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Everything posted by Vitellius

  1. Actually interested on what anyone has to say on ranged accuracy for PvP. Do we really have to care about it? I guess if you want to try to be a tank killer it makes sense, but as an MM, i'm more interested in trying to burn down healers and other DPS. If I want to try to finish off a near death tank, i'll just pop a target acquired. I'd rather concentrate on things like surge/power/cunning. Is that the right way to look at it or should I really be trying to break 100 on accuracy?
  2. I'm not sure how this is being "over hyped". It's a new playable character in an MMO. I expect site announcements. I expect interviews. I expect videos. I don't expect them renting out a stadium and having a pay-per-view special when they launch it while people dressed up in costumes parade around doing cos play re-enactments from the game. THAT, IMO, would be "over hyped". Please define over hyped. The second half of your thought is so insanely stupid that I can't decide if you said it to try to appear clever or you're actually that clueless on how game development works. I'm leaning towards the latter at the moment. I bumped your odd, whiny thread. I hope that, at least, brightens your day.
  3. I don't get it. Please correct me if i'm missing something. Before the expansion, if you were 48, you had no PVP gear. Expertise came at 50 with recruit/WH/EWH or whatever. You were a complete target to any 50 in PVP that wanted to stomp you. So, the expansion comes and they do this expertise wipe. Now, you're 53 and you're expertise is gone. A 55 in PVP gear comes out and stomps you. How is that any different then the way the game has always been? Their expertise was wiped same as you. They went into the WZ, played, and got their gear same as you will have to do once you hit 55. Basically, the way I see it, nothing has changed and we're back to square 1. Only big difference I see is that recruit gear has been replaced with the bolster system, which is only for WZ. In OW you're stuck with nothing. You are forced to play WZ until you can get at least a few pieces. That might not have mattered so much in vanilla, but now with all these tracking quests and achievements, more and more players are roaming outside, many 55 with little to no protection against a geared PVP'er. Maybe we need to bring back the recruit set? Or, maybe players just have to accept the fact that a player in PVP gear may just gank you just like in every MMO out there. I think this wipe had to be done. It made things more basic. You want PVP gear, go in a WZ and fight it out. You don't? Well, you might get killed in OW. The same way it's always been.
  4. This is probably something that is either in development or will be. What we have is halfway there. The "Unify color" option matches the colors to your chest piece. All you would need is a way to modify the colors of your chest piece and all the other pieces would follow. Of course, the best would be complete control of all pieces independently, but having control of the chest at least would get us nearly there.
  5. Simple....just follow the money. If keeping APAC open makes them more, then it stays. If they feel they will lose out, then down they go. They have the numbers. They are the only ones with the non-emotional informed decision. They made it. They already know some will leave and some will request refunds..etc. They are prepared. Don't take it personally....it's just business. See you when ROTHC launches.
  6. Well, maybe that was your problem. You hung up. They make it hard for a reason ya know. Whenever asking for a refund for anything, persistence is your best friend. Might be too late for you, though. Someone typed in their computer, under your name, that you will give up easy.
  7. Meh...whatever....no such thing as an MMO that NEVER has people leaving. Players leave. It's all a personal choice. BW will do what they can, but at the end of the day, you can't please every single person. Some will leave for good reasons, some for stupid ones (OMG, CC for hair?!?!!) It's just game. Go find one that makes you happy. I'm glad you're leaving. Really, you can't get the heck outta here fast enough. You won't be missed. I've gladly contributed to your thread in the hopes it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside that a thread with your name has grown by one more person. Take that joy with you to your next game.
  8. I can't believe how much crying this barbershop issue has caused. But, besides that, if you TRULY believe there is zero benefit to being a subscriber then it should be safe to assume you plan to go/already gone F2P. I mean, only a fool would pay real cash when they can get the same experience for free, right? As a subscriber, I have payed ZERO money besides my sub. I've used my monthly CC to buy packs, the trade network to get cartel stuff, and buying from people making deals on the station. All in game credits that I got from playing. Now, who want's to bet that you'll eventually be able to buy hairstyles on the trade network?
