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Update on Ability Delay from Georg


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A little late in my opinion. Our relationship just isn't working...it's not you BW, it's me. I just don't feel the excitement we used to have when we hung out. We had a few good times, but the negative issue far outweigh the good. I just don't want to stick around in hopes things will get better because I really don't think they will. Peace!
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I appreciate to hear you guys are on top of this. But Georg, I think the bigger of the problems lies with the priority system. As long as the system is animation > application, then no matter what your PC is, it will never feel as tight as WoW. WoW is the only game to nail the responsiveness and control a player should have in combat.


You noted you were in the final stages of a fix in the work after this coming 1.1.1. Is this going to address the animation priority issue?


Thanks again for addressing the delays. The community needed this update.



This is like the only real worry I'm having about this game right now,

if you guys manage to pull this off,

you'll even revert those subs which are cancelled, in my humble opinion.



This man speaks the truth. If this is fixed to perfection, the community can deal with the other stuff. Trust me.

Edited by Starglide
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Thank you lord. This was my NUMBER 1 complaint with the game. Content will come but the gameplay has to be smooth and timely. Heres to hoping this actually fixes issues and its not just a crap shoot to see if my abilities will work on time.


My problems with this game in order of issue -


1. combat lag (game breaking)

2. PVP warzone fps and latency lag (potentially gamebreaking)

3. Open world PVP (real area to capitalize over WOW)

4. Balance classes

5. More PVE content

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Granted it should've never went live with this problem, but it's irrelevant now. The past is the past and it looks like there's finally progress on the way.


Really wish this could've happened sooner as we lost 3 guildies to this issue. Maybe they'll be back, maybe they wont, but you'll at least get my subscription back if the issue is squashed. GJ Bioware :)

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Why does (in pvp) Zealous Strike require the user to stand still and wait for the animation to finish to do damage and gain focus while the mirror ability for Sith works flawlessly? I've tested this extensively and the difference is night and day.


Is it because of my dual core?

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Almost all class ability problems/delays favor the empire.


It's borderline ridiculous...


But yeah, I'm glad Georg is talking to us, I'm sure the playerbase appreciates the communication and updates

Edited by dargor-
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Thank you Georg, and thank you BioWare, for keeping us in the loop on this! :) It is very encouraging to hear you've identified a number of the causes for these issues, and have been able to apply fixes to at least some of them.


We anxiously await this next major patch. If only I could copy a character to the PTS... I'd love to be able to see how the changes affect my JK.


In any case, good luck, and god speed.

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awesome update. thank you so much. makes a big difference to know concerns are heard and are being resolved. you guys care. and that means a lot. also thanks for the description of what you are doing. that helps too.


im excited to see the ability stuff get better.

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Oh no! First custom UI news, then this? If it actually gets fixed, what will people complain about then? AA! Oh wait, they fixed that too....gosh darn!!


Haha. The world is ending every day on these forums for one reason or another. They'll find something.


Actually, now that I think about it, I've seen a bunch of threads about AA decreasing FPS. WHO KNEW? :D

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My video regarding this will come out tonight hopefully and will be posted in the main threadline.


I hope we don't have to go for another two weeks before hearing more, I would love to see more of those people I have been combating for the past 3 weeks in over 7 threads worth of posts about this Issue post in this blog discussion.


Where are you now to tell us to l2p or go back to WoW because the game is designed to delay?....

Where are you now to tell us 0.0 fixes it?

Where are you now claiming that it Is just an isolated issue and your game is fine?

Where are you now calling us a tiny, vocal minority who doesn't really matter?

Where are you now claiming that its our systems?


I could go on... Where are you blinded BioDrones now?



You wanna know who "really" are the ones that love swtor and want it to succeed? You wanna know who really are the ones who care about Bioware and respect them and their work?


It is us, those who are not afraid to voice our concerns, who are not afraid to use strong language towards Bioware when there are clear problems. It is us, who continue to demand better from a company that we believe CAN do better!


To Bioware I would say, I respect you too much to let you get away with these flaws without bringing them to your attention and push you to do better.


The BioDrones have gone insane in their near religious fervor. They are like zealots on a hunger strike capable of nothing but praise.


If this doesnt get fixed they will be happy because then the true gathering begins. As the servers close and consolidate, they will begin weighing each other up and circling like mongrels. A vicious competition will begin as they strive to hang on and outlast. Many heads will be taken but in the end there can only be one!


So yeah Im kinda bored cause Im not playing as I really cant justify grinding to 50 with this issue pretty much "open to interpitation" in terms of being fixed.


Bio if you want the nuts in the long term, fricking man up and stop the meter in good faith that this can be fixed, or seriously consider a mulligan and have a seccond free month AFTER it is fixed. This idea could earn you MILLLIONS OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN DOLLARS alone.



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Most hated things in PVP:

Ability Delay

Teams where they have more than 8 people



Leaping to someone only to teleport below them

Coming into a game that is an obvious loss (b/c of leavers)


i'm a leaver, every time hutball pops i leave... sorry! if i had ability to choose scenarios this would never happen

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I'm glad this is being addressed. I haven't had much delay issues, even though I have a core 2 duo. My friend on the other hand, has had so many issues with it that he and another freind have both cancelled their subs. This and other issues make PvP unenjoyable to them. Since PvP is our favorite part of any mmo, they've left. I'm enjoying the story and a lot of other aspects so I'm staying.


Its sad that at least a public "Hey, we're aware of it and at least looking into it" is coming a little too late for some players. The fact that it hasn't been out for long, which is part of what is also keeping me going, is lost on a lot of folks. Its something I can understand though. The last few "major" mmo launches have left a very bad taste in everyones mouth.

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That is actually not a correct statement.


As discussed in the past, 'Ability Delay' is a broad term for number of griefances and bugs seen. We have started about 100 different investigations into feedback items gathered from the relevant threads.


Some of the issues we found under the heading 'ability delay' affect people uniformly.


A good number of them however require specific combinations of settings (e.g. miniqueue length), processor hardware, hard drive type, server or client load, number of people in your vicinity or even a specific character class to manifest at varying magnitude. Playstyle (clicker vs. keyboarder) also factors in.


On top of that, people also have different tolerances.


For that reason, it is perfectly valid for some people to say that they have not seen an issue with ability responsiveness at all while others can validly say it is happening all the time.


That said, what matters is that we fix it. Even if two thirds of our players claimed it doesn't happen, we still fix it. Serious problems don't require a majority vote to get addressed.



-- Georg


Not being rude george honest but if serious issues dont have to be a majority to be addressed why havnt you guys updated sentinels at all??.


Why do we all keep begging for some type of cc or force push like ability that we used to already have in beta. And still nothing not even a nod in our direction??


God i hope they read this and give us sents/maras thats been trying for weeks to get an answer to this something throw us a bone or something.

Edited by Nyteblades
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I'm just not sure how the game made it live through playtesting with the gummy response. It had to have been noticed and made a serious issue to fix, meaning I don't have a lot of confidence it can be resolved with this engine.


I'm canceling my sub - but I'd be willing to PTS test these changes if it were free to "play", and if you really can make good on these changes I'd resub anyway. Perhaps consider allowing former paying players the opportunity to make use of the test server as a "hey guys, we're out of beta now - please come back full time!" advertisement.

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