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1 month into the game -- biggest gear gap I have ever seen in an mmo


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ya not nearly as bad as Rift... which is pretty much unplayable... well unless you don't mind dying horribly for 2 weeks every night for 4 hours... until you get a starter set of gear going... then you can play with out people asking you too please stay out of the way. Then you can be semi competent for another 1-2 months while you slowly catch up.....


Then again OP has a point... one month in and this games gear grind is 1/4 at Least of Rifts... any bests on how many patches before we get the next step in Expertise gear. Rift only has a 12 month or so lead. :)

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sry but 20% ? u know that exp has a dr like every other secondary stat except power and accuracy?


with full battlemaster gear u might get +10% but thats not worth it... a mix of pve and pvp items is way more effective. so most guys will end up having ~7%


That's actually a pretty good point, especially since... oddly enough... my PvE gear seems to have more Endurance on it. That being said, some people out there just won't PvE to save their lives.

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What did you expected from soooo broken open PvP.

In something like 10 minutes you got yourself a bag.

Weekly revards 3 bags and it was 10 minutes more before patch 1.1.

So people got geared up, and not just for PvP. PvP gear is the easiest way to gear up for PvE.

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sorry for being dramatic but why is the gear gap SO big from a fresh 50 to a 1-month geared 50? I just turned 50 and have 41 valor rank. ~10 bags and got a relic so far.


expertise : I do ~20% less damage to them, they do ~20% more damage to me.


it seems based on hitpoints we can also expect a 36% stat difference too. E.g. a geared tank is ~22k, I am at 14k as a fresh tank in 49 to 50 blues/purple's (without expertise).


and this is one month into the game. this isn't 1 year in. it's one MONTH. I'm a month behind because I rerolled from empire to republic to help with the population disparity. why do they have a 76% (36+20+20) gap advantage on new 50s? note : 76% is not even counting consumables or set bonuses...


full set of battlemaster has 12% expertise... not 20...

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How are you at 41 valor and have only opened 10 bags.


expertise does not scale to 20%/20%, theres significant diminishing returns past 10% on either end.


I think it's that he takes 10 % more damage and the other person deals 10% more. That makes 20% more increased damage. I could be wrong though.

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And don't forget 24% of 1000 are more than 24% of 500..

Something people totally ignore.


Which also means any buffs scales even higher. Maybe we should stop talking relative percentages and put out actual numbers....


And let's be honest, BW thought to be smarter than history and........failed (suprise).



1. Bugged patches with inadequate Valor gain.

2. Geared players (rushed to top) matchmaking against ungeared people (Let's guess who progress even faster, exactly, those who "win" matches. Guess who has it easier to win)

3. Random Bags (they are meant to slow you down, and give a person who rarely plays an opportunity to get gear from his very first "bag". But chances never even out, BW, learn your lession!)

Edited by -sasori
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lol, biggest gear gap?

Rift would like to have a word with you


Agreed. Rift is the definition of gear gap. Where a P8 can 2 shot a P2. It also takes WAAAAAY longer to gear up in Rift. I mean i didnt even touch PVP in SWTOR until I hit level 50. Now I only have 2 slots without champ gear and those 2 slots have centurion pieces. I also have not been very lucky with bags. Sometimes I would go 10-15 bags in a row without anything.


I think the OP just wants instant gratification. That seems to be what most people complain about when they are wanting "phat lewtz". They want what Joe Schmoe has but dont want to jump through the same hoops he did to get it.


Truth be told, most people that are valor 50+ have full champ gear or close to it. If you are NOT valor 50+ then you more than likely DO NOT have full champ gear. Deal with it like everyone else had to, except the Ilum exploiters. And hopefully they get banned or rolled back.

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Honestly...The gear gap in this game is nowhere near other mmo's lol.


Question though...Does the OP know you can buy champ bags with warzone commendations? I mean every 800 commendations you can buy a champ bag...This equates to about 6-7 warzone wins unless you're really bad and get no medals ever...


I usually get 2-3 champ bags per day counting the daily...So if you add in the weekly that's 24 champ bags per week. You would have to be EXTREMELY unlucky to be so undergeared that you have to post about a "gear gap".

Edited by xNonphixionx
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1. 10 bags is nothing.



