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I think patch 1.1 is going to force me out :(


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Admittedly I got the game for the story as well, so I've watched every cut-scene and done every quest (not always very efficiently). As this is my first MMORPG, maybe it's just me but I'll go back to planets where I'll get no xp just to help guildmates and spend time socializing in cantinas. Due to all this, despite AVERAGING 6 hours a day every day since Dec 14, I'm only lvl 47. It may be that it's my first "toon" ever, but I've found the leveling process to be extremely satisfying but slow in this game. I should be lvl 50 by the 20th, and several other people in my guild should be too. Don't quit because the number of lvl 50s is small, realize it grows larger by the day :), and maybe re-roll another class while you wait watching the cut-scenes and story that Bioware spent so much money creating (if you didn't the first time). ;)


Joan Hohenzollern- Vanguard Trooper lvl 47 "The Red Eclipse"

Fredrick Hohenzollern- Jedi Sentinel lvl 11 "The Red Eclipse"

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"it's not a problem"


"he should fix it by rerolling on a new server"




He only wants to pvp but chose a low pop pve server to play on. Given his choices contribute to the problem, rerolling is entirely reasonable. That is of course unless the op is lying about only wanting to pvp.

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It may be that it's my first "toon" ever, but I've found the leveling process to be extremely satisfying but slow in this game.
Just FYI leveling in SWTOR is extremely fast compared to just about any other mainstream MMO.


@the OP there are more 50s every day... either hang out and exploit the advantages of being one of the first 50s or take a one month vacation while the server catches up.

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Just FYI leveling in SWTOR is extremely fast compared to just about any other mainstream MMO.


@the OP there are more 50s every day... either hang out and exploit the advantages of being one of the first 50s or take a one month vacation while the server catches up.


Serious question, not meant negatively at all, did you watch cut-scenes, listen to voice-over, etc.? Admittedly I've been very lackadaisical about leveling really only half-heartedly wanting to get all the way to the end of the story (quests), but other games are much slower to level?


I'll definitely level my 3 other republic characters faster, but my first imp character (IA) will probably go slowly as well.

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Congrats on the 50. :)


Your server isn't 'dead' by any means, but it's a lower population server than some others. The good news is, the population is growing daily as more people buy the game and get online (we can see the growth). However, you're right in that the number of level 50 players is going to be small and won't increase dramatically in a short period of time.


Cross-server queuing for PvP is something that the development team wants to happen, but it's not going to be available in the near future. In the interim, you might want to try re-rolling a new character, either on your own server or another server (perhaps a PvP server?). On your own server, you'll be able to PvP all the way from L10 to L49 without any issue, and by the time you get close to the cap you can see how the L50 Warzone 'scene' is. On another server - especially a PvP server - you may find a more PvP-centric community.


Why don't you guys just give people the option to disable PVP XP.

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You don't have to play exclusively for warzones in order to end up playing a lot of warzones at 50. Most of the other things available for 50s to do on demand are tedious and far less efficient at producing quality gear than warzones.


10 commendations per day, when upgrades cost 100+ commendations? It'd take something like 24 hours of playing time, spread over 10-12 real life days to get one piece - and that piece isn't a massive upgrade, just typical next tier gear.


On the other hand, 3 successful warzones a day for 4 real life days is likely to result in at least two similar upgrades for PvE. And yes, that gear also has Expertise on it, improving PvP as well.


A 50 can craft - except that the companion system doesn't require much player time spent crafting. Even a casual crafter probably hit 400 skill before making it to level 50. They can grind reverse engineering - but the companion system means the only time spent is clicking 15-20 times every 30-60 minutes.


The PvP daily/weekly on Ilum is quite efficient when available, but it requires the other faction to have come in and taken objectives of their own before you can capture them back. If the other faction just doesn't bother, it's possible to spend hours unable to progress the quest as your faction controls all the objectives. This is being adjusted in 1.1, so hopefully will be better.


The hard mode flashpoint difficulty is set assuming at least some 50+ gear ... and by far the best way to get that gear is warzones. They are also multiple hour commits, which is good for the weekend - not so great other times.


I'll put it to you this way. I have never PvP'd in an MMO - ever - before hitting 50 on SWTOR. Now it's about 75% of my time. It's not because I want to faceroll people, it's because I've upgraded 5 gear slots to post-50 purples in 4 days.



Well, I can only reply with this - I've played once already with the gear grind in mind and I say to myself now - never again.


I'm now playing for the fun of playing and not because I need certain amount of badges/tokes/commendations for my next epic piece of gear (that will be made useless in the next big update anyway).


If I get some commendations while playing my way - great - but I'm not gonna make it a second work :)


But I do understand where you are coming from (as I was on the same mindset once) with this.

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Cross-server queuing for PvP is something that the development team wants to happen, but it's not going to be available in the near future. In the interim, you might want to try re-rolling a new character, either on your own server or another server (perhaps a PvP server?). On your own server, you'll be able to PvP all the way from L10 to L49 without any issue, and by the time you get close to the cap you can see how the L50 Warzone 'scene' is. On another server - especially a PvP server - you may find a more PvP-centric community.


As someone who is happy with his community on the server Veela, I do not feel that cross server queues will improve my enjoyment of the game.


While I recognize and feel sympathetic to those individuals with difficulty, I would rather fight against players on my own server then ones on another one.


