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Jedi Knights PvP gear is unacceptably pathetic. Be united against it!


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i dont even think GEORGE LUCAS himself knows of this horrible design.... it clashes with the long standing image of robbed JK.


.... *** is with that backpack.?!!! who approved of this.?!!


and the stats on Battlemaster ---- i want a POWER set flavor > CRIT please.!!

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i dont even think GEORGE LUCAS himself knows of this horrible design.... it clashes with the long standing image of robbed JK.


.... *** is with that backpack.?!!! who approved of this.?!!


and the stats on Battlemaster ---- i want a POWER set flavor > CRIT please.!!


he probably doesn't even care tbh. he seems to not even realize why people like Star Wars. in behind the scenes he even calls Lightsabers 'laser swords'.....and the guy is clueless and blames us the fans for how bad the prequels are so...


He can't hear our complaining over the piles of money we give him.

Edited by JeedaiFiresaber
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I kinda feel sorry for the artists who did the thing.


The detail is certainly of a high standard and obviously a lot of work and love went into those models, its just that the overall "feel/look" epically let the very concept design down.

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I kinda feel sorry for the artists who did the thing.


The detail is certainly of a high standard and obviously a lot of work and love went into those models, its just that the overall "feel/look" epically let the very concept design down.


I agree. I mean, if you're going to go Samurai, do it freaking right.




Who... WOULDN'T... find that amazing?

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I would rather be under geared then wear this garbage looking trooper armor. Oh and the pvp lightsaber hilts IMO looks boring as well. It would be awesome if the devs made it so we could get PVP MODS. This way we could customize our oranges to compete with these pvp sets.

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First of all, that armor looks so *********** terrible I would've assumed this thread was a troll except for the fact that it has so many replies that confirm it's not. Honestly I'd rather quit this game and save $10-15 a month then use that armor. Not kidding.


Second of all, does anyone else feel the JK armor (especially for the Guardian) is a bit ridiculous in terms of either simplicity or flashiness? I mean most HEAVY ARMOR is just a plain robe until you get to like lv 30ish it finally starts to look a bit like armor, but then it just looks like a *********** costume and not battle-worthy armor. I honestly don't mind just simple robes, but why isn't there armor like what the JK models are wearing in Character Creation? just a plain robe with trooperish looking armor underneath (basically what Obe-wan wears in The Clone Wars).


Thirdly......... *********** Capes? Seriously.... just... This hurts to say(er type) but... **** you Bioware.. **** you straight in your EA infested ******es.


You're welcome.


There is a copy of that exact armor ingame... have u gotten past lvl 30 on a guardian? because there is tons of armored robes.

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I agree.


However, when you play the consular storyline, you see a very similar set early on:

On the apprentices of Rajivari when you speak to them via holorecordings.




And the funny thing is: it actually looked pretty good on them, but the difference was that it was coloured differently than the insanely bland urine colour of the PvP set.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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I can imagine people want a different set but it is not going to happen. They can't just bam come up with new armor, it takes way more time to come up with a concept and get an artist to do the art then have the skin guy make the skin and the model guy make the models needed for it.


You may not like it, but the armor may have met the mark for what they had intended. Changes like this cant just happen.


if they take time out of the game to do this then they will be losing time design time for new gear.


Especially for a set that was not made poorly by any means i mean the textures are nice, but some people just dont like it


i however would love to see the sketches for this and the design process for coming up with this armor and see where it came from. I think the set may not appeal to people but that doesnt mean that it was not made right.


i am a fanboy of bioware but im also a fan boy of being realistic.


If they had phoned in this armor and just cloned a robe and used it that woulde be grounds for a redesign, but the fact that effort was obviously put into making it weather you believe that the set appeals to you.


I dont think this thread is pointelss because it lets the artists know what player base wants from their armor but lets be a little more serious about talking about it.


if you were on the jedi knight quest

There is a knight you come across who has this armor on and i don't think it looks bad at all, to be honest I actually like it alot, but then again he isnt wearing the helmet. So think about what you thought about the set when you saw that.



not every set is going to appeal but it does not mean a redesign is called for. most of the time its either hit or miss with some poeple

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Agreed, it's horrible.


But hey, so is the:


- Smuggler/Gunslinger PvP set (that superman cape looks horrible and out of context, and the mask is just ewww, a simple hat would have been great - I imagined the endgame armor to look somewhere along the lines of the Gunslinger in the Return trailer)


- Juggernaut PvE set (I'm playing a force user, not Robocop, nuff said)


- Imperial Agent PvP set (it's decent-ish, but that helm....makes my eyes bleed; same applies to the BH PvP helms)


- Sith Inq PvP set (has so many feathers it makes a chicken seem naked in comparison, but I guess it's not THAT horrible)



The only PvP armor sets which seem to look ok to me are the Consular sets, the Trooper sets and the Marauder set);


Overall, the lvl 30-45 armors look a LOT better for most classes. You know Bioware, the concept of less is more exists for a reason.


I feel the end-game armors, in general, with a few exceptions, are overdone, and take out any feeling of a Star Wars experience from the game. In which SW movie have you seen armors like that? Were your designers on crack when designing the final armors? I actually roled my latest char only, and I repeat, ONLY because of how the 50 pvp armor set looks like. When that becomes the main reason for picking a class, you have a serious design problem.


Please, either:


Allow skinning (so I can buy a lvl 13 green-grade simple robe for my jedi and not look like a samurai slash boyscout wannabe)




Redo the end-game armor designs;


Here's an idea:


There's that nice artwork loading screen that keeps popping up. You see Satele's armor? THAT's what my sentinel should look like. You see the armor of the guy (don't know the name) who gets killed by Malgus? THAT's what a guardian armor should look like. You designed that, why the hell don't you implement that into the game?


Oh, got carried away, sorry for the tl;dr.


Consider me /signed for this petition.

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