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Everything posted by Kylegore

  1. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101RMoZfhMRrRsRrcczZb.3 u can take the points in force choak or the 15% armor bonus if u want but its up to u i prefure the armor all about ravage and destroyer procs
  2. well if a dot cleave is good in the rated warzones maby leth op will be a requirement or something. Also when i play leth i feel like im one of the only ones around everyone is a sorc or bh
  3. i have full cent and 3 champ peices im very impressed with the numbers cant wait to see how high it will go in full warhero gear
  4. Well that game i was looking at my damgie half way threw and i was like wow im doing tons of damige im guna go for my max damige record. So that game i really didnt care if i win or lose just wanted to get my highest damige ever. i can really put alot of pressure on there whole team with dots and still have alot of burst kinda like a afflction warlock or something.
  5. In voidstar. i use this spec http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401rcZhZhrbkrrhdhR.1 its all about doting everyone up and orbital strike and thermal gernade and once in a while cull someone. my highest as conceal was 370k i really like the numbers im seeing with leth
  6. what about this build any good? http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401rcZhZhrbkrrhdhR.1
  7. does alacrity speed up dot tick times?
  8. everytime me or someone engages someone it just shows up soon as they do damige so its a 30% nerf all the time? in pvp?
  9. one more question does alacrity speed up ur heal over time effects?
  10. So i got 24 champ marks and cant decide what relics to choose alacrity power or crit and surge. i like the idea of haveing alacrity for when i need to do underworld medican for a fast upperhand and i like the idea of haveing power for a few biger heals. should i be taking crit surge instead?
  11. im a shadow tank i just lol resilence for 5 sec they cant hit me with 1 tec atack then force lol cloak and run away
  12. Its about the talant misdirection. i was wondering if this talant makes u run 15% faster out of stealth. Also if so does it stack with sprint. And 1 more does it work while carrying the huttball?
  13. warzones have been prity fun lately if they just fix some bugs it will be smooth for all. illum is not so bad i got my weekly done as republic. just take a while longer anything they add pvp i hope they add it as single que and group que for all. i would love to see a death match warzone or some kill all match type of thing. objectives take away from all the death and dieing u see in some pvp games.
  14. i think the new force slow is really good idk why u dont like it
  15. clearly it says on my talants that slow time has a 100% chance to proc harnessed shadows. never once has it proced harnessed shadows
  16. Clearly on my talants it says slow time has a 100% chance to proc harnessed shadows ive i must have used it 50 times and never once has it proced idk Is this a bug?
  17. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#701McbZMIRRdkrbfzZh.1
  18. alacrity rateing is great for balance makes dots tick superfast heals u more often. i got the 4 peace forcemaster set the set bonus give u more then the stalker set imo Makes mind crush heal u .5% of ur hp every tick and 5 more yards to project guna help more then the stalker set also. im just wondering whats the cap on alacrity. i wonder if i should just stack as much alacrity as possible or get some more hit. also ive seen dubble strike crit 1400/1400 in 1 push of the button imo better then sage tele throw as balance.
  19. Kylegore

    Shadow balance

    nvm i take that back just pulled 330k damiged in a warzone balance is gg
  20. Kylegore

    Shadow balance

    after the rated warzones come out do u think balance/madness people will show up for thos games and if so will they just be nubs and loled at or will they be up there and wanted in rated warzones.
  21. Kylegore

    Shadow balance

    well let me say ive done about 270k damige a few times in warzones as balance force tec. 3.3k was my highest force in balance crit. i crit 3k often with it. i can triple dot someone then force cloak then wait for a few ticks then spinning kick them keep them in combat and dubble strike crits for 1.3k each crit dots heals me a lil. i like it alot but seeing ill never see 9k crit or higher. kinda sad. watching people get over 500k damige in a warzone stuff like that idk if balance can ever get that high.
  22. Kylegore

    Shadow balance

    im so sad i may go reroll opritive like everyone else. going ouit of the box is balanced in this game going main stream is over powerd
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