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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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So after actually playing the new Ilum, its not that bad. You get great honor for kills. We had a group of 24 republic slaughtering Empire for like an hour. We never killed any of the turrets though, and honestly that's pretty hard to do if there's any sort of resistance.


I"m starting to think most people ************ are trying to go to Ilum solo instead of in a group.



And for the record, after killing people for an hour straight, I only gained like a 1.5 valor ranks. From 36 to 37.5

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I like this idea a lot.


This portion of the idea "(Imperials and Republic can choose to be 'hired' to work for the Hutts to retain resources/capture points)" particularly will help address the faction balance issue.


So you want a bunch of fat slugs running around? that solves the problem =P

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Please don't make me lose faith in your company who has given countless hours of fun and entertainment.


I don't ask for much but just a one liner of what is actually going on in Illum in respect to Valor gain, spawn camping, turret killing. I know there is a lot of misinformation and overreaction from players (Normal for MMO players) but you have the power to curb all the rumors.


That one line can also contain, What gives valor?, How to stop spawn camping?, If players have indeed gained a ton of valor in just a few hours, is that working as intended?

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BioWare, this is simply unacceptable.


IN order to shift PvP to a system like this, you need the following systems in place:


1)A need to account for faction imbalance/faction control

2)A reward system that appropriately scales to its maximum values -- more specifically, a reward system that does not inappropriately provide achievement for participants.

3)A means to help dilute the population over the zone, which is not possible unless part 1 is achieved.

4)A meaningful reward system that provides players with the means to achievement.


I'll put a thought-out solution in another thread, because this will get spammed beyond visibility in seconds.

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Question: Just curious... How many of you were on the test server testing this patch? Raise of hands.


I may be mistaken, but I believe I've been beta testing Soa/bonethrasher for weeks on a regular server. :D

Edited by Darinford
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This is what I see as well - now. There was some really bad spawn camping, but now it appears that the Empire players are holding back from the spawn point even though they still have the numbers to completely roll over the Republic.


Perhaps they've decided it's more fun this way. I don't know.


The guild leaders got together and discussed it. They pulled their people out of the spawn point in order to make it more fun. So the guilded empire players are not spawn camping anymore. The unguilded ones are still pressing them to the base, but alot of it has died down, due to players making the decision to stop the afk farm.

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Okay Hopefully this thread is not such a trainwreck that this will go Unnoticed.


Bioware, I understand it from a gaming perspective, you literally have little to 0 experience with building PvP, no offense but all of the games I've played by yall have 0 PvP content.


That said, I believe the best solution is to go learn what good PvP is.


1. If you want World PvP, you have to do the following:

*Limit the number of players in each battlezone, create multiple instances if necessary to ensure that the number are even on both sides, largely due to population imbalance but not much you can do about that.

*Shrink the Battlefield! If you spend more time travelling than fighting the battlefield is too large. A general setup would be a center, left and right with 2 bases on each time.

*The loosing side should get a scaling advantage, that is passed once they become the winning side, this advantage should not stop building until such a time as a comeback is seen on the battlefield

*Make a battlefield on a timer with a Operation inside with really really awesome gear! Literally have us fight for it every 2 hours or so and winner goes on the operation



2. If you want real High End PvP, make a true effort, this means the following:

*Arena partner combat teams who strive for ranking in order to be called the best

*Arena Only Rewards

*Arena sessions broken down into a time frame that ends in a playoff followed by a championship match

*Arena's should be split into a 2v2 and 3v3 bracket more than that should go to Operation Level.

*Full Operation Team Rated matches with the same feel as the above 3 bullet points except on general Warzones.

*Full Operation Rated will go through a playoff and a championship matches to achieve best of the best and get a reward for making to each as well as a special unique reward each season for Winning.



3. Regular PvP:

Should be bracketted based upon gear and level as well as be across server within a group of servers.

