  13. I agree with the guy above me, I played my warlock in WoW as my main and primary for almost 5 years, I had some alts but my time was devoted to one toon, here... sorry it just doesn't have that pull, the game is just 5 years too old, back then this would have been fantastic, but now the standards have changed, people expect more. And can this engine even keep pace with this game? What happens in one year, or two? Will this game be constrained by it's own engine? 1.2 is what the game should have shipped with, sadly it's being promoted as an expansion, when in reality it's a massive set of fixes. PVP is horrible, PVE too easy, they followed the WoW model, but really who cares? They have one of if not the best IP's in history and this is it? I am disappointed.
  14. The fact the notes are not out yet is not a good sign, maybe they're holding them back to keep people subbed for the May earnings report. Even worse is the fact many of the 1.2 improvements could have been rolled out weeks ago, yet another bad sign they are using the patch as leverage. Bioware is dead, the greed of EA shines through.
  15. That's pretty low tbh, whoever did that sucks.
  16. The OP is right about one thing, the game is full of kids, him being one, and clean up that mess around your mouth.
  17. Yes that may be true, but there are hundreds of ways to stretch, misrepresent, and outright ignore the truth. In the world of business and reporting nothing is crystal clear, a company rarely tells you the truth and nothing but the truth.
  18. Tossing the lore out the window with Republic Sith and cross over abilities is a sign of desperation, what's driving this game is not design rather the May earnings call, aka the money man.
  19. What's next, you going to complain healers are healing people as you try and kill them?
  20. The engine can barely handle 8 vs 8 pvp and your pressing issue is housing?
  21. Exactly my point, minus Asia and Australia the game has shed players, thanks for backing me up!
  22. 1.7 million, ok so the game is in decline once you factor in Asia and the Aussie's, the fact they even had to state the number means pressure by the investors to do so, not a good sign. Let's be honest here folks, where are these subs? Sure as hell ain't in game.
  23. The only thing you missed was one huge advertisement.
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