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Update on Ability Delay from Georg


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From the data we collected in Beta, it seems that there is a bottleneck issue with processing info between the client and the server on machines with dual-core CPUs. Now I'm not tech savvy enough to explain it any further as to the specifics, but a large group of us in beta had shared enough data to isolate the issue to our specific problems: Dual-core CPUs had significant issues with FPS and ability delays.


We gathered the info, had large posts detailing our findings, submitted bug reports, but never got an answer publicly about our issue. I was testing with friends who had quad-core or newer machines, and did not have the FPS issue.


I eventually upgraded to an i7, and my FPS issued went away completely. Ability delay is still an issue for me on my new machine, just not as pronounced as my FPS has improved. Obviously low FPS is going to contribute to responsiveness.


Additionally, it seems that ability delay/responsiveness has become worse for me since 1.1


Thanks for this.

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Oh no! First custom UI news, then this? If it actually gets fixed, what will people complain about then? AA! Oh wait, they fixed that too....gosh darn!!


If they fix that, Im resubbing. A lot of people will as well. It never was about complaining, it was about ability delay being a serious problem.

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That is actually not a correct statement.


As discussed in the past, 'Ability Delay' is a broad term for number of griefances and bugs seen. We have started about 100 different investigations into feedback items gathered from the relevant threads.


Some of the issues we found under the heading 'ability delay' affect people uniformly.


A good number of them however require specific combinations of settings (e.g. miniqueue length), processor hardware, hard drive type, server or client load, number of people in your vicinity or even a specific character class to manifest at varying magnitude. Playstyle (clicker vs. keyboarder) also factors in.


On top of that, people also have different tolerances.


For that reason, it is perfectly valid for some people to say that they have not seen an issue with ability responsiveness at all while others can validly say it is happening all the time.


That said, what matters is that we fix it. Even if two thirds of our players claimed it doesn't happen, we still fix it. Serious problems don't require a majority vote to get addressed.



-- Georg


Wrong Georg, everyone is affected by ability delay, just deal with that it's an completely widespread issue and don't try to deny it by talking about what CPU you've got that's bull****. =]

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Wrong Georg, everyone is affected by ability delay, just deal with that it's an completely widespread issue and don't try to deny it by talking about what CPU you've got that's bull****. =]





Please don't speak for me; if there is any ability delay, it is virtually unnoticeable on my end. I take it you are a programmer used to multi-threaded environments? No? Then how can you speak as to whether or not a CPU architecture may have an effect on the results of program code?


I do not have a dual-core system (it's a quad-core i5) and the type of lag attributed to those with dual-core CPUs does not happen to me.

Edited by Djazheer
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This is a step in the right direction from BW, in more ways than one.


Frankly, while I am surprised of their tone in previous statements regarding this topic, it makes sense that they would try to minimize the problem until a fix was close to being implemented. Still, for future reference BW, it's rarely worth angering/insulting your existing playerbase for the hope of deflecting issues and/or attracting new customers, especially so early in the release. But I digress.


This confirms that the causes of the ability lag are somewhat identified and that fixes are coming down the pipe to address it, with the first (of many probably) rolling out soon.


This is good news. No, great news. While I wish they'd have been more transparent about it initially, seeing this on the front page of the TOR site made me very happy.

Edited by Seattlite
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I just want to emphasise that if you are really interested in this issue, watch Xcore's video. Its superb. I basically agree with everything that he has shown and he has vividly demonstrated the gap between these two games in the area that counts most.


I also wholeheartedly agree that this is the magic recipe. Its this issue that will dictate so much about whether an MMO succeeds or not. All the features, dungeons, class balance, bugs - that's all utterly trivial compared to this. People expect all of those things and will whine, but will accept them. However, people will not accept gameplay that is blatantly inferior to a market rival's gameplay. How many Warhammers, Aions, Conans and Rifts will it take for people and most importantly, developers, to realise this?


I know there are seperate teams working on these issues but if the top brass at EA have any clue about what is good for them, they will devote serious extra internal resources into fixing this and fixing it quickly. Literally throw money at it and get all your best coders on it, and if you get it right, you will be swimming in $$$$$$$ before the end of the year.


I hope its not already too late with the first month already passed.

Edited by Larlar
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It's not a dual-core issue..people with quadcores, i7, i5, are getting extremely poor FPS in many areas.


I for one am running an AMD 955 @ 3.5ghz with 8GB RAM and a 560Ti and i was just on Illum with a "capped" population and was averaging <10 FPS during fights. Everything on LOW. With 15 people on my screen and EVERYTHING on low in Republic Fleet I average 20 FPS.


Something is wrong. Brb playing WoW maxed out with 32X AA at 100+ FPS. Brb playing BF3 on Ultra with 40+ FPS on 64 player server.

