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Did you come from WoW and have you gone back?


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I too will never play wow again GC can diaf


Once I said that and I got perma banned from blizzards forums for making "threats of physical violence".


I didn't say I would put him in a fire but WHATEVER.


Btw: cancelled wow sub. Happily playing all 8 classes in swtor. By the time i am done leveling and savoring each quest they will have more lvl 50 content and it will be great.

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Well i played WoW since release, left and came back a few times. Was a high level hard core raider for much of that time. I wouldnt say i 'came from WoW' because i was done with WoW six months ago. I am certainly never playing it again. I am enjoying SWTOR, and will be playing it for some time to come.
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Because it's simply not possible. It's not. You either are more into the Star Wars world than WoW's and have a connected feeling to the lore. It's not the game nor the gameplay. It's just NOT POSSIBLE. What redeeming features does this game have? All it does is LACK features!?


Are you trying to convince me or yourself? Anyway, I gave you my opinion and if thats something you consider impossible then that's your problem, not mine.

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You realize Pandaren have been a part of the lore for a long, long time, right?


that does not mean they deserved an expansion....oh and it was one single solitary pandaran merc in warcraft 3 thats hardly a lore aspect worth exploring hence the general pissed off people over it.

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I played WOW from early BC to December of 2011, on-and-off. Never got a character past level 70. I have two level 70s - an assassin/sub rogue and a disc/shadow priest.


I'm really enjoying TOR right now, but I haven't experienced endgame (not that I did in WoW either) and I don't know if it'll have lasting enjoyment for me. So far it's worth my $15/mo though.

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Are you trying to convince me or yourself? Anyway, I gave you my opinion and if thats something you consider impossible then that's your problem, not mine.


I still haven't seen one response which shows how SW:TOR did it better than WoW in any feature, in any way, shape, or form. All this game does is LACK features. It offers NOTHING NEW. Don't you guys realize you're being ripped off and asked to pay a monthly subscription for a single-player game and you're all blind to it because of your connection to the Star Wars lore?


Someone tell me right now how SW:TOR has done it better than WoW in any facet of the game. Go.

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The last MMO I played *long term* was DAoC.


I have played WoW but only for a few months when it was released and a flit back when TBC came out.


I tend to go for smaller ones. I spent most of my time in the past few years in WAR. And while it wasn't great it was PvP centric and I spend a lot of time doing PvP.


That said, I can't say I will be *going back* to any of my other games because I haven't quit them.


I still play WAR and Rift.


Depending on how this game grows in terms of content will determine if I stay around for a while.


All said I don't really have a "main game". I just play whatever takes my fancy when I boot my PC up.

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so which did you decide to invest your money on? just curious.


SWTOR. I'm tired of the fantasy genre and WoW's IP in particular. Star Wars (actually most sci fi) is more immersive to me. Plus the story and leveling handling is so much better here. No I have not reached endgame, but I'm a casual player so I don't think I'll be bored anytime soon. Endgame in WoW was too much of a timesap and it's one of the reasons I quit.

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I'm from WOW though I didn't quit WoW (one can play 2 MMOs at the same time, especially now that our guild quit hardcore progress). I also haven't 'gone back' to WOW as such but tbh it was an utter relief to play WoW today. I'm leveling a random new goblin after doing a fast raid today and just.. I didn't think I'd ever say this but compared to how SWTOR runs on my pc and all teh FPS issues I have WoW looked so amazing and such smooth gameplay, no input delay, no random FPS drops but just steady 50 (boss encounter)-60 FPS on high settings. :o


I love SWTOR, I do, and my issues aren't even THAT gamebreaking, but I noticed after this short WoW intermezzo how annoyed I actually am by the 20 fps in warzones and spamming cloak or vanish without anything happening and dying for the nth time because of it. :confused:


On the long run it may actually become a gamebreaker for me.

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Feelinestars you are pathetic. You really believe that it is "simply not possible" for people to not like WoW? Get off these forums and go play pokepandas. I feel bad for people like you, I really do man. I hope you're young and still have time to change your outlook on things. Hopefully you'll find something else to do soon besides troll the forums of a game you don't like and try to convince people that its just "not possible" for them to like this game over your precious WoW.


