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Everything posted by quaesitor

  1. It means the code didn't work. The site is too low-quality to actually give you a message that says something useful like: "This code is not valid" or "This code has expired." If you're *lucky* you will get a message that says "An unknown error has occurred."
  2. I agree with the OP on all counts. Lack of LFD is what caused me to unsubscribe (account active until the 18th). People who don't want LFD are just insanely, stupidly selfish. I would guess almost none of them have tried to form groups on Republic side on a low-population server where you stand around doing nothing but spamming general and harassing people. There are flashpoints I never even got to see because it was too difficult to find groups for them. If your players cannot easily reach your content, you are doing it wrong - THE END. If this gets fixed, I may resub, but I'm not going to pay a monthly fee to stand around.
  3. Yep, the PVP matches starting 5 or 6 vs 8 were getting too frequent; what's the point when the game starts and you don't have even teams until 5 minutes in and the Empire has already scored 3 times or controls two turrets? Say whatever you want about skill, but having 3 extra people is pretty much a game-decider in most cases.
  4. Your opinion is selfish and flawed; trying to find groups on low-population Republic-sides of servers is painful and usually fruitless. A LFG system from this decade would have kept me subbed; I'll probably come back once its in place.
  5. The OP is correct when he says the linear nature of the questing experience makes rolling alts far less attractive. In other games, because you were not anchored to a class storyline, you could choose to level somewhere else. If I didn't like Elwynn, I could head over to Ashenvale. If I didn't like Ashenvale, I could head over to Dun Morogh, or whatever. The point is that I had options. I could do the Night elf area with one character, and on the next character, do the Dwarf area. If I started Northrend on the eastern side, the next character could start on the western side. Was there shared content between alts in a faction? Yes. Of course. But it wasn't such a huge percentage. SWTOR has ZERO options. You MUST go from planet to planet because you MUST do your class story quests at each planet in succession. Development of the game should have (and still should) be at least partially invested in creating alternate PvE options for leveling. Churning through 500 of the EXACT SAME "kill" quests that I did on my main ISN'T WORTH IT to experience the story quests on my alt(s). It just isn't. You can PvP some, you can Space Mission some, but you just can't really replace the XP you get from questing, and PvP and Space Missions are even more repetitive and monotonous than grinding the same non-story quests over and over. There are tons of planets already in the game. They should have varied content hubs for varied levels. Give Alderaan a quest hub for characters at 45. Give Balmorra a quest hub for characters at 20. Give Tattoine a quest hub for characters at 37. The "Bonus Series" (in quotes because they're not really a bonus) SORT of do this, but not very well, because by the time you unlock them, you have slogged through the planet already and are sick to death of it.
  6. No, it means that every aspect of it is not yet finished: how missions operate, how resources are gathered and used, how patterns are gained and used, how items compare to items gained in other ways, how reverse engineering functions... Since all aspects are unfinished, it's completely unfinished. Get it now?
  7. Has anyone ever gotten a 340 Mission Discovery from a Treasure Hunting lockbox? I think I did once, but I can't remember for sure. I know I've gotten them out of other types of lockboxes as an "epic" loot roll.
  8. Crafting is completely unfinished. This is the explanation for nearly every problem dealing with crafting.
  9. Nope, OP is right on. It's stupid, and shouldn't exist. Shift-dragging items into individual slots and then REing them is a pain in the rear. I REd a stack of medpacks just once, and got like, 1 material back. So it deeeeefinitely does NOT give you credit for the whole stack. Fortunately, it was only about 6 or 7 of them, and I realized how utterly crappy it was, and started shift-dragging.
  10. Crafting was given the hatchet and put back together in very late beta. Even at launch it was plainly obvious that it was unfinished and completely unbalanced. Investing in the system so heavily, knowing that it was in a poor state, was a gamble. I sympathize with your lost time and..well, just time. Hopefully you can find a way to adapt and persevere.
  11. I enjoy telling my groupmates to "Tank the green beam". But I do agree that it kind of draws a lot of attention to me in PvP; far less than a Sage or Smuggler gets while healing.
  12. One problem I have: Kolto bomb is just extremely awkward to use. I really dislike the idea of a template heal, especially considering that template-effects are bugged at the moment, and sometimes cancel if you try to ready your template while a previous spell is casting.
  13. I agree, it's a bit tough in the early levels to spot-heal a group when the entire group is taking boatloads of damage. Sure, you can do it, but you will be out of ammo very quickly. Two things I noticed players doing that drove me batty and made it harder for me to heal were: 1) not using CC and/or breaking CC stupidly 2) NOT healing themselves after fights with their regenerate abilities I think as a healer in the early levels, you really need to be vocal about these things. I even had to come down on my guildies because they were being lazy and not realizing that I was working overtime to compensate. If the group isn't CCing, say something. "Hey guys, the group is taking too much damage. We need to start marking targets and using CC." If the group members are running up to the next fight at 50% health, say something. "Folks, it really helps me heal and keep the progress rolling if you all use your class regenerate abilities to heal yourselves up." Feel free to nag on them, because they will probably need it. "Heal up, please." "Heal up, please." "Folks, heal yourselves up, please." Do it as many times as you need to. If people refuse, well. If theyre dropping to 50% during a fight, chances are they would have died. Doesn't take too many deaths to get the message home.