To that end, for low population servers I hope that you can offer this.


But to those of us with a strong community already, I'd like to see that we're allowed to build rivalries within our own servers that way we can create long lasting rivalry and by virtue of that a stronger relationship for Empire vs Republic.


It's bad enough dealing with inexperienced players from my own server without bringing in ones from other places who I can't communicate with to help them :)

Edited by Edgedy
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In the interim, you might want to try re-rolling


This is the same answer as Bioware gave one month ago, when people said in testing that there is not much to do at end-game : re-roll.


It is a terrible, terrible, terrible advice, business wise... Basically you say : ''we know you played this charcater for 200+ hours but we don't care at all, we are not going to do anything for you''.



And by the way... the fact that people at 50 are angry, is caused partially by Bioware's own decision not to have a server-wide channel. If I am on Ilum looking for a group for the HEROIC +2 or +4, there are maybe 3-4 other level 50s... So... I have to go to Corellia and ask there too... then, hop, to Belsavis and ask there too. Then hop to the fleet and ask there too...


It was this decision that makes the game so lonely at 50 : Bioware decided to spread the level 50 content on 4 planets... but decided not to give a communication channel between the 4 planets.


What exactly is your argument AGAINST a server channel ? I would certainly love to hear it...


If ''reroll'' is the best advice you can come up with to a discontent customer, it probably means you are not working on a solution for his problems.



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So either reroll, and shut up or just shut up.


Thank you for making Bioware's stand on this so clear... cause that's their answer : ''no, we won't help you, no we won't add features to find content, just shut up''.


Nice attitude! You think that will get this game far?

Edited by Yogol
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So either reroll, and shut up or just shut up.


Thank you for making Bioware's stand on this so clear... cause that's their answer : ''no, we won't help you, no we won't add features to find content, just shut up''.


Nice attitude! You think that will get this game far?



You think cross realm pvp will? FFS

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And by the way... the fact that people at 50 are angry, is caused partially by Bioware's own decision not to have a server-wide channel. If I am on Ilum looking for a group for the HEROIC +2 or +4, there are maybe 3-4 other level 50s... So... I have to go to Corellia and ask there too... then, hop, to Belsavis and ask there too. Then hop to the fleet and ask there too...


It was this decision that makes the game so lonely at 50 : Bioware decided to spread the level 50 content on 4 planets... but decided not to give a communication channel between the 4 planets.


What exactly is your argument AGAINST a server channel ? I would certainly love to hear it...


Out of curiosity, if everyone wants a server-wide channel that badly, couldn't you all just join a pre-determined custom channel? Name it something like Server General or something easy to remember/promote, and try getting everyone to join it. Not the best solution of course, but it is something fixable without waiting for BW to get involved.

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But all I really do is pvp. Sadly, I'm on a dead server (Nathema). Patch 1.1 is going to have all level 50's in their own pvp queue.


Sadly, I'm on a very populated server and would have quit if a level 50 bracket wasn't put in and won't resub until it is. It should have been in from the start. I won't pvp in warzones until it's in and that leaves me feeling like I'm being denied from playing an important part of the game for me.



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I like the game for the most part. I see its potential and also wish certain things were implemented at launch instead of some point down the road.


But all I really do is pvp. Sadly, I'm on a dead server (Nathema). Patch 1.1 is going to have all level 50's in their own pvp queue. There's only a couple level 50's on the server that actually pvp. That means without a cross-server pvp queue I and other level 50's will NOT be able to pvp anymore.




Seriously guys, I'm totally bummed out over this.


It's bad enough that I cannot do any of the Ilum war dailies because the Republic never goes there to cap the bases back. Now I won't even be able to pvp in warzones...




Bioware: Due to player feedback, we will be adding a level 50 bracket to warzones in the next patch.




I really feel for Bioware these days.

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After weeks of moaning and complaints about 50s in PVP warzones, we get seperate warzones for 50s and what is the response...




lololol.... :rolleyes:




Bioware: Due to player feedback, we will be adding a level 50 bracket to warzones in the next patch.




I really feel for Bioware these days.


You can laugh, mock, and roll your eyes at it all you want... but both sides have valid points and issues.


Not being able to do warzones because there aren't enough 50s on your server kills an entire portion of the end-game for that person. Just as going up against 50s every warzone and not being able to contribute kills a part of the game for lowbies.. To just go to one extreme or the other is going to leave one side unhappy, some middle ground needs to be reached.


Either joining the lower bracket's WZ's disabling expertise/gear advantages (the real culprit here), or having some sort of level/gear/queue time matching system so that the geared 50 has a chance at getting into a warzone even if there aren't enough 50's to start one.

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I would agree with the comment made that picking a PvE server and complaining about the PvP is a bit of a moot point. You should have known at this point that more PvP, especially open world PvP, takes place on a...wait for it...PvP server!!


While your unhappy that they are creating brackets designed for level 50 players, there is a louder voice out there that is drowning you out crying for a level 50 bracket for an increased challenge in PvP.


I can almost guarantee you that even if they do implement the bracket in Patch 1.1, you will still have a shorter waiting time than most que's in WoW. Grab a drink, take a p*ss break, enjoy a website, do something than just stare at the screen during the wait time. Everything will be ok.

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