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Game virtually unplayable now, can't even tell when my cooldowns are on properly.


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they didn't even fix this in todays emergency patch.. what a fail


there are so many things wrong right now . Rift is gonna make a killing this year at this rate. GW 2 has people quitting the alpha its so bad people thought it was gonna be a MMO turned out to be street fighter online lol. i feel for bioware though i think the deal with EA scared most of the talent away from this game in 2007. Most of the good people from Sony and mythic went to trion in 2008. Looks like bioware got second stringers for their MMO when EA disolved mythic. Dont get me arong the people are talented i think they have bad direction and horrible planning. Mostly EA causing this fiasco im guessing.

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I can't agree more. I spend more time clicking around on my abilities in the hopes that one will fire than actually paying attention to what I'm doing. It should be OBVIOUS when an ability is ready to fire.


It is virtually impossible to tell if it's 2 seconds away or ready. Awful.

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Honestly I wish they would put an option in the menu that would show you a numerical value for the CD's rather than a graphical one.


BIG YES to this. Anything but a text readout for CD's and Buff/Debuff durations in this era is a joke. Espescially with the teeny little Buff icons we get.



Oh and INB4 "Unreadable Clock wipes to show CD durations takes skill." or "Go back to WOW if you want EZ mode text CD's."

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I'm not beta testing this game, I'm paying for it. Beta is supposedly over.


Here-in lies a problem I see. Yes, something has been deployed that is causing issue for some or even many, whether they need vision correction or a better monitor or there is a legitimate problem...doesn't really matter. A software package this large is going to be in a constant state of flux and will require changes be made for the entire life of the program. This is not isolated to mmo's or even games, it's the way it is for any software published. Revisions, changes, bug fixes, etc are mainly based on customer feedback after initial beta testing is done. I have read many claims by EA and Bioware about this game but no where have I seen a claim that this software is unlike any other and that it is Perfect. There are things some like that others don't...it is what it is. If there is an issue that people have, giving feedback, which includes reporting bugs, through given channels may get better results than you may be giving 'the powers that be' credit for. If you are using software, ANY software, you are not in a perfect environment and will invariably encounter bugs. If that is too unbearable or a change isn't forth coming quickly enough, simply quit using the software, easy enough.

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PLEASE for the love of god change cooldowns back to the way they were.


At least until you can come up with a better solution. And when you do please give the proposed changes the time to be properly tested and don't rush them into the live build.

Edited by Amarinth
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surely everybody notices this? how did it get past testing? what a massive joke.


it looks better at first but then when a cooldown is nearly up you can't tell if it has 3 seconds left or 10 secs, i'm constantly clicking abilities that look like they're off cooldown and it's just horrendous.


Holy ****, I've noticed this as well, but thought it was just my imagination. It usually happens to be with abilities that have a 60s cooldown.. it appears like I should be able to click it, but when I do nothing happens.


Really, really frustrating!

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