  14. I very much like the self-splashback on Hammer Shot idea. I also definitely think kolto bomb needs improvement. I think the template heals in general aren't the greatest; I'd kinda rather kolto bomb was targeted and then just hit X allies within Y meters. Increasing the number of targets would be great, but I won't hold my breath. Supercharged Cells definitely needs some love. I think 30 charges is too high, personally, to gain the somewhat-weak benefits. Sages only need to drop their instant hot to gain their benefits, which are pretty potent. I would like to see the required charge go down to 20, or increase the charges gained from spells, and/or please let advanced medical probe/kolto bomb add charges. If the charges are going to remain at 30, I think every single heal should be adding charges, even if its just 2.
  15. Yeah, I think it definitely needs a little help. I compare it to the sage's shield and it just feels extremely weak. I would like to be able to place it on more than one person at a time. I would like it to perhaps heal for a little bit more. I wouldn't mind if it had a cost associated with it. I also wouldn't mind if it had some kind of cooldown. But seeing as it already has such a long duration that might not be feasible. I dunno, but I think something has to be done with it to make it feel like more of a useful/"core" tool. Also, they need to make it so that Trauma Probe healing aggro sticks on the person getting healed, not the Commando. It's obnoxious getting insta-aggro from multiple members of a pack because the tank is working on establishing aggro and the very first tick of Trauma Probe causes the rest of the group to focus on the Trooper. As far as I have EVER seen, sage's shield carries no aggro whatsoever.
  16. You want all your titles misspelled? You can't change them, you know. Also, I think you're putting a lot of stock in this Legacy System. You don't even know what kind of rewards you'll be getting. Maybe at legacy level 25 you gain access to a new skin color of Twi'lek.
  17. She looks extremely uncomfortable.
  18. Yep. I feel exactly the same way. Coruscant makes me not want to level alts. So much running through cramped, dingy, steam-filled hallways. Such long, inefficient speeder routes. Ugh.
  19. Yep. Pretty much everything about the Empire feels a bit more "finished" than the Republic side. They're minor details, but they all add up and it's pretty hard to avoid noticing.
  20. I didn't have much tolerance for Nar Shadaa on Republic side because it's piles of long windy octagonal hallways so quickly after another planet entirely full of long windy octagonal hallways (Coruscant). I started calling Coruscant Borescant or The Tube and I was fed up with being so enclosed by an MMO that should have been more massive and inspiring. I think they could have done a better job varying the content a bit on both of those planets, but they were lazy. /shrug Alderaan is still my favorite planet, although I enjoyed Kaas too, if only because it's got "weather" going on. All the planets are in desperate need of day/night cycles and weather patterns to break some of the static dullness that seems to have washed over.
  21. Joining a guild doesn't fix the terrible LFG system. FUN FACT: The "comment" section of the LFG system gives you 13 characters to work with. You cannot expand that column (because of UI limitations), nor can you cursor-hover over it or right-click it to find out more. Most people do not seem to know this, and write out entire sentences that show up something like: "Looking for g..." Terrible.
  22. The turreteer makes or breaks the fight. If theyre bad, laggy, or the mechanism bugs out (like, say, if you get knocked or pulled off the cannon, or it simply despawns for no applicable reason) you are dead and done for.
  23. It's not a problem at all. I'm trying to find people to run groups with. Because TOR's LFG system is so outmoded and simple, I have to hang out in the place that's most central, aka the fleets. Now, when the Republic Fleet has 35-60 people in it, which is quite common for the time of day and servers that I play on, finding a group is stupidly hard, especially considering that at least 50% of those people are not even 50. That leaves me a potential pool of 17-30 people to form a group with. Assume at least a quarter to half of those people are AFK, uninterested, or waiting for their PVP queue. That leaves 8-15 people. I'm a healer (thank god) so maybe 2 or 3 of those people will be tanks, and thus useful to me. SUPER DUPER, I have to hope those 2 or 3 people want to run what I want to run (picking up DPS is usually not so difficult). I don't really care if you think these are exaggerated numbers, because I'm just relaying my actual experiences, and I can guarantee you that they feel VERY real. It is related to the population balance, and it is very relevant.
  24. Yep, noticed it with Force Quake almost immediately. Not sure if it's a bug or intentional. They might not want you to be able to chain Force Quakes back to back to back to back to back. Sometimes happens with Kolto Bomb (template disappears when the cast of the previous heal finishes). That bothers me a lot more than when it's a DPS ability. Of course I just hate the heck out of placed-template healing anyhow.
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