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Everything posted by kineticdamage

  1. Ce genre de pratique ne m'étonnerait pas du tout. Elle est déjà très utilisée dans le milieu du tourisme.
  2. J'avoue, moi aussi j'me suis pris un gros mur d'ennui au bout de mon deuxième perso ... Là j'ai offert le jeu à ma nana pour noël donc suis un peu obligé de continuer, mais punaise que c'est relou ... Ce jeu n'est juste pas fait pour les alts je crois (obligé de spacebar).
  3. +1, the CC life cycles are ridiculous. (made me quit warzone session over quest boredom more than once)
  4. Or would say that 1.5 is the same as 1sec ... -_-' Anyway, it's a lost fight, we tried again and again since BETA to bring that point, but the devs said "it's because we want you to see the beautiful animations".
  5. I won't lie, and be brutally honest : Swtor is very good on a lot of points, but as a long term MMO player, I found it was resembling too much to what I'm playing for a decade in a fundamental point : combat skill mechanics (spells, skill trees). Hence an inevitable feeling of déjà-vu, therefore boredom after the 1000th fight. Are you intending to enrich skill effects, or talent trees mechanics in a near future ?
  6. TARIS ! without a doubt ... this planet is so badly designed when it comes to quests :/ Go 3 km north to talk to guy 1, then go 3 km south to kill 10 enemies, then go 2 km east to talk to general, and then return to 5 km north-west to validate guy 1. HOLY CRAP
  7. NO. The combat mechanics are way too boring. All classes would need twice more variety to start picking my attention again. I have a lvl 47 warrior, lvl 30 agent, lvl 14 BH and lvl 14 Inquisitor. But my motivation to search for interesting mechanics is fading really fast. I don't get it ... we all know mmorpgs are all about repetitive fights, so why did the combat designers gave us so repetitive and rehashed mechanics ?
  8. @OP : I feel sorry for you to belong to such an horrible server.
  9. I don't know if you remember correctly, but during the end of 2011, tons of people over forums cried for SWTOR to come earlier than 2012. Majority in fact. And a lot of them stated that they wouldn't want to purchase the game if it was released in 2012, preferring to wait for GW2 instead. Plus, pragmatically, GW2 is vowed to wipe the whole scene out when it will be released. EA couldn't take that risk of being over-shadowed. They bet on Christmas, which is logical. When you look at it nearly all the latest AAA games waited for November-Christmas to launch.
  10. I see, but you should not forget that some servers were created since launch
  11. can't see the graph, sorry, pic too small ?
  12. In the latest "Coming soon" video (http://www.swtor.com/news/news-article/20120119), James Ohlen looked very stressed, even maybe a bit scared in the look. I guess Bioware may have more and more insane pressure on their back, and seeing it with a human eye, I must say this may be very health damaging for a lot of them. (as I encountered this kind of office ultra stress, too). So yeah, even if I'm not fully satisfied with swtor now (mostly with gameplay lacking originality), I must say they deserve a hug. Because MOST of the game is done well. There might be that little percent of bugs and errors, but let's not forget all the visible work put into everything else, please. And really, I can't stop saying it : forum users should really stop raging like that. It's been a month long of constant rage and whining. It doesn't help at all except to put higher pressure on the devs, and we all know how easy it is to mess up things when you're under bad pressure. So people, let's keep our feedback civil and constructive, far away from anger and self-entitlement. Please. /free_beer_for_every_Bioware_employee _______________ TL;DR : the more anger you'll throw at them, the more bad stress they will suffer, and the more chances they will have to rush and mess things up. Chill out, people. Do feedback, but chill out.
  13. Absolutely, that's the problem. You and me can have our self judgement, but we know that a lot of kids are very influencable.
  14. +10 OP. The amount of overreacting in these forums is surreal. And please detractors .. We all know most mmo players do check the forums before investing in a new MMO. Every time Bioware just blinks an eye, it's a 100% certified amount of doom-saying storm, for hours. Whatever the problems are, they're not irreversible, but them guys still can't stop from raging for any possible reason.
  15. Which makes your post how much useful ... ?
  16. This forum community is a catastrophe, to be honest. Also, this seems to be catered to US only : take a look at the FR/DE parts, they're 100 times more quiet and lighthearted.
  17. So basically the only reason for you to sub would be having better forum mods ? LOL
  18. Before asking Bioware to calm down, you'd better ask players to stop freaking out at every freaking detail of this game. This game's community is 80% made of overreacting psychotic complainers, for real. I've never seen that, honestly. Ever. No wonder Bioware is having a heart attack each day with this forum.
  19. Exactly. It is what misses in the MMO genre : a developer who loves MMORPGs, more than producing it for a business. (and Rift fell into the same "business" category, which is why it felt uninspired) GW2 feels like that to be honest.
  20. @LizardSF : you're overcomplicating things too much, from your way of seeing what can be implemented to how you profile people here. This cannot lead anywhere. Nevermind, don't want to start an argument fight (like in every speculation thread, because people can't stand reading different opinions).
  21. I didn't take the off-rail speculation out of my bottom, if you cared to read page 2.
  22. Yeah, I admit JtLS was what retained me in SWG for the most of my playtime.
  23. If it was just a /stuck button, then why isn't it market as "not available yet" ? :-) It's not easy I agree. But we have to keep in mind that SWG:JtLS is shut down, and Bioware could very likely have been granted the rights to refactor space gameplay code framework. It should just cost the interfacing. JtLS was bug free in my memories (and awesome sauce, too). Space is already divided, there would just be an invisible wall like in JtLS and actual swtor planets. Spawn points are effortless to implement. Space UI is already there. And for the other features you mentionned, they really don't need to implement so many from day one to make it valuable, believe me ^^ Refactoring the current assets without rails + adding mission hubs (like mission terminals on ground) + refactoring Jump to Lighspeed code would be sufficient by a far margin for a lot of players.
  24. He has a good point, thought I think his extrapolation is incorrect. Free roaming flight is not coming. The escape pod will likely be just a direct load to planet option. You can "drop" into different towns or heroic areas. From everything seen so far I would prefer to have fully flushed open world space game, but that is not likely. Direct drop to planet is also another plausible option I admit Actually freeroaming would cost nearly nothing to Bioware : they already have all the assets, the coordinates, and the ship gameplay. All they would have to do is to create a bunch of mission hubs like Jump to Lightspeed, except you wouldn't be forced to trigger them from the ground. Hell, they even already have all the targets in all the existing ships and fregates/destroyers (shield generator, command center, turrets, etc) necessary for full-scale space battle strategies (like group battles, squadron Red shooting shield gens, blue shooting turrets, green unloading ground missions into the ship, etc). All they have to do is turn off the rails edit : the problem with Escape Pod dropping to random planet zones is that it's not necessary. Planets are not huge enough for them to implement what would just be taxi-skipping, monthes before such an extension. Plus, why would it be called "Escape" Pod ?
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