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What's the mindset of a Commando?


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I'm the type of person who can't really play a character unless I can get a feel for him (no female characters yet - since I'm male I tend to go for male ones), and I'm not quite sure what my Commando's mindset would be.


Okay, he's fighting for the Republic and he has a really big gun - but I don't feel like I'm a reckless tough guy Ramboing mobs (nor would I wish to considering that I'm a soldier), and I can't figure out what else I'm suppposed to be here.


Obviously I'm not super-accurate with my blaster cannon, so I'm not a republic soldier going in, killing *****es, and getting out - not exactly sniper or assassination-esque (although this would work for a Vanguard, it doesn't work for a Commando.).


So what exactly is the Commando's style? I dunno, it feels less 'highly trained special forces soldier' and more 'guy with a big gun'.

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I saw this quote (later found it was from KOTOR) on someone's signature in the beta forums and its the guide I use while playing my commando...


"I'm not a warrior, I'm a soldier. There's a difference. Warriors attack and conquer, they prey on the weak. Soldiers defend and protect the innocent—mostly from warriors."

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I saw this quote (later found it was from KOTOR) on someone's signature in the beta forums and its the guide I use while playing my commando...


"I'm not a warrior, I'm a soldier. There's a difference. Warriors attack and conquer, they prey on the weak. Soldiers defend and protect the innocent—mostly from warriors."


The quote belongs to Carth Onasi from KOTOR. Believe he had been having a "discussion" with Canderous and took offense at being called a warrior. And Canderous comparing the two of them.


Yes I realize its sad that I k.ow this. Just tells you how many times I played the game

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I think my signature sums up how I, as a player, feel when my Gunnery Commando lays the proverbial "smack down" on the enemy... especially if I am playing in a group with freinds.


As for what she herself is thinking, in character, well, she (and any Trooper) is a highly trainned, elite soldier of the Republic. You will determine your character's personality, somewhat, by your choices during dialog scenes and quests... but, at the core, he or she will always have begun as a a highly trainned, elite soldier of the Republic. It might sound hookey, but try taking a look at some of the oaths, mottos, or creeds of real-world militaries. I've always been partial to the Creed of the United States Coast Guardsman, it may not have the *punch* of the Marines' "This is my rifle..." but I like it.


I am proud to be a United States Coast Guardsman.

I revere that long line of expert seamen who by their devotion to duty and sacrifice of self have made it possible for me to be a member of a service honored and respected, in peace and in war, throughout the world.

I never, by word or deed, will bring reproach upon the fair name of my service, nor permit others to do so unchallenged. I will cheerfully and willingly obey all lawful orders. I will always be on time to relieve, and shall endeavor to do more, rather than less, than my share. I will always be at my station, alert and attending to my duties. I shall, so far as I am able, bring to my seniors solutions, not problems.

I shall live joyously, but always with due regard for the rights and privileges of others. I shall endeavor to be a model citizen in the community in which I live. I shall sell life dearly to an enemy of my country, but give it freely to rescue those in peril.

With God’s help, I shall endeavor to be one of His noblest Works... A UNITED STATES COAST GUARDSMAN

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I saw this quote (later found it was from KOTOR) on someone's signature in the beta forums and its the guide I use while playing my commando...


"I'm not a warrior, I'm a soldier. There's a difference. Warriors attack and conquer, they prey on the weak. Soldiers defend and protect the innocent—mostly from warriors."



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The quote belongs to Carth Onasi from KOTOR. Believe he had been having a "discussion" with Canderous and took offense at being called a warrior. And Canderous comparing the two of them.


Yes I realize its sad that I k.ow this. Just tells you how many times I played the game


Nice speech! I bet you tell yourself that every night so you can sleep.

Edited by DimitriM
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I like to think of mine as just a cold hard professional who keeps a pokerface as he unloads and suppresses multiple targets with explosives, automatic fire, and a loyal subordinate.


Since my guys are constantly on missions I like to imagine that they're all over the galaxy doing the same thing.

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My Rp Combat Medic wasa Doctor first, but be came a soldier after the Empire took his home and everyone he loved from him. Even though hew fights, he still thinks as acompassionate healer first and a soldier second.


I find it useful to keep in mind that your Trooper is basically an ordinary man/woman. Sure, one who excelled at combat training and got put in Special Forces, but otherwise normal nonetheless. s/he probably joined because he felt a duty to protect his homeland or something similar. Think about what modern soldier is- just a guy (or girl) who decided to protect his/her country. This obviously isn't the only way you could play it, but it seems like the most sensible mindset to me.

Edited by Fishcatch
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The quote belongs to Carth Onasi from KOTOR. Believe he had been having a "discussion" with Canderous and took offense at being called a warrior. And Canderous comparing the two of them.


Yes I realize its sad that I k.ow this. Just tells you how many times I played the game


lol. I recognized the quote too. But I only played through once. No need to beat yourself up. Carth was the third most annoying significant NPC in the history of BioWare games (Khalid and Jaheera being 1 & 2), but he did have that one great line.

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Those jedi, they run around and hope something they can't see work.


Smugglers are lying, back stabling cowards.


But us? We troopers.


We stand IN the line of fire.

We ARE the front line.

We define where and when battle happens.

And when all hope is lost, when the force abandons the jedi and the sith are moving in.




