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To the "Nothing to do at 50" crowd.


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I remember when SWTOR released and we told the rush to level crowd that we would be laughing at them when they complained about lack of content when they did their best to bypass as much content as possible


well... we are now laughing :D


For me I am having a blast, have 5 characters of various levels, none of them are 50 yet


I fail to see how 3 months in is 'rushing to 50'.


The progression route is simply bad. hit, 50, step into ev normal and immediately remove the need to run any hm fp because you will be fully kitted out in 1 run. This is my biggest gripe really, the unnecessary removal of the need to run fp's. They should have added lowl % chance recipe drops, or relevant end game materials or something to get people to run them that have no need of the actual gear drops.


dailies last a couple weeks to get the implants. crafting should be maxed by 50 so nothing there.


datacrons that are relevant take a couple hours.


warzones are fun, for a while.


that leaves alts. running the opposite factions is good once, but then its a case of getting through the world quests as quickly as possible because after that first alt you have now seen them all and the only 'new' content are the class quests which are few and far between.


lets have it right, the game is ok, and 1.2 is very very much needed with the improvements and additions they are making, but seriously people need to stop with comments about rushing to endgame when there really isnt anything at endgame after 3 months of it being here.

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Bugged and rewards are meh.




Woopie do, grind the same quest over and over, so immersive voice acting oh my god I feel so heroic.




Biochem or bust it seems, for their reusable consumables, no point crafting armors and whatnot.




by the time I got enough centurion commendations for one piece of centurion gear, I had all Champion pieces except gloves, eventually the same will happen with battlemaster.









Starfox only goes so far






Here's where you insert Ohlen's quote regarding a group of heroes vs one big monster, "its not heroic guys"


I guess its either grind valor rank so I can RNG some battlemaster gear, and grind operations in the meantime.


Agree 100%.

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I fail to see how 3 months in is 'rushing to 50'.


The progression route is simply bad. hit, 50, step into ev normal and immediately remove the need to run any hm fp because you will be fully kitted out in 1 run. This is my biggest gripe really, the unnecessary removal of the need to run fp's. They should have added lowl % chance recipe drops, or relevant end game materials or something to get people to run them that have no need of the actual gear drops.


dailies last a couple weeks to get the implants. crafting should be maxed by 50 so nothing there.


datacrons that are relevant take a couple hours.


warzones are fun, for a while.


that leaves alts. running the opposite factions is good once, but then its a case of getting through the world quests as quickly as possible because after that first alt you have now seen them all and the only 'new' content are the class quests which are few and far between.


lets have it right, the game is ok, and 1.2 is very very much needed with the improvements and additions they are making, but seriously people need to stop with comments about rushing to endgame when there really isnt anything at endgame after 3 months of it being here.


It took 1 too 1.5 years to hit level 50 (max level) when DAoC was released(2001), and that was only if you played every night lol......DAoC is still around 10 years later hmmmm


So mebe what you guys that rushed to 50 are really saying is you want XP to be VERY slow for the game to succeed:)

Edited by Jalez
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People expect too much of MMOs.


Just treat it the same way as any other game. Like COD.


Play the single player, beat it, play the multiplayer a few times until it gets (very) repetetive and boring, then play it some more just so you can get some new stuff.


This is where MMOs start do deviate, in that they somehow make you keep playing, for whatever reason, either to be the VERY BEST person on the server in terms of gear, or...something else. I don't know, that's why people seem to play these games.


Me, I prefer to just run another character to see a new story. It's still the same combat, but at that point running a new character becomes the equivelant of playing an expansion pack, which isn't all that bad.


So, why do people play MMOs after they've been through the most of the game? To get the best gear, of course. I don't understand it, but I bet a lot of people here do.


Yahtzee put this exquisitely:

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  • 1 month later...
This only shows you don't know what you're talking about and just parroting misinformation. The OP is correct on everything he said and being one who has ran EV I can attest to it. You on the other hand are just a parrot.


uhhh EV was so 2 months ago noob. L2Play kk ty.


Your statements would only be valid for a n00b or a new lvl 50.

For us original players with 50s for a long time, most of us have full cleared EV/KP on HM and NM.... sad part is, our servers are DEAD now and cant try the new operation.....so uh yeah, NOT FUN. No one to play with ffs.

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break it down to basics


the carrot on the stick


there is no carrot on the end of the stick here at end game. there are few choices to even concern yourself with gearing endgame, if any at all. The amount of content once you hit 50 is redundant in a matter of days, save for the raid lockout wich forces you to come back another week or two to fully experience it. Anyone who games knows there is HUGE void at endgame here, forget for one second the IP and pretend this was a noname title......even a blind man could see the non existence of content

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break it down to basics


the carrot on the stick


there is no carrot on the end of the stick here at end game. there are few choices to even concern yourself with gearing endgame, if any at all. The amount of content once you hit 50 is redundant in a matter of days, save for the raid lockout wich forces you to come back another week or two to fully experience it. Anyone who games knows there is HUGE void at endgame here, forget for one second the IP and pretend this was a noname title......even a blind man could see the non existence of content


This shows how hilariously out of touch Bioware is. Most people I know have done few, if any, of the HM FPs--they skipped them. The fix to give people something to do is trivial.