  9. Like it or not, our ships WILL be our housing. It's already showing elements of customization. The handwriting is so blatantly on the wall for this I don't know how anyone can't see it. But, for arguments sake, what would housing look like if it were not our ships? Sith/Jedi: I really see the jedi as being minimalistic in their dwellings....you know...space monks. And, like monks, they would live together in temples. They would sit in bare rooms meditating or reading. Customization options would be pretty low. Sith would probably be the same as far as living together in temples. I just don't see them having a house. Troopers: Living in barracks most likely. BH/Agents/Smugglers: Their ships would really be their main home. If Han Solo or Boba Fett had a house, they probably almost never went to it.
  10. They may or may not need to be nerfed...i'm not sure, but I tried the smash build on my 48 marauder and it was both boring and annoying. Annihilation and carnage were much more interesting. With rage, every move was just to pass the time waiting for the next smash. It really is a one trick pony. If you really want to avoid it, just go MM sniper.
  11. Everyone knows (or apparently not) that our ships are going to be the closest thing to player housing we will ever get. Maybe we'll be able to decorate them. Maybe we'll be able to get different kinds. Maybe we'll have guild cap ships. But houses? Not gonna happen. If you think that's fail....oh well. It isn't going to change. Might as well pack up and go because we're not getting houses. Plain and simple. Oh, and BTW, SWG was garbage even before the NGE. SWGEMU is that a way ------------------->>>
  12. My main is an MM sniper. I've been leveling a marauder and the pre 50 PvP is soooo annoying with the stuns and roots. How do you guys stand it? I just jump back on my sniper where I at least have a fighting chance to get off shots. If i'm gonna die with 3 guys focusing me, at least I do it shooting at someone. Heck, I might even take one of them with me before I go. Half the time, my mara is dead because he's being electrocuted, blinded, knocked back, etc. I think i've been spoiled by my sniper. I feel like I can actually play the game more with her then with my sith. I don't have all the answers nor do I know of the best solution, but I do know that being stunned over and over isn't fun game play.
  13. Welcome to the first year of SWG. It's like deja vu all over again.
  14. I once got stuck in the top of a doorway on my ship. I happened to hit the jump button at the right moment so I was half in the air and my head stuck in the wall. I couldn't use /stuck or fleet pass because the game thought I was moving/falling. Kept telling me to stand still. Luckily, when I logged out and logged back in, it placed me on the ground.
  15. People make this thing way more complicated then it is. They give you some features and a price. Buy it or don't. Want more info before you buy? Just wait. More info will come. It really makes for an interesting study in marketing and human behavior.
  16. The more you try to get rid of the trinity, the more you find out that you can't get rid of the trinity.
  17. Play in win7 compatibility mode. Set the launcher.exe and the swtor.exe files both and that should help.
  18. Yeah, as much as I think SGR's are a waste of dev resources, it most likely was an easy thing to put in a few dialog lines. Who knows, it could be a really lame implementation of it anyway. They can add a few cutscenes and claim SGR, but that doesn't mean it's as deep or fun as the original story line romances were. It could be crap. Then the SGR fans could complain about that for another year.
  19. Whatever happens in another game doesn't automatically mean that it must happen exactly the same way in this game. I'd say it a third time, but i'm sure you still won't understand the reality of it.
  20. What SHOULD have been and what ended up happening are 2 different things. Regardless of what you think SHOULD have been, the game didn't launch with a group finder, so time was needed to develop it and put it in later. In case you hadn't noticed, this is neither Everquest nor DAoC. Whatever happens in another game doesn't automatically mean that it must happen exactly the same way in this game. /facepalm
  21. 0....i'll probably get around to it, but for now i'm not in a hurry to get it done.
  22. This game is loads of fun and full of potential. It's not perfect, but it will offer you plenty of hours of good game play. Be careful around these boards, though. It's full of haters.
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