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Swtor's Secret Space Project Speculation


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@LizardSF : you're overcomplicating things too much, from your way of seeing what can be implemented to how you profile people here. This cannot lead anywhere.


Nevermind, don't want to start an argument fight (like in every speculation thread, because people can't stand reading different opinions).

Edited by kineticdamage
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It's worth noting that space battles, player cities, mounts, and vehicles were all added to SWG post-release. Thus, comparing SWTOR now to what SWG was after years of development is a mite unfair, don't you think?


Really? This game was in development for years. Surely someone in development played SWG and saw the success of the above mentioned. Better technology to implement options in games now than they had years ago. You are saying its unfair to expect some of those options in a 2011 game? ok....whatever

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Really? This game was in development for years. Surely someone in development played SWG and saw the success of the above mentioned. Better technology to implement options in games now than they had years ago. You are saying its unfair to expect some of those options in a 2011 game? ok....whatever


The amount of features you can fit into a game with X years of development don't change. To have as many features as SWG+7 years of development, it would need to have been in development for a period that long. Good luck with that.


(As it is, it's got more content at launch than SWG had, albeit in different areas...no housing, but actual quests. Player-owned vehicles. Twice as many worlds. Space combat, if not what some people wanted, it is what was promised. It's a fun diversion. Even within the "rails" design space, it could be a lot, lot, better... but it's better than what SWG shipped with, which was "nothing".)

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JTL but better, with SWTOR graphics, pretty please, thank you! :D


Yup. I let my cousin play a space mission to try to hook him into playing swtor and the first thing he said, "I dont like that I cant fly the way I want to". And this kid is a primarily an FPS gamer. Im just saying that was his first impression. He still likes it, but I totally understand that he wants more - 3d free flight. That was basically the deciding factor for him if he was going to buy it or not. He liked it, but not enough because it felt too controlled and it wasnt the MMO experience he was looking for. So now he's playing DCUO.


Im sure they will work this in, it's Star Wars. I have complete faith that we're getting free 3d flight like JTL but with SWTOR graphics. It took SWG some time before the got JTL.


JTL (Jump To Lightspeed) was a Star Wars Galaxies expansion which gave the SWG community full free 3d space flight, meaning you can fly the way you want and actually do real flying maneuvers.


I've playing flight simulators since the monochrome green/amber monitor days, from Microsoft Flight Simulator 1 and Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer to Star Wars Galaxies' Jump To Lightspeed. I always had many tricks up my sleeve giving me an extra edge fighting against ships that were tougher than mine.

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Initially I'd suspect more items for Fleet Commendations, some new missions with branching paths, perhaps. Gear that affects the appearance of your ship maybe. I doubt we'll see off-rails any time soon, if ever and I'm not even sure I want to.


Off topic but the same post did also say this: "So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away!" so I'm going to take their statements about Space Combat with a grain of salt for now.

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I'm hoping so, been crying after space combat since Freelancer.

However can't imagine doing space combat with current ships, AKA slow turning corvette class.

Perhaps fighters will be introduced.



X-Wing Alliance had several missions in Corellian light freighters (Millenium Falcon-style ships). It wasn't quite as much fun as it's predecessors -- TIE Fighter is up there as one of the best games of all time -- but it was still a pretty engaging space sim.

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they're buying EVE from CCP and implementing 92% of the elements from that game, into TOR.




If its for space combat, they need to buy Freespace and Freespace 2 from Volition. That was a truely "Freespace" Space Combat game.

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X-Wing Alliance had several missions in Corellian light freighters (Millenium Falcon-style ships). It wasn't quite as much fun as it's predecessors -- TIE Fighter is up there as one of the best games of all time -- but it was still a pretty engaging space sim.


Would love to see PVP based on the X-wing/Tie Fighter series......hell I wouldn't care if they ripped the game graphics and all and put them into SWTOR.

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The rails system is fun for what it is, but this is a multiplayer game and eventually space will require some kind of multiplayer/social aspect.


The first and easiest thing to do would be multiplayer rail game. X number of players can participate together. One person flies and controls forward weapons while others perform various tasks. Perhaps the pilot gets an outside view while other players run around the inside during the battle. While inside they can:


Repair damaged systems

Heal wounded players/NPCs/companions in the infirmary

Man turrets giving them a turret POV view

Man consoles to buff things like shield recharge, weapon power or maneuverability

Store things in smuggling compartments


What i'd like to see is give a reason for all those cool rooms to exist. You have an engine room, a medical bay, an escape pod etc. Make these rooms interactive and make groups work together.....all while STILL on rails.


Smuggle spice through a blockade. Transport a diplomat. Tons of things that could be done.

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untill i as a Trooper can get a different ship, i only use it for travel...


Its ungainly, lopsided, and stupid looking...


+1 if your a trooper and you too hate your ship


Bounty Hunter here -- hate the look of my ship too. Almost cried when I finally got it then boarded it and saw how ugly it was and I couldn't do anything to change the look. I'd buy another kind if I could.

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A system sized object has been spotted in the Antilli system far beyond the outer rim. Alien probes have been coming in-system in greater numbers. Communications with outer colonies has been lost.


A third faction has been encountered... but only the legacy of the republic and empire have the skill, the courage and the guts to take them on or become one...

Edited by NuanceNW
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My speculation is the replacement of rails with a free-roaming spherical space.


Not necessarily small either, enough room to fly around and not hit boundaries unless you spend like 5 minutes at full speed in the same direction.


This also means we get some more ship controls, like velocity, and perhaps a divorce of the aiming reticle and directional controls.


Leaving the boundaries of the sphere would "abort" the mission and you would light jump back to being in your ship.


To be honest, something like this really needs to be the first step if any of the more elaborate suggestions I've heard are ever to materialize.

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