Up the ante for doing HM flashpoints. This would add huge incentive to do flashpoints. The HM daily quest reward should be scaled to the difficulty of the heroic completed, and should include Rakata and Black Hole tokens as appropriate:


The Black Talon: Keep as-is, "LFG quick daily BT HM" in General Chat makes my stomach turn

Boarding Party: Add 1 Rakata token

The Foundry, Directive 7: Add 2 Rakata token

The Battle of Ilum, The False Emperor, Kaon under Siege: Add 1 Black Hole token

Lost Island: Add 2 Black Hole token


This fix to give people something to do is trivial. It would take the developers a few days to implement. To anyone who "dooms and glooms" this idea, well...bye bye--you don't WANT to do anything, so shut up.

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This shows how hilariously out of touch Bioware is. Most people I know have done few, if any, of the HM FPs--they skipped them. The fix to give people something to do is trivial.


Up the ante for doing HM flashpoints. This would add huge incentive to do flashpoints. The HM daily quest reward should be scaled to the difficulty of the heroic completed, and should include Rakata and Black Hole tokens as appropriate:


The Black Talon: Keep as-is, "LFG quick daily BT HM" in General Chat makes my stomach turn

Boarding Party: Add 1 Rakata token

The Foundry, Directive 7: Add 2 Rakata token

The Battle of Ilum, The False Emperor, Kaon under Siege: Add 1 Black Hole token

Lost Island: Add 2 Black Hole token


This fix to give people something to do is trivial. It would take the developers a few days to implement. To anyone who "dooms and glooms" this idea, well...bye bye--you don't WANT to do anything, so shut up.


plenty to do in this MMO but giving out end game tokens in easy dungeons is pretty stupid and so is your idea.

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Which doesn't change the grind on the end game. Thus far, I have seen multitudes of threads/posts in these forums complaining about lack of an end game, but not once I have seen any of the complainers offer what their version of end game is that SWTOR is so lacking. Every other MMO's end game (so far as I have experienced or read about) is nothing more than a variation of what we have here - and the Almighty GW2 looks to be no different.


So let's hear it - what exactly is the non-grind (and also non-SWG featured - because this is not, nor was it ever promoted as being SWG 2.0 (Thank God!), nor should it ever be) end game you are so desperately in need of?



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I hit 50 last week and between running hard mode flash points, doing dailies on Illum, gearing 6 characters (yes you need to gear your companions as well,) slowly working on my pvp ranking, crafting, I am finding that there isn't enough time in the day to accomplish all of my daily goals.


Last night my guild completed EV, 8 man. It took about 3 hours and was good fun with some awesome content. After EV we cleared Hutt Hospitality, the other operation (raid.) It took less than 30 minutes to organize these and on normal mode they are no more difficult than a hard mode flash point. Overall, a very fun and interesting way to spend 3 hours on a Sunday evening with friends.


So let us be very clear here.


At 50 you can:


1: Run Flash Points.

2: Run Hard Mode Flash Points.

3: Do daily repeatable quests on Illum for gear upgrades or just for credits or just for (gasp) fun.

4: Do repeatable group quests on other planets, some of which have specific goals in mind, for instance, there is a planet where you can do daily group quests that reward orange level gear specifically for your companions.

5: Craft. Believe it or not, some people LOVe doing this and it is actually quite entertaining in this game.

6: PVP. It's pretty good here. Lots of reasons to do this, particularly with the coming ranking system. This will keep some people very busy for days on end.

7: Socialize. Yes, people do still like to just "hang out" and have fun shooting the breeze. Get in there and meet new people you anti-social gits!

8: Space Combat. Many people enjoy this very much.

9: Run normal mode, 8 man operations. Some good story here and very simple to organize and complete.

10: Run hard mode, 8 man operations. Again, easy to organize but a much steeper learning curve with gear rewards that reflect this.

11: Run 16 man normal operations. Harder to organize but much more epic in scale. If you have a big guild or a huge friends list or both, it's well worth the time to organize one of these and get it going.

12: Run 16 man operations on hard mode. Not for the feint of heart but just what the doctor ordered for others.


So there. Took me 5 minutes to think of 12 things you can do at 50. This list encompasses all player types and I dare you to find time to do all of these and still be bored.


