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I refuse to tank HM False Emperor for you. Ever.

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If a DPS gets knocked off the ledge mid battle, it is unfair that you should have to reset the boss and start over just to make sure they get loot.


If you'd like to look at it from another perspective :)


Dont tank it there and they wont get knocked off there. Tank it on the steps with your backs to the wall. Tank one side and dps other side. knockback eliminated.


BTW Im a tank and not dps.

Edited by Soluss
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if your having trouble tanking him your failing. You don't kite him down until approaching the end you stay on the stairs with the two high walls and tank him with your back to the wall and even then you always always keep him in front of you and back up walking straight down the center. Seriously common sense stuff. Edited by kainsec
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i don't think its a bug in that if you were able to get back after getting knocked off then classes with pulls can just jump off and pull malgus off with them, completely defeating purpose of the knockback mechanic. That said, if you are careful and keep your back to the wall as people have said then no one in your party should be getting knocked off.
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i don't think its a bug in that if you were able to get back after getting knocked off then classes with pulls can just jump off and pull malgus off with them, completely defeating purpose of the knockback mechanic. That said, if you are careful and keep your back to the wall as people have said then no one in your party should be getting knocked off.


I don't see why it would be a problem for them to force pull him off at 10%.. since you can knock him off. It's their repair bill.

Edited by Nightfox_
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Look for most of you that responding to this thread and saying L2Play to the OP. You must just chill the F out and listen. This is a serious issue. Not only has this happen to me in The False Emperor HM but it has also Occured on the Esseles and a couple other Flashpoints.


Here is the mechanic that is flawed:


The COMPLETION of the mission is tied to the death of the final boss.


It is not tied to the looting of the corpse or the loot box.


So if you die, and lets say die just as the boss is killed and glitch to where you can't get rezzed, in my case partially in a wall. You have to release but you can not reenter the FP. Why? Because it is already completed. This means No loot!!!


Second, on Darth Malgus if you are kiting him to the edge at the end of the fight and he knocks you off, then you immediately leave the instance. Your guys have seconds to kick him off the edge and complete the instance. Guess what? YOU CAN NOT ENTER, NO CREDIT for the hours in the FP and NO LOOT!!!


Bioware, must not block you from Re-entering the instance, or tie the end of the instance to the looting of the final boss or Loot box.


What this also means, is no going back and taking out the bonus boss. Why? Because if you die you are completely stuck outside the instance!!!

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Haven't been knocked off the ledge at the emperor, so i wouldn't know, but does it automaticly kick you out of the instance, cause it it doesn't, all you need to do is NOT press the respawn button and wait for someone else to loot.


I dont believe you have to be alive to roll on loot.

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This happened in Hammer Station too. I wasn't tanking, but was knocked off the platform by the boss's slam. While plummeting to my death the game auto-ressed me back outside the instance.


I ran all the way back in, but by then the boss was dead and that holo-bridge thing had been destroyed so I couldn't get back to loot the boss. Nor did any loot window appear for me.


Now, the fact I got knocked off the platform I can deal with. Next time I'll position myself differently, but the fact that it brings you back into the instance at a position where you cannot get back to loot the boss is a serious flaw on BW's part.


At it was only Hammer Station and not some end-game FP

Here's the vid if you fancy a chuckle:

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At 10% he becomes invulnerable and must be shoved off a ledge.

At 10% he becomes invulnerable and must be shoved off a ledge.

At 10% he becomes invulnerable and must be shoved off a ledge.

At 10% he becomes invulnerable and must be shoved off a ledge.




Regardless of mechanics or play or anything else you guys want to say (qq noob) whatever. You should NOT be locked out of the instance if you die on the last boss and be unable to roll on loot or re-enter.


Fight him on the stairs until right before he hits 10 percent then kite him down to the ledge (use the pillars to line of sight him). Once he starts doing his lightning spam he won't use knockback anymore.


I agree that the loot glitch is very lame, but avoiding the knockback is pretty easy. I've never seen anyone thrown off the ledge in all the many, many runs I've done there.

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Don't release in boss fights. Honestly someone dying on a boss fight is usually a wipe anyhow. But let's just assume that you don't wipe and the tank is about to kill the boss with 3% life left while blowing all his cooldowns.


Congratulations what is your team going to do next.


A)The tank loots the boss and then wonders why noone rolls on it.

B)The rest of the dead team members release immediately upon dying thereby locking them out of the instance.

C)The Tank teabags his own teammates corpses for being derps and dying.

D)The Tank rezzes the healer who died, who then rezzes the other 2 players that died.


If your answer was anything other than D, congratulations...you are not a team player and/or don't understand boss fights.


That's right folks, for the mere price of PATIENCE, you too can never be locked out of an instance again. In the case of gimmicky boss mechanics (like FE) you have your teammates wait for you to zone in before killing the boss OR you have your teammates wipe and reset the boss because they are that nice.


personally i would do C and then D

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Again refocusing to the main issue, being locked out.


I'm pretty sure the main issue here was your Original Post having the glaring issue of you being unable to tank Darth Malgus effectively. I'm surprised you got so cocky by having this inability pointed out to you.