*4-10 Servers into a Battlegroup, increase player pools, balance between those few Republic Heavy Servers with some of the Imperial Heavy ones to help mitigate Population Imbalance

*Get a gear rating for PvP, or just use Expertise Scores, so players don't get thrown up against entire squads of battlemasters when they're all new toons or vastly undergeared?

*Let us take a full operation group, take their gear rating and average it out, easiest fairest way to do it but let us bring all our friends to one fight.

*Bracket the levels and don't allow people to start PvP till level 20, so they have some abilities.

*More than 3 battlefields, I know yall are creative you gave us Hutt Ball, I think you can come up with a few more ideas. Perhaps a Hostage Rescue as an escort mission? A planetary Raid to strip the resources before the other players? Copies of Aldeeran and Voidstar but less open with more LoS to play with? A capture the Flag like Game?

There is what 5 more right there totaling 8 possibly 9 if you give an open CTF and a terrain LoSing CTF.


4. General Modifications:

*Reduce the number of Currencies, dear gods there are 7-8 different commendations, and 1 of them is nearly completely unearnable (Mercenary).

*Make sure the mirror classes are true mirrors, put them up against each other TEST THEM! Make sure those little tweaks, "Project not doing damage till impact versus Instant Damage Lightning?" FIX! Bounty Hunters Use Heat versus Trooper Ammo (Why is there this difference? Mirror classes mean mirror, every other class mirror's their resource. Trooper in theory is a Mirror in practice it's not).

*The Wait time to allow defender to re-spawn on Voidstar seems too long or entirely random? Why? 20seconds is far too much time, 15seconds would work better or perhaps 12?

*Huttball: If you do not have the ball, give us the jump option to attempt to intercept a pass, would make life entertaining for Hail Mary's!

*Fix your frame rate issues please? I only have issues in PvP and it seems to be related to the program not my system:

2 GB Graphic's Card

3.8GB Processor


492GB Free Hardrive Space

12.5Mbs Internet Speed (Laceny between 11-24ms average)

De-fragged and Diskcleaned once per week


So if you really are paying attention then learn from other games that have been successful like Avon, EQ1 and 2, WoW. They use systems similar to these but realistically this is what players have grown to love respect and want. Sometimes you don't have to reinvent the wheel to move forward.

Edited by Renvana
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Bioware will have to do something about this, I cant see how they can let this slide saying it was just an uhoh. I would expect atleast a valor rollback for everyone, maybe more.


Sadly though this combined with the other issues so far (the slicing problem and the harvesting on Ilum) so early in the game has really hurt the players trust in Bioware. The Slicing problem upset the economies on servers, and this latest Ilum bug has made a joke of the PvP on nearly all servers.


Bioware needs to get away from the diplomatic approach of "we'll investigate and take action" crap and make some type of public showing to PROVE that they will not tolerate cheating. And it needs to be something worthwhile.


Personally I think they should perma-ban everyone involved Or atleast roll them back to valor-0 and take away ALL of their PvP gear, and if they are not permabanned then it should be an absolute FINAL WARNING on their account. Is it drastic? Maybe, but I bet future people would think twice about abusing a bug knowing something like this would be the punishment.


And just imo, they should post a list (server by server) of everyone who was caught abusing the bug. It wouldn't do much but personally I will never play with people I know exploit and cheat.

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Lol at all the Republic hate & QQ.


*sets server rollback scripts on the table*


" You want this, don't you? The hate is swelling in you now. Take your server rollback. Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it. Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant. "


In the end...you're just like us. Go ahead and give in.


This is why we can't have nice things. Terrible players that are more than happy to play broken games as long as they can use how the game is broken to their own benefit.

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I've spent hours today world PvP'ing in Ilum. It is in no way acceptable for Bioware to simply rollback to pre 1.1, and completely destroy the huge amount of time I've spent levelling valor today.