I submit that if people are bored at 50, the problem lies in the person themselves and not with the content that has been provided.


It's like my dear old granny used to say. If you're bored, you're boring.


1) Cant, servers are dead

2) Cant, servers are dead

3) Already got whats useful for my class

4) Cant, servers are dead

5) No real reason to craft, nobody buys stuff because servers are dead

6) Cant, servers are dead

7) Cant, servers are dead

8) Sorry but I prefer X-Wing Alliance over tunnel vision

9) Cant, servers are dead

10) Cant, servers are dead

11) Cant, servers are dead

12) Cant, servers are dead


In January you could, but now its "Cant, servers are dead"

Edited by Adderdin
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plenty to do in this MMO but giving out end game tokens in easy dungeons is pretty stupid and so is your idea.


Doh. You must be deaf to all the complaints on all these threads, and the quickly-dropping numbers on all the servers. Further, it looks like you have no business/marketing savvy.


I'm sure you haven't done many (if any) of the 4-man HMs. In fact, some of the encounters in the 4-mans are equal to or harder than Ops. At most, you are probably one of the people that has done Black Talon say 50 times or more, and that is why you think all the FPs are easy. And people wonder why they are bored, doing the same thing over and over again???


If you have done all the 4-man HMs, please take a screen shot of the reward vehicle you get when you finish them, and place a link to it here. And do a listing of the people running 4-man HMs on your system, take a screen shot of that, and place a link to it here.


There is not a lot to do in this MMO when you hit 50 because people have no reason to log on every day and do much....and yes, you need other people to play with--and people have to log on to drive the economy. My solution gives them a reason to log on every day. In fact, the solution I suggest is an improvement to the WoW solution of how to get people to return to the game every day, which is also a daily quest that offers tokens--but the WoW tokens are not scaled to the difficulty of the dungeon. You can get endgame tokens for doing an easy 5-man dungeon in WoW. My solution makes it harder to get the better reward. Ultimately, my solution is already largely PROVEN, not "stupid" as you suggest. Many of my friends agree with me, and so does Blizzard (who is not my friend). Sorry to embarrass you.


So this game has one easy fix. In fact, all the LFGs, consolidations, etc. will take a lot of developer time and are still worthless if people don't have worthwhile things to do every day.


Quit hiding your head in the sand and saying everything is ok...and to the other complainers on these threads...petition the developers to add the new 4-man reward system I outlined, or shut up.


In fact, I'll go out on a limb and say this game will fail if it does not put in the solution I suggest quickly. Conversely, it will begin recovery if they do.





Up the ante for doing HM flashpoints. This would add huge incentive to do flashpoints. The HM daily quest reward should be scaled to the difficulty of the heroic completed, and should include Rakata and Black Hole tokens as appropriate:


The Black Talon: Keep as-is, "LFG quick daily BT HM" in General Chat makes my stomach turn

Boarding Party: Add 1 Rakata token

The Foundry, Directive 7: Add 2 Rakata token

The Battle of Ilum, The False Emperor, Kaon under Siege: Add 1 Black Hole token

Lost Island: Add 2 Black Hole token

Edited by Mustelidaen
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1) Cant, servers are dead

2) Cant, servers are dead

3) Already got whats useful for my class

4) Cant, servers are dead

5) No real reason to craft, nobody buys stuff because servers are dead

6) Cant, servers are dead

7) Cant, servers are dead

8) Sorry but I prefer X-Wing Alliance over tunnel vision

9) Cant, servers are dead

10) Cant, servers are dead

11) Cant, servers are dead

12) Cant, servers are dead


In January you could, but now its "Cant, servers are dead"


You beat me to it. Well done.

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'Godwin's Law for SW:TOR -- As a discussion in the SW:TOR forums grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving WoW or being told to "go back to WoW" approaches 1.'




SW:TOR is already "WoW in Space" with some goodies added--they just left out a few major details.

Edited by Mustelidaen
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I really dont see what is so bad with swtors end game, i dont see how Wow or Rifts are any different or have more to do.


The only things i would change.


#1 Gear itemization needs some serious work.


#2 they need more insentives to do hm fps ( kind of goes hand in hand with gear itemization)


#3 Nightmare mode seeds to be significantly harder and have better rewards ( again with the gear itemization)


#4 16 mans need to have better insentives (blah blha same thing blah blah)


But imo all of it is excusable because its a realtively new game and i didnt expect it to be up to par with wow or rift on release although rift did have it ironed out pretty fast and was able to change it quickly when it needed to be changed.

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Stopped reading at "I hit 50 last week"


Hahaha, exactly.


On an unrelated note - "Ultimately, my solution is already largely PROVEN, not "stupid" as you suggest. Many of my friends agree with me," - His friends agree with him, so any counter-argument is clearly invalid.

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