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  1. We should create a petition to have this loot system revised immediately. It is a horrible system that kills the incentive of raiding guilds and progressive guilds.
  2. So I know there is other loot threads floating around. But I wanted to make my own. I have had the same issue that others have in HM flashpoints. I run at least 1 a day and usually more. I have run Kaon under Siege every day since it released. Every time I have run it the Jedi Knight piece has not dropped. We are talking about roughly 20+ times of running it. Every other piece has dropped but more frequently it has been a piece for a class that isn't even in the group. What the hell is up with that? And don't tell me it is RNG, because it is not. The mechanic that is in place is either bugged as hell or broken. But it doesn't just stop there, when running EV and KP the head piece dropped but was destined for someone who already had it. WTH why does it destine loot for someone who already has a piece when the other person of that class does not? Why can we not trade unequiped loot within the raid while in the instance? This should be a easy fix for Bioware! What happened to the bag system that they were going to give everyone loot specific to them. I wouldn't even care if they just made it 4 tokens that could be handed out to any class. Lets say it is 4 glove tokens and then the raid leader could issue it to 4 players and not have it class specific. I am tired of seeing loot drop that can not be used and having dissapointed guildies who do not look forward to raiding for this reason! Fix the easy stuff that is important to us Bioware! Love the game but this crap really frustrates your core players!
  3. Again, it is not just tanking this boss and being bad. The problem is Locking people out of an instance. It should not happen! You insta rez outside the instance when you die. You don't have an option to release or not. This should be fixed.
  4. Look for most of you that responding to this thread and saying L2Play to the OP. You must just chill the F out and listen. This is a serious issue. Not only has this happen to me in The False Emperor HM but it has also Occured on the Esseles and a couple other Flashpoints. Here is the mechanic that is flawed: The COMPLETION of the mission is tied to the death of the final boss. It is not tied to the looting of the corpse or the loot box. So if you die, and lets say die just as the boss is killed and glitch to where you can't get rezzed, in my case partially in a wall. You have to release but you can not reenter the FP. Why? Because it is already completed. This means No loot!!! Second, on Darth Malgus if you are kiting him to the edge at the end of the fight and he knocks you off, then you immediately leave the instance. Your guys have seconds to kick him off the edge and complete the instance. Guess what? YOU CAN NOT ENTER, NO CREDIT for the hours in the FP and NO LOOT!!! Bioware, must not block you from Re-entering the instance, or tie the end of the instance to the looting of the final boss or Loot box. What this also means, is no going back and taking out the bonus boss. Why? Because if you die you are completely stuck outside the instance!!!
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