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  1. OR they could change the PvP daily to just 1 win like every MMO ever at least until this is fixed, dailies shouldn't take potentially hours to do.
  2. An engine that doesn't **** itself when more than 20 people are in the area fighting would help alot too.
  3. I agree but at the same time PvP in this game also happens to be more gear dependent than in any mmo I have ever played so if you want to be able to pull your own weight as most classes you pretty much have to. As it is I rarely go to Ilum though despite having pretty poor gear because it makes me hate playing the game.
  4. I love that Ilum was already a huge pain to get your daily quest done in and incredibly unfun and they somehow made it even worse. Fix the reason people killtrade (the reason being it takes too goddamn long for a daily as it is and is just a mess in general) instead of making it even worse with an attempted "fix" at just treating the symptoms instead of the actual problem. Honestly until they actually make Ilum a zone worth playing in they should just make warzone kills count toward the Ilum daily so people don't have to bother with the zone because I have a hard time believing anyone enjoys the place.
  5. I think a ton of people would happily faction transfer if they had free ones from empire to republic only, I know i would. Re-rolling is just not an attractive idea for me because gear makes such a huge difference at 50 for PvP and as random as it is (and how overpriced centurion gear is if you don't luck out on champ gear) it's not something I want to deal with again just to get to a "respectable" level of gear.
  6. They aren't impossible to play but they're most definitely the hardest to get a feel for as a relatively ungeared 50 with the new 50 bracket I would say, if you're pugging that is. They aren't as reliant as heals as some say but they do make a huge difference and they are more important to you than to most and if you don't have much gear you will absolutely explode if the enemy team focuses you while you're stunned and you don't have your stronger defensive cooldowns up. The class probably suffers more from chain stuns than any other in the game because its defense is so cooldown dependant and it's so vunlerable to cc.
  7. thejingle

    Pvp Lag worse?

    It's been far worse for me in warzones to the point that landing even my 10 range attacks as melee rarely happens. It was already really bad for me before this (with a good connection mind you, and I get 60 ping in warzones) but this is driving me nuts.
  8. You act like the game not being able to handle more than like 20 players is something that people should be cool with, its an MMO for gods sake, and before you even approach anything massive it becomes unplayable.
  9. I thought this patch was supposed to fix this? I had finally gotten my FPS to somewhat playable levels (still an awful 20ish fps in warzones compared to 60+ outside them), and was mostly bothered by ability delay and stuttering, but with this patch I have trouble even landing my ranged 10m snare. I actually enjoy the PvP in this game quite a bit but the game makes me feel like I am fighting with it rather than playing it half the time, it's getting ridiculous. Anyone else having this issue? it makes it borderline impossible to play a melee when people are de-syncing all over the place and not even 10 meter ranged attacks will land when you're right on top of someone, let alone actual melee attacks. And to be clear this is not in reference to Ilum which I expected to be hilariously bad (and it did not let me down there).
  10. Forced rerolls wouldn't even be needed, I'm sure alot of people would happily switch their Empire characters to republic seeing how bad it has gotten lately, I know I would in a heartbeat. Though there's no way I am remaking my characters as republic from scratch at this point.
  11. I don't really think we need more CC abilities, but I think we need better ways of dealing with it. If we got the jugg ability that makes you immune to cc for a few seconds after charge I think this class would be fine, as it is you end up just getting tossed around via knockbacks upon charge, then stunned/rooted. Even just an immunity to knockbacks on charge would probably be a big deal without being overpowered, they would just have to think about when they use it versus just punting you away instantly, and it would give you a chance to position in a way that the KB would not screw you over as much. I still think a non channeled stun would be a bit overpowering, and if they fix the ability delay/desync issues that would be a large buff to us itself.
  12. It resets weekly but is bugged to not show the actual reset price until after you do it, so it will still show it as costing 50k or whatever you have it at but then when you actually do it it is free (and further ones show the correct price til the next reset).
  13. Every marauder could. I think the small period of CC immunity thing would be pretty great (or even just immunity to knockbacks), it really is irritating when it happens and it happens constantly in huttball. I'm usually mindful of my positioning which has cut down alot on getting hit into fire or off of stuff but if the person is smart, or they just use it the instant you land without you getting a chance to reposition there is nothing you can do.
  14. Thanks kiba, I am about to spec annih for pvp (I get awful ability delay which equates to alot of missed smashes so no more rage) and that was what was making me wait on respeccing.
  15. What about the talent Malice? it says it gives 6% chance to crit to force attacks, I always thought white = melee yellow = force and bleeds are yellow, but I have heard conflicting info on it in regards to that talent.
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