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Everything posted by bumstah

  1. Mine would have to be Gunslingers. Most of the gunslingers I see are pretty terrible but once in a blue moon I meet a gunslinger that uses cover very well. I throw a guard on them and I just love watching them blow sh*t up. Their abilities are not interruptible and it's very easy to peel for them if a operative or marauder is on them. I also like them because they just stay in one place and rarely leave the range for Guard. One gunslinger and I defended one side of Voidstar for almost the whole round by ourselves. There were three or four siths just pounding on the gunslinger but he refused to go down. With a little bit of CC and pressure from myself, the gunslinger just kept nuking away. Good times. How about you guys?
  2. Here's another cookie for you. Too bad your e-peen is bigger than your peen irl, if you even have one.
  3. 6-7 pages and finally a cognitive response. I've given up on this is discussion since apparently 95% of the forums are nothing but trolls and 13 year olds flexing their e-peens about how pro they are in warzones. Good for you. Here's a cookie. And grab some popcorn while you're at it because you have no life and find enjoyment in bashing others' opinions.
  4. I think this is a good post to use to clarify: I did NOT say stealthing in general is an exploit. I said stealthing by the goal line and waiting for the ball to be passed is the exploit. And must I repeat myself? They throw it from the PIT. If they at least manage to cross the catwalk then theres no argument, theyve certainly earned it. But these people just dash through the pit and toss it up to a stealther. A sorc can dash to the end of the pit in seconds and with a guard up and scattered healers it's difficult to take them down in that short time frame. The fires play a crucial role in balancing the flow of the game. It is completely fair if a player decides to wait by the goal line to receive a pass. But a stealther can merely sit there and camp until a ball carrier is nearby. The stealther does not need to pass through the fires exposed and can remain hidden until they have the ball. Once they recieve a pass, they have full health, at least one stun, one cc break ability available, barely a few FEET from the goal line and the advantage of the confusion around them. How is this fair? This is clearly not intended and an exploit. Why is that so hard to understand? These days if readers cannot agree upon or comprehend a topic they must automatically assume the writer is a troll or a baddie instead of providing a valid argument. Fix it so that stealth is not usable on the goal line, period. TL DR for the reading impaired. A stealther by the goal line can: 1. Sneak by the fires and wait near the goal line. 2. Receive the ball with full health. 3. Has at least 1 stun available and 1 cc break ability available. 4. Advantage of the confusion. 5. Few feet from the goal line.
  5. Keep continuing with your silly remarks. I just want to note, you're being awfully active about this topic. I wouldn't be surprised if you're one of the players doing this. Most people here are saying "QQ move on" but you're persistently trying to derail this discussion. Stop it for your own good, you're just proving my point further.
  6. I think you need to l2read. I specifically said they break stealth to catch the ball, score and restealth.
  7. Yesterday I joined a huttball only to be rolled and lose miserably in a cold game of 0-6. What happened was there were always at least two stealthers in our goal line camping. The enemy ball carriers will purposely jump down to the pit right below the goal line and toss the ball up to a stealther before any of us could react. The stealther will break stealth and score, then pop a ability only to vanish again. Half the team is trying to go for the ball while the other half is desperately trying to find the campers to no avail. It was probably the worst pvp I've experienced. the game was over in less than five minutes. Before anyone says "why don't you kill the ball carrier before they go near the goal line?" Must I remind you that falling to the pit is a much faster way to go closer to the goal line, there's no fire or walkways to navigate through. A sorc would carry the ball and use his dash ability to reach near the goal line from the bottom pit and toss it up to a stealther. I have been in four huttballs now with this exploit and being repub its already hard enough to win on my server. If a visible enemy is standing near our goal line and they toss it that's completely fair, but a stealther is just insanity. They just wait near the goal until a ball carrier comes out and unstealths to score the ball. Please fix bioware, it is by far the worst exploit ever. EDIT: TL DR (because some are reading impaired) -A stealther camps by the goal line to receive the ball -Ball carrier goes through the pit, ignoring fires and throws to stealther -Once they receive the ball, they have full health, at least 1 stun and a cc break ability. - Advantage of the confusion around them. -They're only a few feet from the goal line.
  8. Jorgan hits maybe a little harder than Dorne and has no heals. What is the point of using him? I remember he was decent but after I used Dorne he's useless. I would like to use Jorgan. Why is his dps so low?
  9. That's if this game doesn't bite the dust in a few years. But I understand your optimism. There's a certain appeal to swtor that's retaining me. However, the poor optimization, low fps, exploiters and hackers are inexcusable. I dot care about bugs or the lack of content; those come in time. But a game should never be released if its impossible to play in some instances (like warzones and Ilum). If it wasn't for these the game would be so much more enjoyable.
  10. I'd like to introduce you to a MMO called Life. It's been out for a while and it's pretty good, you should try it. In all seriousness, not everyone has 10+ hours to play the game like you do. I'm in a 30-40 man guild and there's still no one at level 50 yet.