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It's not a dual-core issue..people with quadcores, i7, i5, are getting extremely poor FPS in many areas.


I for one am running an AMD 955 @ 3.5ghz with 8GB RAM and a 560Ti and i was just on Illum with a "capped" population and was averaging <10 FPS during fights. Everything on LOW. With 15 people on my screen and EVERYTHING on low in Republic Fleet I average 20 FPS.


Something is wrong. Brb playing WoW maxed out with 32X AA at 100+ FPS. Brb playing BF3 on Ultra with 40+ FPS on 64 player server.


Don't drag FPS into this. You are feeding the trolls who say it is performance based and not intrinsic to the system.

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Please don't speak for me; if there is any ability delay, it is virtually unnoticeable on my end. I take it you are a programmer used to multi-threaded environments? No? Then how can you speak as to whether or not a CPU architecture may have an effect on the results of program code?


I do not have a dual-core system (it's a quad-core i5) and the type of lag attributed to those with dual-core CPUs does not happen to me.


as GZ noted, different people have "different tolerances" and he did mention that we ALL suffer from some of the things that fall under ability delay.


In other words, you may be too slow to notice it. :D

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Nice update.


Any chance about also dealing with animations and abilities playing after a casting time is up. For example the healing spells for the sage I believe casts after the channel instead of the heal taking affect exactly when the channel ends.


Also differences between abilities affects between mirrored class, will that be addressed soon?


I've had this some issue with healing on my sorc. The cast bar matches the alacrity change, but the animation continues through and the same length of time as if I had no alacrity. The issue here is that the heal doesn't go off when the cast bar ends, it waits until the animation is finished, making alacrity useless.


Hope this gets fixed soon.

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Thank God. I'm gonna hold you to this BW. :mad:


I also hope this addresses the ability stuttering issue where, for example, Master Strike casts, and then either casts again and is uninterruptible (precious seconds!!!!), or the animation plays but the damage/GCD is not registered.


why are you talking in WoW terms ?


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I've had this some issue with healing on my sorc. The cast bar matches the alacrity change, but the animation continues through and the same length of time as if I had no alacrity. The issue here is that the heal doesn't go off when the cast bar ends, it waits until the animation is finished, making alacrity useless.


Hope this gets fixed soon.


This so much. Im a dps sage, but when i go to heal it honestly takes 2-3 seconds after the bar is full for the heal to actually go off. Makes trying to heal my self in a tight battle almost worthless.

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Its no wonder to me why there are so few jedi knights.


With all the disadvantages we have, we are the lowest damage class that i can see, and on top of that we have to run everyone down in a game with way to many ranged attacking multiple slow/root having and they can heal themselves of top of it all. why would you play a broke useless melee jedi when you could play a lightning throwing, superman bubbling, heal and nuke your face off sith sorc or bounty hunter, or sniper.


When im standing behind a healer, and hitting zealous strike, the 6 focus building jedi knight sentinel main power builder, and I have hit it about 10 times. It does nothing, this is not slow response, this is not delay, this is not working period. The delays are so bad most healers just stand there and laugh at me, they let me have their back and say nothing or just quip "go away" they dont even try to avoid me, turn to face me, or the damage im doing from behind no less. Its more that annoying, its more than 'you need to learn to pvp'. maybe other melee dont notice this but with all the fancy swings that take way to long when all you want is to crack skulls and you cant because of the the lag delay and them simply moving too far away. I play ranged classes and they have 0 delay, their skills start destroying whatever you are focused on.


Its not just delays, its the overall jedi melee mechanics, i dont see and overly long played out animations on the empire sith toons, I dont see any long charge stationary attacks like master strike.


Why do we have all these disadvantages???????????


Was the republic dev team so mad they didnt get to work on sith they decided to make our lives miserable, not completely, but enough subtle little things that add up to an overall lame faction in comparison. The majority of my server is sith, 30 min in ilum will show you that. Making everything population dependent and forcing faction pvp down our throats when population numbers clearly warrant this to be scrubbed so its all mixed factions. Its a wonder that anyone playing melee thats not an operative or tank still wants to pvp. But maybe I just have the shortest straw, and im on the lesser of 2 sides, so overall im in the worst melee class on the worst side. Guess I should just play my trooper till they get around to fixing all the problems with jedi knight sentinels mechanics and delays and overall llame dps performance.

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We've seen your feedback on the change and the team is working on improvements to ability cooldown readability as we speak.


Why are they working on this at all? It WAS fine, your unneeded and unwanted change ruined it, there is NO work to put it back to how it was. Clearly in this respect you are wayyyyyy far of the mark from what the player not only want but NEED so instead of wasting time on something that has potential to be another unmitigated disaster and just use what was working.

Edited by Paralassa
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