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Everything posted by ncash

  1. The guild leaders got together and discussed it. They pulled their people out of the spawn point in order to make it more fun. So the guilded empire players are not spawn camping anymore. The unguilded ones are still pressing them to the base, but alot of it has died down, due to players making the decision to stop the afk farm.
  2. the guild leaders got together and pulled their people out. it was discussed on his stream
  3. Says this feature has not been implemented yet on the tooltip. Probably just an oversite, but hopefully this is incorrect as you have stated in patch notes that it has been implemented.
  4. I'm not yet 50, and have just been following this debate on the forums, but I was wondering... You say it takes 2+ hours to make the blue nonreuseable stim. How long does it take to gather all the mats for the reusable stem? Would this not be factored into the price of a BOE version? I would think you could make quite a large amount of credits selling the reusables. If the reuseables take 1-2 days gathering mats, it would take a long time to outfit your entire servers population.
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