6. Not sure about your calculations but after diminishing returns, a player would need over 1100-1200 expertise to have 20% dmg reduction and 20% bonus dmg. This is currently impossible in the game, even with full battle masters.



agree fully

I've 584 expertise that about 11.+%

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I don't really see what the problem is.


Gearing is fast, even if you're unlucky.

You get rewarded by losing, sure it might not be as fun, but you can still contribute, get better and gain a lot of commendations and valor in the losing team, there have been games where being in the losing team barely gave you anything.


Group setup is way more important than gear, especially in hutball. Get a proper premade and win versus people who outgear you.


And tbh, it's either a big gap the gets closed quickly like it is now, or it's an impossible gap to close once you're a few months further like it was in rift and vanilla wow. I prefer this system for when I'm leveling alts and have a gear gap to close.

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My argument to all of this is why should there be a gear gap at all? If it's an easy short grind and everybody can do it so quickly then why even force us to waste that little time? If it was a big grind then newer players and ones with less time to play would be at a disadvantage, and if it's an easy grind then the argument that it's reward for committing time to pvp to be more competitive is moot as well. The original purpose of pvp stats was to reduce burst and allow fights to last long enough to allow some counter strategy. Now it has devolved into a "required" grind to add to content. Give me a ranking system (based on pvp success not points I get win or lose), give me unslotted moddable cool looking gear for doing well in pvp, but don't give me an easier time beating pepole I'd already beat and an unfair advantage toward people that would beat me on even ground.
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LOL biggest gear gap. For anyone that has played WoW would have seen a major gear gap.





But in wow, after every expansion, the epic pvp gear wasn't available at release, but after 1 moth more or less. At the beginning of cataclysm pvp was actually fun with everyone in blues. The mistake here is that the best pvp gear was available since day 1 while many are leveling now.

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Gear isn't even the problem half the time. More often than not, the scoreboard reveals plenty of DPS players doing under 40k damage in a long game. They don't know how to effectively play the warzone or their character.


I solo queue quite often and get completely stomped. Die 10+ times but still manage to dish out 100k+ damage as a tank. The rest of the team is barely over 30k each. Gear disparity doesn't even account for half of the discrepancy.



Yeah because low damage on the scoreboard is an indicator of a bad player.... right!


OR maybe that player was actually doing the objectives or maybe they are using their cc to keep players busy instead of blindly dps'ing every person that comes into view.


Or it could also be an indicator of an actual gear gap... play AXA knows he/she is at a gear disadvantage so they pick and chose when to engage so they do not get destroyed thus spending most of the warzone running back from the grave yard. Which after reading what you said seems like you are more than happy to do, just so you can be higher up on the dps score board.

Edited by Treebyrn
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I agree with the OP completely, the implementation of PvP gear is so broken I wonder why they even went with this system.


I destroy new level 50s and they don't have a shot. A 10% increase in damage and 10% decrease in damage taken? And get even worse with full battlemaster gear.


The only solutions I see is lessen how expertise works. Instead of full champion giving a 15% advantage make it 10% or less.


Or make a blue expertise set that people can buy with warzone commendations or credits.

Edited by Bollah
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sorry for being dramatic but why is the gear gap SO big from a fresh 50 to a 1-month geared 50? I just turned 50 and have 41 valor rank. ~10 bags and got a relic so far.


expertise : I do ~20% less damage to them, they do ~20% more damage to me.


it seems based on hitpoints we can also expect a 36% stat difference too. E.g. a geared tank is ~22k, I am at 14k as a fresh tank in 49 to 50 blues/purple's (without expertise).


and this is one month into the game. this isn't 1 year in. it's one MONTH. I'm a month behind because I rerolled from empire to republic to help with the population disparity. why do they have a 76% (36+20+20) gap advantage on new 50s? note : 76% is not even counting consumables or set bonuses...


I agree 100% mate. It's crazy stupid.

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I agree, just one month after launch and the gap is wider than anything I ever witnessed before as well.


The icing on the cake is the free gear and valor galore was almost exclusively restricted to the overpopulated side(= Empire in 9/10 cases) thanks to the unfair bracketing mechanic and absolutely disastrous "features" like 1.1 Ilum.

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