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10 Good
  1. Yeah, the difficultity has gone way up after patch. I wonder what %^ thought it was a good idea to mess with one of the least used aspests of the game. I have never seen more than 3 players in "space" channel ever. With the last patches bugs and the "unadvertised and unwanted" rakghoul plague effecting gameplay, I would not be surprised that the guys/gals that originally worked on the code is no longer working on this project and the "janitorial staff" aka management + interns are in control now. Too many bone-head decisions to think otherwise.
  2. If you have not figured it out yet... ...SWTOR is a LINEAR game, you can NOT skip any part of the game beside bonus missions. This is also not a mmorpg, but that is another discussion.
  3. "Challenge Everything, Debug Nothing" Nothing new, just same ole, same ole at EA.
  4. You guys/gals know that there is a Light AND Dark side slider, correct? Just because your companion does not jive with your playstyle they should be killed? Okay, if the devs ever make a gungan companion I will be on your bandwagon, but right now, killing because you don't agree with your companion is wrong on so many levels. What the devs did W-R-O-N-G is forcing players to follow a certain light/dark choice until they get their appropiate companion. For example, Sith Warriors are mostly forced to follow Light choices until they can get rid of Vette. Every try and follow a dark path on any of the Republic classes?
  5. Yeah, some kind soul told me this in General. Thanks for posting it in more detail. Working as Intended Devs?
  6. IMO... broke as broke can be... and so am I trying to get a blasted blue even. The only crafting professions that actually have a chance are the ones that use scavenging and bio because their nodes are very easy to harvest in abundance. OIC why the devs nerfed the harvest rate in the last patch... $^$ /rude devs
  7. I looted a orange crystal from a random Tatooine lizard the other day. Sorry I completely forgot about this thread or I would have wrote down more info. Advanced Orange Tenacity Crystal - Lvl 23 - +11 Endurance My Trooper found it, but like heck he was going to use it in a silly gun, so my Jedi is using it in offhand. Now to find another for a matching set.
  8. How about the fact that one of the knight/warrior's highest damage powers is a "hilt jab". Let me hit you with this blade that can slice thru bulkheads... tickles?... how about if I hit you with a blunt piece of metal and plastic? That is IF we can every use the hilt jab power since it requires the target tobe immoblized and for some reason none of the knight/warrior's powers actaully (work) does that. Saber Throw is suppose to... nothing. Broken mechanics... yeah!
  9. ..but at least you can use your mount in the spaceports... ...oh wait, you can't even do that!!!
  10. /QFE You can fanboi all you want... this is a pile of <bleep>... and even they will be "quietly" leaving. When the 1st level 50 made it in less than 2 weeks, I threw in the towel for SW:TOR. That is blind ignorance on the devs part to create anything that can be "finished" in that short of a time without exploiting. The devs will have to quickly push out "incomplete" expansions to appease the players that made it to max level. I wonder if we can have SWG back after this one flops?
  11. AH, so this is what the problem is. I was wondering why I never had a issue with cool downs and last night I just figured I was out of practice playing as my Trooper. /change-it-back
  12. Linear Missions - Check Cookie Cutter Classes - Check Everyone dressed the same - Check Balancing Issues - Check Space Combat on Rails - Check INSANE Training Costs - Check Did I mention Linear Missions? - Check Useless Crafting Skills - Check Can Level to Max in under 2 weeks - Check Massive time sinks walking through empty spaceports - Check I am not sure why anyone is going to re-sub to tell you the truth. Star Wars Universe? Can level to max in 2 weeks? Can have pseudo-sex? /shrugs I will most likely give BW another month's worth, but why I can't figure out.
  13. Female Imperial Agent can "flirt" with the Red Blade's "friend" in the cantina and head up to his room afterwards. Warning your toon will not approve after the cut scene when she looks at you and shakes her head. BUT... you get light side points for it!!!
  14. SW:ToR: Single Player game with option to /wave at another player playing their linear single player game... oh yeah, and the monthly subscription. Surprise!!! Like ANY mmorpg, powerlevelers aka... "Chinese" sweatshop that play a toon to max level so they can farm "gold". So look forward to the "buy our gold" spam in starting areas in 5...4...3...2...1. But on subject, I still have not seen anything that indicates to me that this game will be around next year... the hype machine worked overtime on this baby. Even diehard fanbois will be going ... "there is nothing to do" in a few months especially after the non-fanboi have quit next month.
  15. Well other than SW:TOR not being a mmorpg, you are correct, it is pretty good... lag-free, mostly bug free...etc. It is more of a Massively Single-Player Online ,,,Game with the option to /wave at other players while they play their game. But you do get to pay a monthly subscription to play the single player game.
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