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Kaon Under Siege released today but nobody wants to run it on my server!


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I was wondering if anyone else is having this problem on their servers.


So a new Flashpoint came out today. Kaon Under Siege. I couldn’t wait to get home and try it!! I didn’t get home till late (10pm cst) so pretty much everyone in my guild who wanted to run it already did.


So as a healer I thought it would be no problem to PUG it. But I couldn’t find a group!! Even after 1 hour of sitting in Imperial Space dock, couldn’t manage to fill 2 spots. 1-Tank and 1-DPS.


Sorry in advance for mentioning Warcraft, but when I did play WoW when there was a new 5man release, their where TONS of groups and people would run it all night long (Even before the LFD tool)! But the total opposite is happening when I play SWTOR.


Has anyone else had this same problem on their server?



And I’ll say this now since I am sure someone will take this the wrong way, but I LOVE playing SWTOR, call me a fanboy if you will. But it’s a pain in the *** to get into Flashpoints! And I am really starting to think I would like a LFD because I am tired of spamming LFM in /1 chat!!

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I was a little surprised at the lack of conversation about or pertaining to the new flashpoint. I'm assuming that most people who are level 50 had made friends or are in guilds that they prefer to run with. People weren't going "LF1M for Kaon!" or "Check out the new FP. It's so cool!". I'm not sure what was going on.


Maybe they needed to have rakghouls climbing up from over the sides of the railings in the Republic Fleet to get people more excited about it. Maybe four man groups are almost too easy to fill. I was going to run it with my RL friends, but one of them is 49 still so we decided to just wait until he got another level.

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Why would i run Kaon Hm when i almost have full champ/centurion gear. Bioware made the game to easy with no incentive to do HM's.


Very true!!


People just don't run instances anymore for "fun". It's always about the loot. :(

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Very true!!


People just don't run instances anymore for "fun". It's always about the loot. :(


It's fun the first time. Every time after that it is for the loot. I speak for myself of course. I'll do each FP once, that's it, and frankly the concept of HMs elude me. To each their own.

Edited by DarthRaneDeer
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Very true!!


People just don't run instances anymore for "fun". It's always about the loot. :(


Well then Kaon is definitely not the instance for you. While it may look really cool and have "atmosphere" it's not very fun to play. It's a long trash slog where a single missed or broken cc often means a whip.

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Well then Kaon is definitely not the instance for you. While it may look really cool and have "atmosphere" it's not very fun to play. It's a long trash slog where a single missed or broken cc often means a whip.


Don't listen to this guy. Majority of people who've cleared Kaon (like myself) say it's very fun and probably the best flashpoint yet.

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It got kinda annoying to be honest. Maybe it's just my guild, but nobody wants to run any FP, or maybe they always finish it by the time I get home (a small guild).


I'm at the point where I say F*** it on my lvl 50 and just do dailies and log off. I switched back and forth between heals and dps to find group but no luck finding group. We need a LFD (same server only) and server forum so we can check out guild recruitment so we can go level on another server.


I was missing all the friends I had in that other game... I was tempted to go back to that other game since I know I could get back to my previous guild raiding, but I won't. This is why it is so hard for new MMOs to take off. People flock to where their friends are. MMOs without friends or pugs to run things with are just boring...


I'm going to subscribe for another month while looking/waiting for another guild/server/LFD.

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It's a really fun instance. Quite long, perhaps a little too much trash (and nerf those bloody "Screamers" - it is NOT fun having your character forcibly moved every 10 seconds ;)). But, it is a good FP. I really liked the atmosphere, the lights above our heads, etc. Hardmode was a good challenge. Enjoyed it very much, will run again at some point.


The problem is a simple one; a lot of people are lazy and won't run FPs when they can simply grind WZs for PvP gear that is better than average PvE FP gear. Typical MMO players want minimum effort for maximum reward.


Bioware would do wonders if they nerfed PvP gear base stats and scaled up the benefits of expertise to compensate. PvPers are still powerful where it counts, PvEers still have an incentive to progress with PvE gear. The reality is the gearing at end-game is a little misplaced.

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The trash in Kaon is INCREDIBLY obnoxious. It really feels like a slog, just hacking your way through the most annoying trash mobs in the game, hands-down.


In a general sense, all the flashpoints are way too long. Taral V could easily be almost 2 or 3 flashpoints by itself.

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