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Everything posted by Darinford

  1. Eh? My guild spawn camped the republic shuttle onto/off of Hoth two weeks ago. It's not an exploit, just plain bad design.
  2. I may be mistaken, but I believe I've been beta testing Soa/bonethrasher for weeks on a regular server.
  3. Bioware I'm rootin for ya's. I really enjoyed leveling in this MMORPG more than any other. I really hope you can pull it together quickly. Still though, I'm doing a 1 month sub instead of 3 like I had planned. This kind of thing is not good. Only outs I see here are either A. Rollback or B. Gear reset; release another tier of gear as soon as this is fixed.
  4. Right now you'll probably have better luck as a rDPS for operations though. Annihilation droid has a knockback, garhj has an AOE stomp, Soa involves a lot of movement even without depending on meelee (and since the lightning balls target on people each person in the middle means an extra 6000dmg ball floats that way), Bonethrasher can do a 180 and one shot you with cleave until you get some decent gear etc. What I'm getting at is the fights aren't really melee friendly. In normal mode raids healing really isn't an issue. If somebody steps on an electric ball while the healers are mind trapped & flying, yeah. Elsewhere the only time I see folks getting real low is after bonethrasher's cleave. I ran hardmode but we lacked the dps to get past annihilation droid, again healing wasn't an issue; nobody died till the enrage. Basically without talents, the operative and bounty hunters heal identically, with the BH coming a little bit ahead since rapid shots seems superior to the operative equivalent. Then again 8 man's really aren't "Raids". eta: Also we always have sorcs do the CC since their graphics are more obvious so that people don't break it. eeta: are any AOE's in raids interrupt-able?
  5. In huttball at level 11 I saw a group of 5 players running towards the inzone. I stealth-ed outside the firepit and stunned the ball carrier in the firepit. Any other class would have been force-leaped (thereby skipping the pit) or stunned/killed by his escorts. Operatives are the MOST annoying class in huttball since we can stealth stun the ball carriers at the firepits. If a ball carrier is not partnered with somebody to pass the ballover the pit, they're pretty much dead if I don't get ability lag. It doesn't matter how outnumbered you are, if the other team doesn't scan or hop the pits they're going to lose the ball 60-80% of the time baring ability lag.
  6. Did false Emp this morning at 2am my time. Pulled him into position for the knockback at 11% and WHAM I go sailing through god knows where. Poof boss dies, I can't zone into the instance, and my chest token drops. No real problems with their system I just needed to ( Q _ Q ) somewhere while praying the tickets get read. The crystal / commendations are mixed so that you should run a few hard-modes and complete EV weekly to balance the two out. If you do one or the other exclusively you'll be short on one or the other. After 2.8 EV clears I have bought two pieces of tionese gear with almost enough change to buy another. My weekly operations quest did not trigger on any of the three kills that should have completed it.
  7. For my BH main alacrity is annoying. Fortunately the PVP helmets have crit+surge on them so I'm farming them to yank the enhancements out. Haven't checked the operative line, you might do likewise. Just make sure to always do your ilum base trade and it'll be resolved over time.
  8. Just crunch the numbers for each piece of gear You won't have a choice endgame for awhile anyway. Have to use your set pieces for the set bonus. Once you get some spare epics you can yank the mods and customize a bit more, but for about the first 3 weeks at 50 you're stuck with mostly whatcha got. I'd say Acc to 110% to mitigate clothers dodge. After that I'd say 200 power then crit/surge.
  9. D7 hardmode is difficult. The main problem my group had was just hitting bulwark's enrage timer. The group of droids that spawn as a boss was the hardest encounter to heal since the tank couldn't grab agro. As the healer I was able to stay up with my reusable lvl 40 medkit + survival spec bodyguard (powered insulators + custom enviro suit). The boss with the clones is cake on hardmode, and dropped a non-set lvl 50 epic for our group.
  10. Well I gotta say it's not the most buggy game I've ever played. However, there are a few nasty bugs at endgame and I really hope they get ironed out before February. IMO anyone who finishes the raids this month should get some form of bonus for having to deal with the bugs.
  11. Tonight some of us were bored waiting at 14 members to do a 16 man OP. Soo we ran to do a worldboss on Hoth, downed both of them and then went to the republic base. Much laughter was had as we pushed into the base and realized we could camp not merely the spawn, but the republic shuttle onto / off of Hoth. Not only could people not get onto the planet without dying, but they couldn't leave either. Kudo's to the brave souls who pushed us out I think somebody Fraps'd it, but there may have been a tinsy little bit of swearing after I got disconn'd on the worldboss. eta: I suppose they could leave if they switched to another instance of Hoth. However, I still think they need to put some nasty NPC's in the shuttle rooms, there was literally nothing there.
  12. Cloth healer without a tank shield is toast in group pvp. You'll do fine as long as it's just random folks beating on you, but the second somebody starts calling /assist or focus fire in the enemy group you're toast. Get a tank to toss shield/protect or whatnot on you and it'll go a lot better, it's the only way to roll in group pvp.