Are you kidding me? so because you spent hours exploiting a broken system that makes it ok? so what about the people who spent hours getting free money from the glitch they fixed a few weeks ago, was bioware in the wrong for rectifying that? no! broken is broken and exploiting the system for a certain amount of time only makes it worse. . . seriously

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i am consistently disappointed in developers than cannot forsee issues like this.


it seriously leads me to believe they have no idea what they are programming.


and no idea about player population.


and no idea that players will be losers and exploit every advantage they can out of a broken system.


i wonder if they released this with the idea that "players will be fair and not swarm repubs 100 vs 15 and they will be honest and not farm the turrets for afk valor".


i mean come on. video game players are scum. until developers realize that, they will never get it right. you cant give them even the tiniest crack to exploit, or they will turn it into a canyon.


as someone who legitimately earned battlemaster on my imperial long before this patch, and having a repub alt that i am trying to level up now... i am extremely disheartened by this patch. I will not be going to ilum, and apparently i wont be playing warzones anymore.


all thats left is the pve grind. its like im playing a single player game with an MMO lobby.




oh common i official protest !! i'm not scum and i demand your apology. and please keep in mind this is Bioware first MMO, so yeah there programmers are not used to code a game for this! what is perfectly normal for a single player game does not normally count for an MMO, that's why people learn from ther mistakes! and soon we will all know what the fix will be, so just relax and wait for official response.

no need to strain your brain over small things that the masses have blown up out of proportion. all what's going on here is spawn-camping AND if someone took the time to read the "rules of conduct" then you will see that spawn-camping falls under the "harassment" section of the rules so i bet allot of people will be making new threads soon that start with "Why is my account banned?".


there see no need to fill this thread with hate-full text, wait and see the fun part still has to come.

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Funny how when I used to talk about this / warn about this people just told me I was bad.


How to fix it:


1.) Limit the number of people allowed in the zone at a time (WoW Tol Barad)

2.) Give a tenacity buff based on a % of how ot numbered Rep. is ( WoW Wintergrasp)

3.) Forced re-rolls for Imperial players


Dont even try to add Warhammers Against All Odds thing in this game, IT DOESNT WORK !


Fix this issue or your pvp community will be non-existent very shortly.


Reps will quit from being farmed, Imps will quit for having nobody to fight.


Forced rerolls wouldn't even be needed, I'm sure alot of people would happily switch their Empire characters to republic seeing how bad it has gotten lately, I know I would in a heartbeat. Though there's no way I am remaking my characters as republic from scratch at this point.

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Everyone is right, you need to take the servers down with immediate effect. If you don't believe this, I suggest calling an emergency meeting within your company now and putting forth the idea that you put a poll up in game - much like the way you did your stress test tickets and allow us - the players, to tell you what we want in game.


Currently PVP is not fun. Quite frankly there was more fun interacting with each other and farming the walkers - yeah sure it was broken, but people put in the effort, socialised and just dealt with it.


If this is allowed to continue, the game is going to get bad rep. Everyone knew this was going to happen given the imperial/republic imbalance. Everyone on the servers has been saying they want character transfers for republic.


I've logged on for about 20 minutes, stood in what shall now be known as the camping area and gone up 2 valor ranks. That's absurd and completely unfair on the people who shrugged PvE and instead focussed on grinding PVP.


You basically have two games to support here - SWTOR PVP (Including open world) and SWTOR PVE (Including hard modes, raids and so on)


While we could live with the PVE bugs and imbalances - the PVP is basically unacceptable. Yes I'm on a PVP realm and I'm not amongst the hardcore pvp'ers - but I can see why they'd be massively frustrated at this.


You can not allow this to continue. Seriously, we'll happily take this downtime. If you dont want to shut the game down - lock everybody out of Ilum with a server announcement explaining why. Just make sure this stops immediately!


Argh. Upset. :(


btw: This is from an imperial perspective on Niman. This is not a good game now, for PVP.

Edited by snafusan
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