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Operative PvP video 10k crits. WOW


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the highest ive crit with my level 50 shadow is 3.3k thats with trinket also hes got 6 peace champion set also hes weak as hell compaiered to that 9k wth


There is no 6 'peace' champion unless you mean you have 6 pieces of champion pvp gear, which woopie, you're still not in full epics or are a terrible spec if you're doing ****** with a shadow. Find a good shadow and emulate them, they're by no means weak.

Edited by LordKivlov
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the highest ive crit with my level 50 shadow is 3.3k thats with trinket also hes got 6 peace champion set also hes weak as hell compaiered to that 9k wth


Look at my post history, I linked a 9.8k attack from an assassin (mirror class) today.


Just because YOU can't, doesn't mean it cant be done.

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Stealth classes have always been amongst the best at making selective heavily edited highlight reels. The damage isn't sustainable at all, which is why it is heavily edited. In team play against equally geared people a lot of what is being shown can easily be countered. A geared sorc+guard tank is easily a much bigger factor in any warzone than a geared operative/scoundrel with a healer.


Here you go unedited scoundrel video:


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Look at my post history, I linked a 9.8k attack from an assassin (mirror class) today.


Just because YOU can't, doesn't mean it cant be done.


I tried to look at your posts, but I think that's broken on the forums. Lol. Just tells me I can't access that, not even for my own posts.

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I tried to look at your posts, but I think that's broken on the forums. Lol. Just tells me I can't access that, not even for my own posts.


front page of a scoundrel/op 1080p video, first post actually. it'll be about page 3-5 of these boards



edit: here you go: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=141362

Edited by flooble
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As a Jedi Sentinel, last night I got a new record for damage. With:


Fully buffed

A stim

Power relic active

15% expertise item active

Expertise warzone buff

Inspiration active (+15% damage)

100% armor penetration buff from Precision Slash


My auto-crit 75% surge +30% crit damage from talent Blade Storm hit someone for 4.5k.


That's an amazing number, right? Wait, some classes are hitting for 10k? FROM STEALTH?


Here's a screenshot of it critting for 6.7k max AOE on 5 players. You must have been doing something wrong. Also, he's a guardian. Sentinel crits for more, yes/no? I don't know much about your class just like you don't know much about mine but I'd assume the dps crits for more than the tank.



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Where are these highly ethical forum Mods? These ridiculous troll threads should be locked until the 50s only WZ patch. Watching Battlemasters 3 shot level 37s in quest greens with 40% Expertise and Bioweapons rolling is the ultimate troll bait.
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Here we go again... The high crits were against the following levels:


Level 28, 24, 40, 39, 28, and level 26 was the one who got crit for 9k and 6k.


You guys are completely oblivious to the facts. Those crits don't happen against geared level 50's, period.

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I actually really enjoyed this video, it was well produced! The effects were well synced to his music and there was actually a semblance of a plot to the video, eg: how rolling an op can make a good player a god-mode player and popular too!


That is what i hate about the gaming community. People need to stop judging someone based off their avatars, its really pathetic. Keyboard warriors arent anything special. You have to do little more then siting on *** to impress me.

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You forget to add in the dot attached to the first ability that's ticking from 4-6k internal damage over 6 seconds off of a hit that large. So more or less 15k from the first ability followed by the 6.5k hit.


What made you change your opinion? In beta when I watched your stream, you said ops and shadows were pretty balanced, one being stealth burst and the other out of stealth damage. You also specifically said you could burst for similar when you built up to it.


You seem to feel the opposite now? I think op burst is pretty great but I also think shadows have some really nice kill burst and do better without restealthing. 1v1 getting someone to 30% is great, but in group pvp, getting someone from 70% to 0 seems better. Not saying shadows are better, just that they are pretty strong too and less hampered when stuck in combat.

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Means nothing until we see vids of ALL 50 warzones with ALL the same gear.


I'll tell you my prediction:


Pyrotech vids doing more damage and living twice as long as any agent could hope for.




I can deal with a few pyrotechs. If they prevail, atleast I don't grow wings without some retaliation.

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Nerf biochem. After that evaluate whether any classes need nerfs. Biochem is handsdown the only useful profession for any dedicated PvP'er, and not only that but it's just blatantly OP.


Why is biochem op? You all can use the blues which have same stas as purples. The only difference is mine are unlimited where you pay for yours.

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Can't wait til people start posting their marauders DPS. Anyone in a set of battlemaster can hit that hard, not just operatives, and notice that his only good crits are from stealth... Hidden strike anyone? The rest of his crits are easily attained by any class opener or not.


Maybe i should start posting my assassin vids.

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Eh. I'm in battlemaster gear, and i can tell you that NO other class can hit that hard in pvp. I play a battlemaster geared 21.4k health, 520 expertise, 52% mitigation, 40% shield, 40% absorb vanguard tank and Operative rips through me like nothing else in the game.


I can survive against 2-3 level 50s for at least a minute with my cooldowns. Operative can cut through my health in a fraction of the time.


Don't get me wrong. Operative doesn't kill me in a stun, but comparing when I get jumped by all other classes, operative burst damage and control is 300%+ greater than the next dps class, and i'm not exagerating.

Edited by xBuzz
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Gunslinger doing something similar:




and if you check at end he only had 5% expertise so probably not even close to as geared as this operative. Fact is you could make similar video for all the classes and all it proves is all this buff stacking needs to get fixed. Fix that then we'll see how it plays out in 50s warzones where people aren't preying on mostly greys.

Edited by Dariuszs
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Gunslinger doing something similar:



and if you check at end he only had 5% expertise so probably not even close to as geared as this operative. Fact is you could make similar video for all the classes and all it proves is all this buff stacking needs to get fixed. Fix that then we'll see how it plays out in 50s warzones where people aren't preying on mostly greys.


gunslinger and operative videos .what a coincidence that the 2 superdmg video are both similar classes.

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so i came across this on youtube this morning... operative destroying highly geared opponents, critting for nearly 10,000, topping wz dmg by over double 2nd place.. ridiculous.


pretty good editing too.



9928 is good... But here is a 10298. Anyone top that?


Unfortunately I didn't ss my higher one :(



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