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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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I'll be uploading a preview tomorrow (Friday) evening after work etc. :)



It'll be about 3-4min in length so not an el-cheapo preview, but the video in its entirety still requires editing which I hope to complete over the weekend...



Edit: Also with the preview I'll include full write-up of content and sequence draft/details.


The vid will no on the first page with the rest of the accumulated info right?

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Ok Love Bioware and love SWTOR ...


But sadly this responsiveness issue , is getting to me .

Now will sub for one more month , but by the time the issue is still not fixed .

And guessing the way the item exploit is handled ... It won´t be fixed .

Then I am done with this game , sorry having 2-3 people around and ability delay kicking in .

Or fighting champions solo and dying cause of ability delay .


Honestly this is riduclous , and fan boy or not , either fix everything to be like low levelzone..

So no ability delay or slight 0.25 ability delay .


Cause everytime I move up into the higher level area , It is getting ridiculous .

Now before you point computer that is a LIE .

It simply has to do with server client issues , especially other clients and server not able to handle the issues .

Other issue is also memory leaks that sets in after 3 hours causing graphic errors of a magnitude , like famous tatooine green beam zones ..


Sorry for a game 7 year in testing , this issue should have been spotted by simply letting somebody with 64k line play with you . (if those lines still excist :p)

WoW had those issues too , but simply put in the end all are put on acceptable level , too bad if you have a slower connection , do not make others who have a faster connection suffer from it .

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Again, I have never experienced any ability delay in TOR. The queueing system has worked perfectly when I have used it properly and my feedback to BioWare would be don't break what is working fine for many (perfectly for me).


Another one of these, really?


The multiple responses from Bioware, admitting that there's a problem with the combat mechanics, wasn't enough for you?



Edited by Arkimor
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Again, I have never experienced any ability delay in TOR. The queueing system has worked perfectly when I have used it properly and my feedback to BioWare would be don't break what is working fine for many (perfectly for me).

Yes you have experienced ability delay.

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I'll add my voice to this. As I got comfortable with playing a Sentinel the problem began to become noticeable and has crept into the forefront and settled it's big, ugly butt on Cauterize. I've piddled with the ability queue, changed my keybinds, and then, finally, just started clicking my abilities. Clicking has helped, though I suspect that is largely because it slows me down to a large degree.


Very, very frustrating, particularly on those story elites.

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I'll add my voice to this. As I got comfortable with playing a Sentinel the problem began to become noticeable and has crept into the forefront and settled it's big, ugly butt on Cauterize. I've piddled with the ability queue, changed my keybinds, and then, finally, just started clicking my abilities. Clicking has helped, though I suspect that is largely because it slows me down to a large degree.


Very, very frustrating, particularly on those story elites.


I've tried clicking for some of the more annoying skills for Sent too. Still not better in my experience.

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I've tried clicking for some of the more annoying skills for Sent too. Still not better in my experience.

I should have specified. When I say "better" that means it actually works a bit more then half the time. With my keybinding it was more like 1 in 3.

Edited by Seuria
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While the ability delay is annoying, my real concern is the "stutter" effect I often experience while playing melee characters in PvP. Nothing more annoying that hitting the same ability 3+ times. only to have it hang mid animation and never actually activate. This is probably going to be the main reason I do not renew my account. I have played WoW, DAoC, Rift and Aion, yet I have never experienced this kind of issue.
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I think they did it mainly to pacify people. I know I would've.


Cool, so let's pretend that Bioware never said anything at all:


So the videos, commentary, diagrams, and pictures all of which proved, beyond any shadow of doubt, that this is real, wasn't enough for you?

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Adding my vote to this. There seems to be several issues floating around from PVP Balance issues and desire for rated competition to annoying bugs and resolution controversy. All those things are important and should be addressed in due time but I feel like this issue is the most important right now as a PVPer. Playing as a JC Shadow the issue seems to happen most with Spinning Strike (Execute move).


- With Spinning Strike, I often find my character spinning her lightsaber for several seconds and finding the ability simply not landing.


- For a more specific example, I had a rather atrocious delay when Resiliencing (Cloak of Shadows) a CC to interrupt an Alderann Turrett cap with the AoE Knockback move (can't remember the name), the animation itself took couple seconds to even start.


- Trying to catch a fellow stealther, furiously tapping "target nearest" and Mez or whatever cheapshot is has been sketchy.


I can't tell you how often I've yelled at my computer monitor, "LAND! LAND!" referring to abilities. You can perhaps pick apart some of my examples as I am only a moderate PVPer and barely got to 2k in WoW's Arena a couple times, but I think most of you in this thread can agree something feels missing with the combat.


Generally, I am enjoying the game and hope to see it become a new niche in the MMO market that I can entertain myself in for quite sometime, addressing this issue would go a long way with that for me.

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This issue is the single-most important reason behind why I unsubscribed.


Now it isn't the only reason mind you. Shoddy gameworld, uninspired and bland planets, the lack of many basic MMO features, that all aggravates but this issue takes the cake. The game absolutely should not have been released with an unresponsive UI, especially because most of the MMOs that have failed since WoW shared this unresponsive UI. You'd think anybody in charge would have prioritized the workability of this feature given the history of MMOs... it says alot about who's got their hands in this game.

Edited by Taurusaud
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After playing games with seamless character responsiveness like WoW...I just can't take the PvP/PvE seriously. The OP hit it right on the mark. I do not have the slightest desire to go back to WoW but you must give credit where it is due. Their programming was impeccable. If SWTOR could replicate WoW's engine this game will be a tremendous success. At the moment, this game is still fun but it wouldnt take long for it to feel like a prettied up free-to-play MMO off the Internet. I'll give swtor about 3-4 months for them to make an overhaul.


Why do you think traditional games like chess and checkers are timeless? Absolutely great game design, people never get sick of it. It just gets reinvented into new mediums like video games and what not.

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This is a very great danger, in this current system it is impossible to have challenging and meaningful as well as super tightly tuned PvE Raid Content. The encounter naturally has to be more forgiving to imperfect and sub-optimal play currently, even at the highest level. So, the less perfect the character responsiveness is through perfect UI Sync, Animation/Sound Sync with ability effect to player input, the higher the potential for over or under tuning gets....


PvP is currently completely unplayable at competitive levels, I am not even anything near professional but I am fast enough and fully keybound (fully... Every ability including 1h buff and mounting etc) to notice it. I can only imagine the very competitive PvP scene or professional level players find this PvP unplayable.


This is the core of the problem. Its also difficult to get out of the "fire" do to a delay in the time i can actually see a pve boss's damaging ability being put down. my solution. turn graphics to absolute min and dont stop running unless you have to use a spell with a cast time. use mostly instant casts. sigh

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Happened to me tonight again during My questing.


Was slicing some Vrblthers and then suddenly when im trying to start using "Ravage" on my maruader He draws his arms back but returns to normal, I spam the button to activate Ravage again and he repeats the movement 5 times.


NO DMG is done, Castbar didnt activate at all.

During this my companion was doing a crewmission so I had no help what so ever on the mobs and I got so fed up I had to log out and take a cold shower to cool down.


Its annoyingly enough when it affects PvP but even in PvE environments its a pain in the @#s


This happened to me almost exactly on my Sith Warrior alt. I thought it was my ISP but after reading this thread, I can see it wasnt. I was at the the point of even looking for a new ISP.

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