Why bother arguing with someone who is clearly delusional? Or at the very least, unable to see the reality that his views are not everyone's views, that his experiences with the game are not everyone else's experiences. General rule of thumb, ignore anyone who claims to speak for the masses. :)


For myself, having played over a dozen MMO's over the last 15 years, I enjoy SW:TOR more than any of them. Yes, there are bugs and problems, but from experience I know these get addressed and features/content added over time. It doesn't matter what anyone says, fanboys of other games, trolls, people who genuinely dislike the game etc, I like it (as does my fiance and all my longtime MMO friends who came with me) and that's all that matters to me.

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I still haven't seen one response which shows how SW:TOR did it better than WoW in any feature, in any way, shape, or form. All this game does is LACK features. It offers NOTHING NEW. Don't you guys realize you're being ripped off and asked to pay a monthly subscription for a single-player game and you're all blind to it because of your connection to the Star Wars lore?


Someone tell me right now how SW:TOR has done it better than WoW in any facet of the game. Go.


Again with the self justification and lack of empathy.


It has it better FOR ME, WoW was uninteresting to me, it felt old and its art direction didnt appeal to me in the slightest, I did not enjoy it. I enjoy SWTOR.


I'm not selling it to anyone or trying to convince you or anyone else its betfer than X, Y or Z, I state my opinion.

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Sadly I am stuck paying for WoW for 1 year. But, at least I get Diablo 3 for free (if its ever released)


My wife plays WoW and she signed up for that year thing just to get D3 for me.


Sounded like a nice thing to do until she told me why.


"Well, I was going to be playing anyway and now i've got your birthday present covered".


Alas my birthday isn't until August so I have some time to wait.

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My wife plays WoW and she signed up for that year thing just to get D3 for me.


Sounded like a nice thing to do until she told me why.


"Well, I was going to be playing anyway and now i've got your birthday present covered".


Alas my birthday isn't until August so I have some time to wait.


World of Warcraft, your Wife will love it! :D

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Sadly I am stuck paying for WoW for 1 year. But, at least I get Diablo 3 for free (if its ever released)



remind yourself that on top of D3 you get the beta access, so you can try MoP before you buy it which if it's bad could save you $60!

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Funny thing is that this game actually "made" me go back to WoW. I haven't touched WoW in a while but after playing this game, when faced with ability delay, the lack of polish and certain features, not mention the horrible travel system, I started to miss WoW. So I went back and I'm having a good time. I usually avoid the gear treadmill and just run instances and PvP for fun and try to get rare mounts and mini pets.


The smoothness and responsiveness of combat, the open worlds, the ease of travel and yes, the high res armor textures has made me realize that is many respects WoW is a superior game still. There is a reason why WoW still has a large number of subscribers and it's not because it's the McDonalds of MMOs. The game just plays good.


Obviously the above is just my opinion. If you're enjoying SWTOR, I hope that you continue to have a good time. :)

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Done with WOW.


Unsubbed SWTOR due to lack of content, pvp and making everyone over night BM 60s.


Currently playing RIFT for my mmo fix, waiting for GW2 for my PVP fix.


SWTOR, is definitely not the better, choice, you'll realize this at a certain point in the game,.

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Done with WOW.


Unsubbed SWTOR due to lack of content, pvp and making everyone over night BM 60s.


Currently playing RIFT for my mmo fix, waiting for GW2 for my PVP fix.


SWTOR, is definitely not the better, choice, you'll realize this at a certain point in the game,.


Unfortunately with the other choices out there, some being completely free, this is true for a lot of us. The only excuse is this game is new and was pushed out early. sigh


But I am still here..

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About 10 out of 150 in our WoW guild gave it a try, since then only has maintained a subscription. How are we not a spectrum for the playerbase at large? Take a college-level statistics class.


I'd learn how to complete a competent sentence in English before I started to hand out recommendations for further education.

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I actually debated on checking out Rift? Is the leveling process a big grind or anything interesting as you go? max lvl 50?


try the free 7 day trial , .. dont buy it .. 7 day free sub is enough to know the game sucks ;p

took me 3 days :s

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