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I had a similar issue in HM Taral V. We barely beat the boss, got "Finish FP" pop-up, and got killed by the remaining adds. We respawned at Med Center and couldn't come back in to loot the boss. It is just stupid.


Happened to us as well and it's especially stupid in Taral V where the final objective is to talk to the doctor and get the Gree computer. It is NOT to kill General Edikar. Basically, we didn't complete the FP but weren't allowed back in.

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Can't believe this thread made it to 10 pages...


Sure, the lockouts are kinda ******, but as others have said, just don't release unless you're certain its a wipe.


As far as the knockbacks. I've always pulled him away from the stairs and tanked him parallel to the bridge, so should I get knocked back, I just go further back down the bridge towards the entrace of the Throne Room. Then you just have a DPS step out to the right or left depending on which side of the bridge you're on, and have them do the knock when he's ready.


Just takes a bit a common sense and basic understanding of how knockbacks work. You go where your back is pointing. Just don't put your back (or front) to the pit. Always keep it pointed down the bridge. Win everytime.

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Every. Single. Time. He blows me off the ledge, and I am unable to enter the instance to receive loot or complete the quest do to this bug. I have missed out on loot I can use, and at this point I have come to the belief that it's impossible for a melee tank to complete without suiciding for the rest of the parties benefit.


Can we PLEASE get a fix on these heroics? There is NO reason we should EVER not be able to re-enter an instance. EVEN if it's completed. The only thing you need to do is program it so once it's completed, the area is deserted! Instead of making all these people (and I know I'm not the only one) miss out on hard earned loot. When there is this easy of a fix, I am very ticked that we haven't even gotten a 'we're looking into it'


Filed a bug report on the loot I missed out on, my friend received it in hopes they could transfer it over to me even though I don't get to complete the quest, but NO they completely give me a canned answer saying it's been forwarded to the team, and do nothing for my missing loot!


So there you have it.


No I will not tank HM False Emperor for you.


fix, dont stand with your back to the abyss

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Again, it is not just tanking this boss and being bad. The problem is Locking people out of an instance. It should not happen!


You insta rez outside the instance when you die. You don't have an option to release or not.


This should be fixed.

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Every. Single. Time. He blows me off the ledge, and I am unable to enter the instance to receive loot or complete the quest do to this bug. I have missed out on loot I can use, and at this point I have come to the belief that it's impossible for a melee tank to complete without suiciding for the rest of the parties benefit.


Can we PLEASE get a fix on these heroics? There is NO reason we should EVER not be able to re-enter an instance. EVEN if it's completed. The only thing you need to do is program it so once it's completed, the area is deserted! Instead of making all these people (and I know I'm not the only one) miss out on hard earned loot. When there is this easy of a fix, I am very ticked that we haven't even gotten a 'we're looking into it'


Filed a bug report on the loot I missed out on, my friend received it in hopes they could transfer it over to me even though I don't get to complete the quest, but NO they completely give me a canned answer saying it's been forwarded to the team, and do nothing for my missing loot!


So there you have it.


No I will not tank HM False Emperor for you.


While that sucks that you got locked out of the instnace.


As a Juggernaut tank I have had no trouble tanking him without being thrown off. Alot of it is because for the first part of the fight I tanked up by his stairs with my back to the stairs so he could not push me off.


It was only when we moved towards the end of the fight that I moved him to the ledge.

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Nightfox, when he's at about 15% start kiting him to a ledge... but you will notice there are pillars all along the ledge simply sprint and make sure your back is against one of them... that way he can't knock you back off the ledge.


Watch this video from 4:40 onwards... that's where you should be (or one of the other pillars will do too):



hope it helps...

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Back against pillar? Check

Make sure he can't knock you into anything but the pillar? Check

DPS burn him to 10%? Check

Boot his booty off the ledge with grenades or knock backs? Check

Profit? Check


I am sorry, but if you have ever....EVER tanked in a game where the boss uses a knockback you know after 1 attempt to get your *** parked against a wall.

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Really, I don't mind them bickering over my tank skills, this thread has gotten a ton of views and attention from it, and the rest of us who can see beyond the title of the thread know what I'm talking about, and maybe even why I wrote the thread this way :)


Glad to see I'm not the only person who has been unable to re-enter an instance though, it is a very flawed system. I would like to see this fixed.


BTW, has anyone noticed an increase in loot drops in HM FPS? Kaon and Dir 7 last night we were getting greens and blues every single pull. It was awesome. :D


Edit: I'm thrilled at least some of this forum can comprehend something other than Clifford the Big Red Dog. :)

Edited by Nightfox_
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Must tank him on the stairs with your back to the wall. then around 15% or so backpedal him with your back facing the long walkway to avoid knock off.


Tanking is not just about spamming taunts and soaking damage, it's also about being aware of your surroundings and positioning the boss.

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I know how to tank, thank you. Clearly I have been able to avoid his knockbacks with the wall up until 10% so thank you again for that stunning observation. My issue was getting him close enough to the ledge before he starts chain casting force lightning and doesn't move.


I suppose you still do have something to learn though seeing as how every other tank I've played with has been able to pull him out and close to the edge without getting knocked off themselves.

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