  13. Bear in mind stats affect different abilities to varying degree's. My healing scan heals for about 800ish now while rapid does about 1300 (I think, I'm not sure can't log in right now). However healing then ticks for 140x3 plus 10% armor which amounts to about 5% damage mitigation. When you stack healing scan, plus kolto shell on a target you're getting some nice HoT action which greatly reduces burst. Furthermore Healing scan +10% armor stacks nicely with Supercharged kolto missile which when used on a tank means he takes around 30-35% less damage while both are active. However, SCG kolto missile is situational. I like to use it if everybody is already close to topped off and I wouldn't be using it if I didn't have the ability to bind it to a mouse button (bad video lag in my case). Healing before critical efficiency just plain sucks heat btw. It's radically different once you get it. *I may have the name wrong
  14. I just started PVP last night at level 40. I had been procrastinating for a bit, but really needed to set up my keybindings so that I wasn't an embarrassment anymore. I'm spec'd bodyguard, after only about 5 matches and a few UI adjustments I ranged from 190k to 300k combined healing/damage (at about 10 frames per second) in warzones. If you want mobility you have to alter your tactics a little bit and give up some DPS abilities. However we are most definitely mobile. I like to open up with fusion missile, explosive dart and rail shot if I'm going for mobility. There's a hybrid build posted in the ask a BH thread (or used to be) with some points in arsenal and bodyguard up to kolto shell. If you get Kolto shell that will help drastically with mobility, it's like having 3000-6000+ extra hitpoints if you can manipulate the enemies LoS to drag the fight out about half the classes are toast right off the bat. by default Q and E are bound to strafe, rebind those to A and D then bind abilities with priority to instant cast DPS/heal abilities to Q,E,R,F,G,V,C and you're golden (vent heat goes to H). I have Death from above & kolto missile bound to mouse buttons and also have ctrl bound to a mouse button, but I haven't finished rebinding my keys to take advantage of ctrl.
  15. unfortunately bodyguards don't get cure until level 24 . But yes, the trick is to realize you can run in circles around the statue at the top of the stairs. However, the trick for the healer is to top everyone off, and start the heal the second they see that DoT show up on the status bar. Of course in my case, the first time I ran it (lvl 18-19) the fires spawned they snuck up behind me and immediately filled my screen murdering my framerate and then me. Downed it on the 3rd attempt, though I died when the guy was at 3% health or so. I got nailed with it 3-4x in a row earlier (at 23), without my medkit I'd have died but that's bad luck for ya.
  16. Tech power ~ affects tech abilities your heals are tech critical ~ % to crit helps surge ~ increases amount of crit Power ~ increases base amount Aim ~ increases very slightly the chance to crit, & healing bonus Presence ~ healing bonus True in a perfect world. Bosses in this game make liberal use of random targeting and AOE thus far (I'm only 23). I love being able to pop my reusable medpack when I'm low health so that I can keep healing the tank. Occasionally things happen, Eg get targeted by the random DoT in athiss 4x in a row, an alchemical snarler gets upclose and personal, CC gets broken accidentally etc. A little extra umph goes a long way there. eta: survival is not THE top priority, it is however very high on the list.
  17. Exactly, I want it well known that I will be an impeccable jerk to people who roll on my loots. That way I can get kicked before the issues occur, and I'll have a lot of fun earning the reputation
  18. My companion isn't in the instance, your companion isn't in the instance. If I don't get gear I cannot perform to spec. Next time it happens I'm going to let the guys run into the final boss then run the other way and laugh like a maniac eta: wish I could record that, happening. That's a vid that needs to get made. Need > Companion > Mod/Engineer > Greed. Lets say the Helmet drops twice in Athiss. Well I can yank the mods out and slap them in another piece of gear and get a very significant upgrade.
  19. As a 23 BH bodyguard I simply couldn't keep up with the healing (other members were 24). We downed them after the two we killed on the third* attempt did not respawn. Mostly the same group ran Athiss with me at level 18. Annoying that critical efficiency is a level 24 talent I'm sure once I get it the fight will become much easier. This fight made me really wish the heat metric was easier for other classes to measure by looking at my bar. I try to pop SCG at 30-35 heat to make the most of it, sometimes I'll tap zero a second before my next heal goes off. "you're not healing you have no heat" *first attempt saw me try to concussion the trooper which eventually led to the wipe since I had to burst heal to keep myself up when all but the sentinel focused on me (adrenal, supercharged gas, Vent heat, 1400hp from medpack, and shield), though I was naturally blamed.
  20. Bottom line, if you roll need on my gear, find another healer.
  21. Unofficial oceanic server. 24x7 obliteration station
  22. They do make a difference, but knowing what to do and look for (watching for the DoT, for example) made the critical difference in finishing that instance. I ran it again at 21BHBG-22?SNP-18PT-18SNP with zero close calls, the tank was 18 again. It was faceroll with a 26 tank though Regardless, running hardmode/nightmare at 50 players won't be able to level up to compensate for a deficit in experience. The downside to waiting to 50 to learn, is a person who does that will probably burn a few groups; burn too many and word'll get around. It takes time to overcome a bad reputation, assuming the community exists.
  23. Darinford ~ Bodyguard ~ Server "The Swiftsure" Doing PVE mostly, haven't set my hotkeys up for PVP yet.
  24. Talking about the guy with the 3 chicks in front of him on Dromund Kaas? Yeah I took him at lvl 16, and won that by the barest skin of my teeth. Dude was the hardest elite i've managed to solo, much harder than the one in "Friends of Old". ETA: folks your companion can initiate the fight if you click on the attack button in the lower lefthand corner by your summon companion button.
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