  11. This about sums up the ignorance of the naysayers. Aren't flashpoints content too? Get it through your thick heads some servers are so pathetic they only have 50 people max at the fleet during prime playing hours. And I play on a HEAVY server. I can't imagine how long the wait is for players on MEDIUM or LOW. I'm sorry but some people prefer to not spam in chat for hours to form a group. If you're against the LFD tool, just don't ****** use it.
  12. One of the reasons why I'm unsubbing Tragedy, really. I can't seem to juggle SWTOR and real life duties/stuff. I'm not saying I'm busier than anyone else, my heavens for those that are married and find time to enjoy the game, kudos to you! Back in college I had alot of spare time so I was able to enjoy WoW. It got boring after three years so I stopped playing and I soon graduated college. Just got my first job and figured I'd try a new MMO but I'm having a hard time finding the balance. Plus it doesn't help that I get only about 5 hours of sleep due to this game Maybe down the road when I have a better grip of my schedule I'll return. Despite the bugs and flaws of the game, I see this game steadily improving for the next couple of months.
  13. I experience no significant improvement in WZ or in FPs. Maybe it made a difference for melee classes but my Trooper feels clunky as usual. Also, it feels like the patch made WZs more unstable, I crashed several times during Voidstar and experienced some major lag.
  14. Yes it boggles my mind there is no report/kick player vote. It is very frustrating, especially if we're playing huttball and we're already out numbered.
  15. Yes this happened to me last night when we were actually WINNING Voidstar. The reps on my server never wins Voidstar. Since the patch the game has felt clunkier and the ability delays doesn't feel improved at all. I'm still trying to fire buttons to no avail. Also the Fleet is still laggy as ever. I know it's only part 1 of the 3 patches that aims to optimize the game but wow, I got my hopes up and I'm fairly disappointed.
  16. Protip: just because you're bad in PvP don't make a fool of others that want arena. You can always chose not to arena and stick to Ilum. Like your sig says, adapt or die. Have a nice day, troll.
  17. I'm guessing all the anti-arena petitioners were 1500 rated baddies in WoW. Either that or they just suck at high competitive PvP.
  18. If they fix ability delay and the optimization. PvPing in 10fps is not fun.
  19. Yes the Jedi gear looks very lame this is why I rolled trooper. Reps always get the low end stupid looking stuff. OP just be glad you don't have the "big booty" glitch on some Jedi. Whenever I see this I can't help but laugh, how can something so stupid go live?
  20. There's no way to take PvP seriously at its current state. Sometimes the ability delay is so bad I have to spam a cast like Harpoon 5-6 times for it to cast. Of course by then, it's too late for it to have any real effect.
  21. My server has about 50-70 at peak in the fleet, standard is 30-40. The highest level in my guild is 40. It's weird because it was one of the many HEAVY servers on launch too. Now it's STANDARD borderline LIGHT Pvp queues are surprisingly fast but that's because I'm rep and all the lowbies love to pvp
  22. When I was a teenager I was simply appalled by Star Wars: Episode I. Yes, it's regarded as the worst SW movie, but at the time it was the coolest thing ever. It made me watch the earlier movies and being older now, I'd say Empire Strikes Back is my fav. I also played many video games such as Ultima Online and Diablo II, and it was only natural for me to envisions the perfect SW game. Eversince I was a kid I wished for a SW MMO. Now, after playing SWTOR, it has truly been a bittersweet experience. For others that love, or even just casually appreciated the SW universe, does this game do justice for you? I don't mean game mechanics, PvP, or whatnot, but strictly the game content and presentation. Personally, the game seems to lack character. Although Bioware has done a decent job fleshing this game out, they didn't take it and run with it either. It almost feels like the game requires you to have some initial exposure to the SW universe for the game to have an effect on you. Even then, it's not very appealing. Too many things feel static, nondescript. I don't mean to nitpick but even the simplest thing like the loading screen could've been spiced up. Instead of staring at the jedi's crotch for 10 minutes while I'm loading in Tatooine, why not have some dancing jawas or something? Dancing jawas would be so freaking awesome! Even the mounts are SO nondescript. Speeder bikes are cool and all, but any SW fan should have the slightest desire to ride a bantha or hell even a drakghoul. The game can use some character, instead all we get are hover bikes and the starting mounts at level 25 looks like a hovering lawn mower. It's so lame. The planets, although aesthetically beautiful, doesn't have much of a wow factor. It's been screamed many times in the forums but the lack of a weather/day-night system makes the game seem very lifeless. The spaceship and space missions feel so drained. I don't even feel like I'm flying when I'm going to different planets, I just feel like I'm teleporting pretty much. It's probably too late to implement this but it would've been so much cooler if we can navigate in space and actually explore instead of having pre-determined routes like a GPA device. Lastly, the presentation of the game feels so stock. My character always seems so heroic, I feel like I am playing the hero character in a cheesy action film. It definitely has its moments, but I can't help but feel the devs just played everything safe. Please Bioware, add some soul to this game! It feels like a free to play MMO with the SW franchise slapped on it. TL;DR = game lacks character
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