You're holding a 105mm howitzer in your hands, and you have a full box of ammo strapped to it. The force may have its plans, but with your gun YOU STRIKE LIKE THE FIST OF AN ANGRY GOD, and decide the fate of war your self,one shell at a time.

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The one biggest thing I try to do for immersion when I play a Trooper (and mine is a Commando) is to try and stop staring at light/dark side and think like soldier. I am not some Jedi defending some lofty ideal of saving humanity, I'm a soldier defending the Republic! I can roleplay a Jedi and stay solely on the light side, but I just can't roleplay a trooper that way.


I don't go against High Command unless my orders are criminal. If General Garza wants me to chose the DS option, then that's what I'll do, unless it's breaking the law or endangering the Republic. I'm paid to do my duty, not question the morality of every order I'm given. I don't break op silence and blabber to SIS agents who's not in the loop to get LS points! I grimly sacrifice a soldier and salute his bravery at the funeral (and take the DS points) rather than let the Imps get their grubby hands on some nefarious super-technology.


I do look after my squad and once I get to know them, I trust them implicitly even if they have their quirks. They are my people and they fight and die by my side. Havoc squad is my home and my family. We are the guardians that fight and die to preserve the Republic. I don't flinch at tough decisions. If I have to send my squad to certain death to ensure victory, then I will do so, but if there is any chance of pulling my people out of the fire I sent them into, without compromising victory, I will risk my life to do so.


Death to the imps and long live the Republic!

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People know to come to Havoc Squad for all difficult, can't be done by anyone else, missions for the republic. People ask for your help, and your answer is almost always "Anything for the republic" with a straight face.


As the leader of Havoc Squad, your job is to get the job done, be the best at it, and to be a real professional.


Other than that, it's a guy wearing sweet armor walking around with a big stick. And we know how to tear **** up.

Edited by BeezyBates
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When playing my Commando, especially if I'm going to do some RP'ing, I like to listen to the song "Vode An"(translated as "Brothers All") that was on the Commando PC game.


It's a moving piece with some awesome chanting.

The lyrics are;



One indomitable heart, Brothers all.

We, the wrath of Coruscant, Brothers all.

And glory, eternal glory,

We shall bear its weight together.

Forged like the saber in the fires of death, Brothers all.

One indomitable heart, Brothers all.

We, the wrath of Coruscant, Brothers all.


Those who stand before us light the night sky in flame.

Our vengeance burns brighter still.

Every last traitorous soul shall kneel.

Those who stand before us light the night sky in flame.

Our vengeance burns brighter still.

Every last traitorous soul shall fall.

Forged like the saber in the fires of death, Brothers all!


Yeah... it really gets me in the "Trooper" mindset.


As a side note, one song I love listening to while either pvping or FP running is "Mandalorian War Song - Rage of the Shadow Warriors". Not a very "Trooperish" song per se, more of a "guerella commando" jungle beat "You'd better run, 'cause I'm coming for you, and you're only going to die tired" sorta song.

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I've always considered myself a rogue in the military. I'm the soldier they wish they had when they arent allowed to have it. I do what is required and I do it with the attitude and bravado that's required. I dont have a licence to kill I've got a licence to negotiate in blood. If the resolution required diplomacy I wouldn't have been invited.
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If it helps you can an idea of what to 'roleplay' as when playing, you can equip a Heavy Jedi Robe and mod it to have the mods you want (aim shizzle).


My Trooper is a Cyborg in a Jedi Robe (will try to get the full hog Jedi Knight gear) with an eye patch and purple make-up. She is very rude to people but always does the right thing (light-side choices).


So she's an enbittered Military Lady whose heart is in the right place and doesn't want to conform to the 'Soldier' appearance of wearing standard Trooper armour. She finds her Jedi robe gives her a positively more flattering figure whilst remaining extremely practical. She secretly yearns to be a genuine force user but could never put down her Assault Cannon.


So my tips would be, have the mind set of someone who doesn't mind being an anonymous soldier who doesn't need fancy force to be effective in battle, you have your wits and strategy and leadership. Or someone who wants to do the right thing but wants to break the mould.

Or you could play as the stereotypical military jerk who abuses their power to get what they want.


Eye-patch cyborgs are win for Troopers!

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I'm the type of person who can't really play a character unless I can get a feel for him (no female characters yet - since I'm male I tend to go for male ones), and I'm not quite sure what my Commando's mindset would be.


Okay, he's fighting for the Republic and he has a really big gun - but I don't feel like I'm a reckless tough guy Ramboing mobs (nor would I wish to considering that I'm a soldier), and I can't figure out what else I'm suppposed to be here.


Obviously I'm not super-accurate with my blaster cannon, so I'm not a republic soldier going in, killing *****es, and getting out - not exactly sniper or assassination-esque (although this would work for a Vanguard, it doesn't work for a Commando.).


So what exactly is the Commando's style? I dunno, it feels less 'highly trained special forces soldier' and more 'guy with a big gun'.


I saw this quote (later found it was from KOTOR) on someone's signature in the beta forums and its the guide I use while playing my commando...


"I'm not a warrior, I'm a soldier. There's a difference. Warriors attack and conquer, they prey on the weak. Soldiers defend and protect the innocent—mostly from warriors."

My definition is that warrior is a lifestyle and soldier is a job. Your way just turns warrior into another word for "the bad guy".

Edited by Game_Hermit
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